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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

This requires addressing in the plan to split California into 6 states comprising of:

1. Simi Valley
2. Hollywood
3. Jefferson
4. Central California
5. West California
6. North California

For most Americans, the idea of California is one where those who flee that apostate state, end up buying property in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Missouri, etc.... wherever that scourge descends upon after ruining that state, and ruining the other states is a matter that everyone hates Californians.

California though is a large state and San Diego in Orange County is quite Conservative compared to the Bay area. It never rains in southern California and the northern area is basically an immense brush patch cooked in heat of rough terrain like West Texas.

It has different climes and peoples, and not all is that disgusting display of communism, debauchery and feudalism which people think of Califronia.

It all depends how the Olegarchs behind this are going to divide the state and that is what this is all about in billionaire deal maker Ken Draper is seeking to form a state of Olegarchs in Simi Valley who would rule a fiefdom to benefit Apple, Google and Facebook, the literal internet intelligence data mining network.
There is nothing wrong with an Olegarch state coming out of this, if they would rule it for good and not evil. If it was Walt Disney, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs, Simi Valley would be good paying jobs and morality protecting American rights. If it was Bill Gates, it would be importing Asian techs to exploit while being the state of Langley for Homeland Security spying on Americans.

The reality is balkanization of California would have 12 Senators, meaning 10 more Senators in Congress. The House would remain the same. If those 10 were Conservatives from farming country, northern California, San Diego in Orange County, and at least a split in Simi and Sacramento, then it would mean 7 more Conservative Senators in the Senate, which would be a good thing for America.
If though this is rigged to dump 12 liberal Obamites into the Senate, you could kiss America a faster decomposing in the abyss as it would be worse than legalizing 50 million illegals changing the entire structure of America from Christian to Catholic, from rugged individuals to the mob, from workers to slaves.

This is not a cartel project to fracture America, but it is the Tech Tycoons looking for a way to rule, get out from under laws which are cumbersome to them, and to create a business climate designed for them.

I would make the point that a Simi Valley state is fine, but if it just does technology, it means it has nothing else to fall back on. Good state policy includes manufacturing, business, finance, agriculture and import export to weather the economic storms.

I will use this example. It will be obvious that the Simi Valley state will be controlled the way Los Angeles was by the Hearst family. That will mean rewards for the moguls and penalties to all others competing. In time this lack of competition will implode those conglomerates.
Now say you have a Conservative state, and let us call it Reagan. That state starts by raising taxation to drive out the illegals, so not to use a welfare skimming scheme, but instead lessens taxes for businesses and promotes development, like Reagan might just start drilling for oil off of California and become a North Dakota.

That state would start pulling in the successful business from the Bay area who would like to keep several hundred million dollars in jobs. Further, if this group needed Beaner labor, they could bus the workers in from Bay state and then not have to deal with all the illegals clogging things up.

I would assume that Los Angeles would become a refuse dump of all of this welfare clutter. San Francisco would attempt to be it's artsy Nancy Pelosi patrician self, but without the other influences of capital generation, it would whither.

The prize in this is going to be the much attacked Agriculture industry. If they are courted, supplied with water as they require, that is an immense industry which is a greater resource than the tech industries. Simi Valley will be one dimensional, but if the Conservative states make business friendly laws, keep out the welfare clutter, and promote Americanisms, then they will be the states which erupt into massive business and revenue areas.
Seriously in this, you could see states like this literally sucking people back into them from other areas with low taxes, great jobs, allowing people to keep their money, not punishing production and not burdening them with the welfare clutter.

Astute Conservatives could literally shift their problems into Los Angeles type areas, and then simply "use" the resource when necessary for projects, but maintain their Milton Friedman economic principles.

The Olegarchs will learn a had lesson in their chips in one basket, as will all the other areas which are not catering to agriculture and mining, forestry and oil. It will be those states exploiting their resources which will create the boom, and you might as well call Los Angeles by Sodom and the seven cities of the plain for all the debauchery and decay which would flush into those areas.
The Bay area would be amusing too, in all of the patricians not being supported by all the industries would soon learn the lesson of Moscow and Peking that Red Square is not so luxurious without preying on the proletariate.

I would prefer honestly 3 Conservative states, 1 neutral and 2 liberal trash heaps, as America does need a place to pile the communist trash in mass. That would be a good thing for America, and honestly a pro business Simi Valley would be a good thing in Congress.

The cartel desires the breaking up of America, but in correct influences, let us take this to the east coast where New York which is upstate is as Conservative as Wyoming, could on a ballot cordone off New York and the islands. That would be a draw in Congress on Senators, but keeping all that communist trash in dump cities is beneficial to the state and the nation, because in state governments the Conservatives would then be able to unleash responsible Reaganomics to make life so much moral and better for Americans living there.
In other words, states like North Carolina, Kansas and North Dakota are not going to have all that flush which is destroying states like Arizona and New Mexico, from Virginia, Pennsylvania and California migrations.

I support this if it is done correctly in agricultural, moral and business interests gain predominance in several of these new California states. I would conclude that states name Reagan, Fremont, Lincoln and Nixon would be good places to live, while a state like Apple would depend on how astute the Olegarchs were and the State of Obama, one would recognize like a malarial cholera filled ooze not fit for man nor beast.

I think it would since you can not have Reagan 1, Reagan 2, Reagan 3 for states, a very nice thing if these states would name themselves after their greatest leaders as Fremont founded California, Nixon accomplished so much for California and Ronald Reagan was the best of California.

If Californians see the light in this, who desire to be liberated, this is  they way for them providing the states are founded on Reagan Doctrines. If not it will be just what California is, an imploding disaster.

I see promise in it though, as a state like Minnesota could rid itself of Daytonism, with the Iron Range, Arrowhead and Out State, becoming a new state and the Metro becoming Gommorahland.

Certainly liberals would attempt to divide some boroughs into 12 states as in New York to overthrow America completely, but there would be checks and balances in it, as high taxes and financial rapine do not make for a continuous progression and pirate states always collapse.

In stating the realities, I hope the Olegarchs succeed, as at least it will keep those Calivermin from spreading their plague to the rest of America as people will  just shift in population there on that side of the Sierra Nevadas.


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