It is an amusement to me to read time and again historical data which proves one thing, and that is some white people in their psychosis had more problems with slavery than the majority of black people involved in it.
The following quote is from an Irish family, who were saved from drowning by a slave named Dio, who waded into the water and led the horses and fished out the little boy who fell over board.
The Silas Bracher was the owner of the slave, and as you can read, he was psychotic like numbers of border men were, as that is where their restless souls drove them, as they were shunned in the colonial states.
“Keep clear of Master Silas Bracher,” he observed as we were about to part. “I have no wish to meet him again, for he is more likely to pick a quarrel and send a bullet through a man’s body than to do him any good.” “I’ll follow your advice,” answered my father; “I wish from my heart, though, that I could get the black, Dio, out of his power. I really believe that he is jealous of the poor slave.” “You may as well try to draw sunbeams out of a cucumber, as to get him to agree to your offer; keep clear of him altogether, and should I have the chance, I will not forget your wish to obtain the black, whom, should I succeed, you can either set free or keep in bondage, as you may decide; probably, were you to give him his choice, he would prefer remaining your slave.”
William Henry Giles Kingston. With Axe and Rifle
Yes blacks would speak of hiding from the Massa, as Uncle Denis, who was the relative of this family, had slaves who spoke in that manner, but the slaves were happy people and for the most part treated well.
This Bracher, hired just as psychotic white people and they whipped the slaves, but the slaves never made a run for it, as it was a thing of having not the ambition and no where to run to. In the end, the blacks had no problem with being slaves and being treated fairly as most were, they were content with the good life they had.
Consistently, the slaves did not do great quantities of work. There is a reason that rhymes like, "More rain, more rest, more niggers in the nest" were spoken time and again, because blacks were as today, not the most stereotyped in working themselves to death.
That is the reality of the situation in the blacks liked to play and rest. When one notes that in Illinois the French settlers liked to play and lounge about too, that is not deemed racist, but it is the exact mirror of the situation, except the black was owned by individuals and the French were passed about in ownership from Paris, to London to Washington.
The Civil War should have never been fought, but instead the antagonist Northerners should have paid off the powerful Southern politicians in buying the slaves as they were property. That is the reality in what the Civil War was staged in American minds in there were as group of cheap nosey abolitionists pissing on powerful Southerners as the abolitionists enjoyed working out their self hatred in depriving Southern slave owners of their validation they were better than others in having darkies running about the place.
Uncle Denis had to slaves, Peter and Caesar. Both boys were playful and happy creatures. Bracher had a Mammy who was a bigger condescending bitch than Hillary Clinton ever dreamed of being, who ran his house and kept order of the plantation.
Those are the realities of life and the reality that history being propagandized as it has been concerning slaves has created a fiction which has not helped blacks in the least as it coddles them and blames whites who for the most parts advanced blacks out of bush status.
Here is a reality as most people do not comprehend the whip. Does an owner whip to the bone in filleting hide off a horse or is the whip a reminder of who is in control of a 1200 pound animal?
How about spanking a child, does the parent spank to broken bones and dislodged kidneys or only a few swats to discipline?
I am not going to get into the idiot discussion that some moron is thinking about beating animals to death or abusing children as that is a criminal act and from someone unbalanced as this Bracher character.
Slaves were not beat as a whipped slave would not be able to work and be of no value, especially if they died. Yes you have seen the propaganda from abolitionists in the whipped slaves, but in every Darwin school there are going to be slaves who would refuse all corrective measures.
No one happens though to question the reality of those pictures in how unintelligent was a slave who ran away constantly and got caught?
Perhaps another servant of man in a horse might have been stolen to get away?
Cruelty is never anything condoned, but the world is a reality of legalized savagery where regimes steal legally all what people work for with their conglomerates stealing the rest in set prices, to the butcher of babies in aborticide to injecting diseases into people for health care profits.
Odd is it not that, this greater enslavement and butchery is never taken pictures of and when as Jenny from Playboy says her son was given autism from vaccines, she is the one attacked in the press, and not those running the medical money mill.
There are no laws against being a wealthy sociopath as history proves, and there are no rewards for being a brave nigger.
Bracher and Dio are as alive in the 21st century as in the 18th.
nuff said