As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
I thoroughly enjoy the dichotomy of exposing the propaganda of the cartel left in their historians and historical accounts which turns their flat world view on it's arse.
I came across a book which I found interesting by title as it was about the charge by a historian, Benson J. Lossing, that the Confederate Rebs in the Civil War used exploding and poison bullets in battles, and at Gettysburg.
The author was thoroughly upset and embarked upon an in depth study in speaking to Government officials and gaining actual memos concerning this issue which turned the entire issue on it's head, where President Jefferson Davis decried it as another Northern libel against Southerners and a note from Abraham Lincoln actually requested if these new bullets would be of benefit to the North.
Yes in the Civil War, it was the North which was embarking upon the use of weapons of mass destruction and not the South.
I will explain this as most will not comprehend what a bullet is. In the era of early firearms, there were no cartridges or shells, but only a bullet or shot, rammed or poured into a barrel on top of powder. The firearm was the actual "cartridge".
The Civil War began the transition from this era to the modern era of cartridges.
In the Civil War, they used not round balls, patched with cloth of form a seal in the barrel to project the ball faster, but instead employed the Mini ball, which was an advancement in firearms.
In rifles, there is rifling, or land and grooves in the barrel with a slight twist, meant to spin the bullet as spinning things brings stability in the friction of the air. The Mini ball was a thimble looking bullet, which had a thin skirt which would upon firing, expand out and seat itself into the rifling for accuracy in spinning and for sealing in the gases to promote speed of the bullet.
The infantry for the most part used a 58 caliber or dimension of the barrel size ball and the cavalry used a 54 size ball in most cases.
Some bright Americans though in Elijah Williams of Pennsylvania and Ira and Reuben Schaler of New York and Connecticut in 1862 had Patents issued for improvements in the Mini balls which included a zinc skirt on a Mini to improve the seal and accuracy.
It was these bullets which historian was speaking of.
Rev. Horace Edwyn Hayden, who wrote the actual refuting of the historian, Benson J. Lossing, was there that day at Gettysburg and gave an actual account of how and where these "poison and explosive balls" came from. They were not the projectives the historian had, but were a different object completely.
The stage was set in Gettysburg in 1864. The area was to the left of Chiffens Farm. The Reverend was in a trench a mile further on, when at the farm a Negro troop charged the Confederate lines.
What the Reverend records is something that Ken Burns and his propaganda will never allow to be heard, for the Negro troops were drunk and made a desperate charge which was repulsed by the Rebs.
I will visit this for what this blog has exposed previously. The Northern commanders wanted no part of Nigs in their ranks or battlefields. They threw them away as quickly as they could.
Alcohol was not exactly anything any commander was going to allow in a camp, as a drunken army as much as one looting or raping, gets your command dead.
So where would a group of blacks get that kind of intoxication, unless it was deliberately given to them by the commanders as no reports of white Soldiers appear as being drunk.
Now why would anyone give their troops alcohol to make them drunk? Yes it was liquid courage, which means the Union officers at Gettysburg could not get the blacks to fight, unless they were so drunk, they would charge the Confederate lines.
As it happened at Gettysburg, you can be assured that it was learned at some other location and it was a standard practice in dealing with the Negro in uniform.
So at the farm, the Negroes were drunk and desperate and dealt with by the Confederate lines to such an extent that the Reverend records that after the battle he picked up a number of these cartridges, as the Union had advanced the bullets into loaded shells or at least paper speed loader cartridges.
The blacks not only were drunk and desperate, but when they were neutralized, they dropped everything they had or were so intoxicated or afraid they dropped their muntions, and fled the battle.
Not the type of history one finds in the Mockingbird propaganda, but the real history all the same.
There is a most interesting note in this that the Reverend in discounting the poison ball, states that as the Mini was sealed in beeswax, it would have been a simple matter to dip a Mini in poison, seal it in wax and then delivered it that way, instead of the need for "poison hollows" as the historian was blathering on about.
