Now we have a most interesting situation in Ukraine in what has been taken away from Vladamir Putin in being given by Birther Hussein Obama, is now under the control of the anti Chirst, in using a pretty face to make it all alluring in Yevheniya Tymoshenko, the daughter of the Ukrainian hottie that Obama and Putin threw in jail.
Make no mistake in this, in this blog is all for a free Ukraine. It was against Obama making it a slave of Russia, but this has now been taken from Russia and Mr. Putin is not going to like having NATO sitting on his border.
That is what this is designed for, to instigate a war with Russia, and to control the Slavic states under the Pater Pope and the anti Christ.
This blog no sooner published the fact that if Vladamir Putin became a Cyrus in the hand of the Lord, then in the Great Tribulation, European Christians would be protected from slaughter as the Bible predicts under Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church. With what is taking place now, the reality is the Neo Roman Empire just gained access to a slaughter pit of Slavs.
The war I was trying to stop, now moves back to the killing fields and Prague being ploughed.
It really pissed the cartel off in Putin protecting Russians from anal rape in being pro hetereosexual. That was supposed to be the societal degradation which would bring the ruin to Russia. If you require being told this again, I warned that Russia is going to be Balkanaized in the not so near furture to become fodder for the Neo Roman Empire.
China awaits the same fate, as the cartel is not going to leave those Chicoms holding a mountain of gold.
Whether you believe in Biblical Prophecy or not, the reality is the Beast of Revelation is in central Europe in a revived Roman Empire. It is ruled over by an anti Christ. Obama was a conditioning agent for that son of perdition. The whore who manages it is as city which sits on 7 hills. That is Rome.
The anti Christ turns on the whore or the Catholic religion once in power and it slaughters a host of martyrs. The Slavs as this blog has warned are in absolute jeopardy.
This is why when Obama was re creating the Iron Curtain, that I advocated a Slavic Union, to be a buffer for the west and Russia. That is not going to be the case and the Bible points to 10 nations arising together and giving their national power to one Roman system again.
Do not be deceived in this. Those Marxist puppets in Kiev just did not stop beating protestors nor did Russians start backing the protestors. This is that same riot squad which blew out Egypt, Libya and Syria. The Ukraine is just first prize in a stepping stone to insurrection in Russia.
This is nothing to cheer about as Madam Tymenshenko in prison, if released is going to owe and be puppet queen to the cartel.
Won't any of you people who money do the right thing and donate a few hundred thousand dollars so I can get out of here? Do you not get it, that when the cartel comes for what you think are your investments, that they are going to take them as easily as they just took the Ukraine from Vladamir Putin?
Birther Hussein reformed Europe in 2009 by the murder of the Polish Patriots in a bribe to Vladamir Putin. In 2014, the cartel has taken it all back in a new reformation of Europe according to their mandates to serve the beast.
Things have just changed. The Slavs are not free. They are pawns in this and this can break either way for life or scorched earth. I repeat, that as soon as this blog warned everyone what was taking place with Vladamir Putin, the hammer came down immediately against him and is attempting to scythe him off, as the cartel recognizes how hindering a Christian Putin would be on their world dominance which is forming.
All I can do is warn for now. My Bible readings are about a drought of the Word of God and I take it to mean that this blog just might be silenced, which means there is not going to be any Prophetess with the answers to turn to daily. The second reading of last evening with TL was "when the fall happens, a survivor will come to me, and then will my mouth be opened to speak again".
You people are in the black abyss covered in a shroud, and when the Light goes out here, it is going to be lights out for you.
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When the BBC is the driving force in this, this is all Rothschild machination for the cartel.