The Christian Killing Fields
Now we have a most interesting situation in Ukraine in what has been taken away from Vladamir Putin in being given by Birther Hussein Obama, is now under the control of the anti Chirst, in using a...
View ArticleMothering the Bastard of Thought
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......I have been moved to invest a great more space to the European drama in order to warn not only Americans, but the world of the realities of...
View ArticleMy Fair Laurie
TL and I were watching My Fair Lady, or at least I think that was the title of it with Audrey Hepburn, and in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, it was strange in both TL and I both came...
View ArticleBalkanfornia
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........This requires addressing in the plan to split California into 6 states comprising of:1. Simi Valley2. Hollywood3. Jefferson4. Central...
View ArticlePittsnig Steelers
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......This blog celebrates the obsessive psychosis of Dan Rooney, Obama voter Ambassador, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who was rewarded by...
View ArticleThe Birther Obama Chin First Wife
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........With the Globe or something in the tabloid section of the checkout showing that Birther Hussein Obama Chin had a gold band on his finger...
View Article"Voila l'équipage de bandits."
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter..........Little is ever afforded in the reality of the vanquished in warfare as to their perpetual prowess as was the case of the Imperial...
View Articlekeeping these 50 united states
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........With the Balkanfornication plan of dividing California, this blog once again in agreeing with it, puts for a better Union in a way to...
View ArticleNailed to the Wall
As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I have decided that there must be a simple and exact teaching for all Christians to learn, contemplate and review, as to why they are Christians in the...
View ArticleNegroid Crimes Against Humanity
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....I thoroughly enjoy the dichotomy of exposing the propaganda of the cartel left in their historians and historical accounts which turns their...
View ArticleJohn Kennedy official confirms the Lame Cherry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......It apparently is an interesting time in American history when Kennedy fossil Bill Moyers has turned on the mantel wearer and is confirming...
View Articleno laws against being a psychopath and no rewards for being brave
It is an amusement to me to read time and again historical data which proves one thing, and that is some white people in their psychosis had more problems with slavery than the majority of black people...
View ArticleJay Tontoheels
I am cold. I am exhausted. I am sick and I am in no mood as I got disappointed again, and, I got woke up because TL was checking Paypal and is upset as I got lectured at again. So let us delve into...
View ArticleEric Holder'un
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........In what would be a most interesting choice of timing, Attorney General Eric Holder as of midday Thursday, February 27th, was rushed to the...
View ArticleNot Christian
This is addressed to all to teach them how the name by which some profess in Christian was once a name derived by enemies who sought to exterminate those people who were redeemed by Christ.So many...
View ArticleObama Death Nail
As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......I start this with one question with two answers, which I will not trouble you with in pondering the answers as that is not important as this is...
View ArticleIn the Obama Blood
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........Lest any forget, the heritage of Barack Hussein Obama in Asian roots to African roots, in his luck monkey in his pants, to his Islamist...
View ArticleThe Asian Oracles
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........"God's handiwork is written in the stars and all may read it, but never forget it is God's work and any soothesayer is but an abomination...
View ArticleHillary Clinton's Disease
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......As the gossip of Russian Limbaugh is about the gossip of Hillary Clinton's health in a whispering campaign by Joe Biden and the Obama...
View ArticleVladamir Putin's Iron Shield for the World
In a game of wins and losses..........Obama has a bluff.Putin has the Ukraine........Th reality is the Russian Parliament is trying to recall their Ambassador to Washington before he experiences Obama...
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