In addition to this, the Reverend in research actually found an exploding ball Patent which the North did purchase in the tens of thousands of rounds. All of these advanced bullets were tried out by the Lincoln Administration, most as in the case of the exploding ball was highly rejected by the Ordnance chief as it was a purely heinous thing beyond civilized warfare.
It was a fact that if the North could use it on the South, then the South could use it on the North. The Northern officers comprehended that in ordnance, but still some in the Administration pushed for this bullet and it was ordered over objections.
Samuel Gardiner, New York, 1863, held a Patent though for an exploding shell and this was in use in being a hollow shell, joined together and detonated by a percussion cap.
In a most interesting story of Gettysburg, the reality was that on the last day of battle, the 143rd Regiment of Pennsylvania, while manning the Union lines, as was reported by their commander, kept hearing this "cracking sound" above their heads, instead of the common whistle of the Mini ball.
The commander puzzled and inquiring as to what this was, was informed by an ordnance officer, that the Confederates had captured a shipment of Union ammunition in the battle and that these were explosive rifle balls.
There was no way of differentiating between common balls and the Gardiner as it had no exposed percussion cap. Only 10,000 of these rounds were acquired, but it was the source of where these exploding shells the Confederates were accused of using sourced from.
Joseph Nottingham, New York in 1863 received Patent for an explosive shell also, and this shell was featured in Scientific American blaming the Confederates for this projectile too at Fort Monroe.
So that is the reality of the poisonous and exploding shell in the Civil War. There was not any poison bullet. The more heinous bullets were acquired by the Abraham Lincoln Administration with his full knowledge, and were handed out to Negro troops, who had no problem in using weapons of mass destruction against humans and went into battle drunk, as that is the only means of getting them to fight.
The only time the Confederates used explosive shells, was from captured Union stores, and as the stores looked exactly like regular ordnance, except for the boxes, the Confederates would have no way of knowing what they were employing.
I leave here two letters, one from the Commander in Chief of the Confederacy in President Jefferson Davis and the other from the Commander in Chief of the Union in President Abraham Lincoln.
My Dear Sir—
... In reply to your inquiries as to the use of explosive or poisoned balls by the troops of the Confederate States, I state as positively as one may in such a case that the charge has no foundation in truth.
Our Government certainly did not manufacture or import such balls, and if any were captured from the enemy, they could probably only have been used in the captured arms for which they were suited.
I heard occasionally that the enemy did use explosive balls, and others prepared so as to leave a copper ring in the wound, but it was always spoken beneath knighthood and abhorrent to civilization.
The slander is only one of many instances in which our enemy have committed or attempted crimes of which our people and their Government were incapable, and then magnified the guilt by accusing us of the offences they had committed....
Believe me, ever faithfully yours, Jefferson Davis.
Will General Ripley consider whether this explosive shell will be a valuable missile in battle?
A. Lincoln.
History is a strange lie the winners concoct from historians suffering from various psychosis propagandized.
When the cartel and her historians engage in creating a Designer Negro in Barack Hussein Obama of illegitimate Asian birth to overthrow and destroy America, this blog is going to continue to rip the curtain of lies down denuding the fiction, so that all will see the naked Truth and begin to realize that almost everything they know is a fabrication.
Does the black soldier of Ken Burns PBS propaganda winning series appear different when he will only have the courage to fight if drunken and willingly employed weapons of mass destruction against humans?
Uncle David Rockefeller was alerted that Birther Hussein was the thread which when pulled would unravel all of the fabric of their crimes. For those ignorants who are uncomfortable with the verbiage used here in order to gain them back freedom of speech space which has been taken from them, then their comfort in the gulag is exposed in they have no idea they have been imprisoned from reason and thought.
You will never see documentaries on these subjects no more than the exposure of who Barack Hussein Obama really is. Only here is there a glimpse of reality of the bars of thought to your gulag world.