As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........
As Rush Limbaugh is focused on either homosexuals or Obama minders in news rooms to intimidate them, it falls to me to note something.
Most people are familiar with the American store chain of Cabelas. As I was watching in passing a bubble headed bleach blonde on the news parroting the familiar, "The American economy is in recovery", when America is in the Obama Super Depression yet with 1/3rd of the people out of work in over 92 million, the reality is Cabelas is terminating it's work force by half.
Full employment is being replaced by part time employment. This is nothing new as other outlets have been restructuring for some time, but it is a reality of Obamacare and the reality the shambles the American economy is in.
You have to understand that the Cabela's consumer base is that group which had money after 2008. They are the people who buy designer labels of the over inflated Cabelas brands. I have mentioned that Cabelas sells flannel lined pants for like 60 dollars and the same pants will show up at Walmart for around 20 dollars.
It is gouging and it is what Bill Gates and this entire group of criminals violating Henry Ford's economic principles are about.
The underlying point in this is, what you noticed and now have forgotten in Christmas sales in America started around Holloween. Stores make the majority of their sales at Christmas to stay in the black the rest of the year. Cabelas has the fishing season in the spring which is not a great surge, and the later hunting season.
For Cabelas to be dumping half it's work force is a reality that the money supply is drying up. There is no more a source which can fund the price of Obamacare as economy is in a super depression.
This can all be shrouded by the fake Wall Street spikes, but the reality is if the hunting and fishing franchise no longer is being fed money which people throw away, then there is an immense problem with the American economy falling apart in a new section of PRODUCERS and not welfare.
In discussing the bubble head bleach blonde with TL, one simple answer arrived in all these FOX type lies of economic recovery. The Mockingbird has told the media liars that if they do not keep lying to people in telling them how Obama things are, that this robbed mob is going to rise up in revolution and take all the pretty bribes which these liars have been espousing for the Obama regime all these years.
The media used to look for ways to trash the economy to shift elections to liberals, and when liberals like Clinton were in power, then Americans were crucified for making money in being greedy.
Cabelas is firing it's workforce, and yes the management is of course keeping their high paid jobs as is the case, but none of this is being reported.
The reality is America deliberately never recovered from the 2008 Obama implosion. I will remind that Warren Buffett stated that a recovery could begin in 18 months, but it never did.
I will remind all that Obama before his demise in 2013 was highly concerned over Mitt Romney getting credit for a coming recovery. The Buffett Recovery never took place as was thought. The Obama Recovery is not going to take place either.
The fact is Cabelas is a waymark in this and it is predicting that a precipice is building again. Jimmy Kimmel's audience which is all liberal trash has not signed up for Obamacare. The only reaction taking place is business is firing people and depriving them of benefits.
This is a critical stage as retired people have investments which are bound to Wall Street welfare, and that outlay is coupled by Social Security welfare, which is not being replaced by working Americans or Mexican slave labor.
There is coming a free fall plunge in this super depression. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, you are still going to be told it is a "recovery", but even the rich are going to notice fully how their assets are going to be disappearing as this daisy chain start tripping.
Walmart restructured years ago and is funded by welfare and cheap Chicom goods. That segment of the false economy is the equal to the Wall Street welfare funding investment and retirement funds. Meaning both are smoke and mirrors and produce nothing but E money in what Tim Geithner illegally creates at Treasury.
What we have a glimpse now of is the ending of the "furrow money" or money connected with American production.
I will explain this in agriculture terms. Most are familiar enough with a plough in knowing that it digs or plows through the ground and turns over the soil. When a farmer used to plough soil, he struck out "lands", meaning he ploughed down a field and then back, which created a rise at that point as the dirt piled up there.
In each "round" or up and down completion of the field, the plough would turn over the dirt into a FURROW.
Now picture this in each round moving away from the headlands where the dirt is piled up and flowing to. The economy of this keeps being fed by each round, until it becomes too time consuming to making rounds by the amount of ground plowed.
At that point a new land is struck out and the process repeated, until the two tilled grounds meet, and that is where the DEAD FURROW appears in a long empty trench which would kill you if you drove over it fast.
It is only through immense tillage with diggers, that enough of the other plowed ground can then be eroded back into the dead furrow to make it smooth again.
At the ends of the field are HEAD LANDS, which are rough areas as the plough upon engaging a new furrow leaves a partial furrow, which have to be plowed up and about jars kidneys loose, and the effort ends with another dead furrow on each end.
The entire economic field in middle, side and end has dead furrows after all the resources are ploughed. This is the Lame Cherry FURROW MONEY. Since Lyndon Johnson, America has been plowing with the lands of welfare and war. Each round has been extending the ability to fund this outlay based upon pinning the dollar to oil. As each round is completed new debt appeared for Americans BUT NEW ASSETS TO THE CARTEL as this is built to glean money from people who are working to give it to financiers who are not for nothing.
America under the Obama regime has reached the DEAD FURROW. As an example of you the American, I will give you the example of sport I played while plowing.
Grain fields always have gophers in them. As you plowed the field, you reached the dead furrow and there was always some gopher who would get turned out of his tunnel which then would run down the dead furrow.
Hating gophers and hating plowing in heat for 12 hours a day, the sport was to open the tractor up in 4th gear and try to run over the gopher which was running for it's life. I could get close to the gopher almost under the tire, but never run one over as the tractor and gopher were matched in speed.
It always ended with the gopher dodging up the furrow at the last moment. The difference is you people with money are going to be run over by the anti Christ express as just like the Jews in the ghettos never ran with their sack of gold, neither are you.
America is now as is the world in the DEAD FURROW MONEY of Obama. There is nothing left.
The evidence is there in the "working economy" is dried up, and that includes why professional sports can not sell tickets. The money in America is gone and that means that America will vanish.
You people with money are running out of time to pay for your time here. Do you really want to face Jesus and have Him ask you about owing Lame Cherry money and your pockets are all empty?
Good thing I keep reminding you about all this in trying to save you from yourselves.
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