As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
This blog celebrates the obsessive psychosis of Dan Rooney, Obama voter Ambassador, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who was rewarded by Brither Hussein Obama Chin, the ambassadorship to Ireland for helping Barry Soetoro steal the 2008 election.
The reason that this blog celebrates Dan Rooney, is that by executive order, he approached an Afroid and ordered him to order the other Afroids and Caucasoids not to use the word "Nigger" as the Steelers played football.
It was said that the reason Mr. Obama Chin was inserted into 1600 Penn Avenue was to heal all racial divide and prove that America was not a nation of racist, so the word Nigger would never be used again as blacks would be so super empowered that they would no longer be Niggers and other races seeing how empowered the black was, that they would cleanse their lips in not seeing anything niggerish any longer.
Perhaps it was Barack Hussein Obama being sloven, acting like a crack pimp spending dime bag whore money at White House parties, holding snuff parties for bin Laden, Khadaffi and Chris Stevens, threatening people with boots on the throat of BP, threatening banker with pitchfork mobs, threatening fair goers with Nigger riots in Wisconsin, and the poor problem of Treyvon Martin, the persecution of his black shooter, along with tens of thousands of Muslims, which gave the impression globally that a Designer Nig was at 1600 Penn Avenue running al Qaeda terrorists worldwide.
So would it be any surprise that after 3 days that young Afroids, coming down off the high of Obama, just had no time for the Ritz, yes Dan Rooney is a Ritz, not a white cracker, like white Irish trash, but a Ritz, with that shiney brown exterior showing the minority they are one with them, that these young Afroids just started calling each other Nigger again?
Here we have Dan Rooney, the Irish white exploiter of the slave breeding program of Niggers in using all those Afroid crosses of white and black, knocking their brains out, Irish Ambassador, Obama best election theft buddy, and the Fritz Pollard Alliance, John Wooten as head, in now resorting to penalizing players for using the word Nigger on NFL time and from the parking lot, secretaries, cheerleaders to the players.
15 yard penality for the first use of Nigger and ejection for the second use of the Nigger word.
I have one question though in this, in is using the world Nigger only penalized or can a referee penalize a player for playing like a Nigger? I mean Randy Moss was the Nigger of Niggers in the NFL. He never played, he took credit for other players work, and he abused women and men.
So if some Afroid is playing like Randy Moss, will a referee be able to throw a flag and say, "Penalty on number 81 for playing like a Nigger!!!!"
This Wooten wants secretaries to stop using Nigger as a word. Are people going to be fired over this? Then is that not another Obama shattering of the United States Constitution?
There is that point now in Freedom of Speech. Is the word Nigger used by Obama to Reggie Love in a sodomite embrace now an attack upon homosexuals?
What is the trump card in this of Niggers or Sodomites?
Does this mean that Coon is less of a slur like Jungle Bunny, Jig, Darkie, Sambo than Nigger?
What happens if someone like a Vikings star in that running back baby producer starts saying, "MEAGER PLAY" and the referees think he has said, "Nigger play"?
What happens if the athletes have little digital recorders and can prove they said, "MEAGER PLAY"?
Is there going to be some red flag from a coach come flying out for a penalty review? As this is serious stuff in penalizing someone as a racist. Everyone will know the Afroid is a racist using the word Nigger and of course will require in justice a fair hearing.
I think that instead Dan Rooney, the traitor for Obama who sold out America like Benedict Arnold should just change the name of his team to the Pittsnig Steelers, as the Washington Redskins and Minnesota Vikings are known.
You do know that the emblem of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a symbol of something which is particularily heinous right?
Oh you do not know that, but the "people uncomfortable with content here" in exposing the use of the word Nigger have been trained to have problems with only the word Nigger.
Ok, so you will be not ignorant and comfortable in your closed minds.
The symbol for the Pittsburgh Steelers is the symbol of a corporation called United States Steel. If you know anything of history, it was Andrew Carnegie and other combined American steel interests who DESTROYED all other steel manufacture around the world by undercutting the production price so America dominated.
This meant that US STEEL was throwing poor people out of work, making entire nations impoverished and creating feudal nigger nations around the globe.
They did it by a powerful monopoly which exploited Scot Irish American coal miners to slavery, railroads being subsidized in land which Warren Buffett just raped America again over in the North Dakota oil boom which was drilling oil on his BNSF railroad land which is ANTI UNION and absolute control of iron ranges in strip mining.
So Dan Rooney, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers who forced out the other Rooneys, has emblazened on his team's helmets a symbol of international rapine and predation upon the world.
If you desire to take this out to the reality, Dan Rooney is part of a group which so polluted Lake Erie, it was absolutely DEAD in the 1960's and the symbol behind it, was US STEEL.
If there is one symbol in the NFL which should be removed, it is the symbol on the Pittsburgh Steelers helmets for the nation destruction, humanity enslavement and for environment pollution.
Why doesn't any one ask the hypocrite Dan Rooney as he castigates his Niggers on their Free Speech, as Rooney was part of the greatest crime in United States history in the installing of an undocumented foreigner in Barack Hussein Obama into the White House twice for the bribe of an ambassadorship, just why is it that Dan Rooney champions a symbol which is as sordid as slavery?
Dan Rooney like all this psychotic left gets away with their executive mandates from the mount, and are never brought to criminal courts for their crimes. They just cast their first stones, because they carry within them the guilt of some Nigger useage in their past.
Dan Rooney has a big plantation, it is called an NFL franchise which he makes millions off of, and his cotton pickers are all dressed up in uniforms, ruining their physical bodies.
Anyone who has played for the Steelers has been crippled. Jerome Bettis if you have ever witnessed him walk, is a broken bodied man. Perhaps Dan Rooney was a nigger knocker in college. Perhaps he used the word Nigger all the time. Perhaps he was riding black players wives as his team owned players were out of town. Perhaps Rooney is just filled with guilt in being a modern Nigger exploiter. Whatever the reason Dan Rooney is manifesting, it only shines the glaring light of his guilt in environmental rapine and the continued ownership of Afroids in America.
Yes, you know that is right, in all professional players are OWNED by that group of white plantation owners called the NFL, NBA, MLB and whatever is expoiting these Nigs, those people are owned.
The Pittsnig Steelers are what is wrong with this world, and it's leaders are the image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin and Dan Rooney.
Yes this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, no where else exposed. White billionaire feudal slave masters keeping the house Niggers in the NFL, and the reality is, this time the Dan Rooneys are not cutting the testicles off the Niggers for looking at white women as Jesse Jackson threatened Barack Obama with, but in the Obama 21st century, the rich whites are cutting the tongues off in stopping them from talking.
19th century America is no different than Obama 21st century America, and the poster boys are a Chinoid in Obama and his slavemaster Dan Rooney.
If the word Nigger goes, and the Redskins label goes, then the Steeler symbol goes, and Dan Rooney goes to prison for the crime of the overthrow of America and his bribe in it.
The reason the guilty conscience criminals never speak of their own crimes, as Barack Hussein Obama Chin, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and Dan Rooney, do not consider the destruction of America's environment, the poisoning of her people and the enslavement of billions, all for their Wall Street welfare not in the least anything criminal as they are the lords who cut you the cloth of the land.
This is all FEUDALISM. It is why they have no problem in using oil as a pollutant in sabotage in the Gulf by Obama and as a Keystone epitaph upon the North American aquifers in polution by Limbaugh, as Dan Rooney gets his 30 pieces of silver. These are all criminals who enslave people and then debate about the word Nigger.
The NFL like all professional sports is the biggest bunch of house Niggers on the planet with the welfare cotton pickers on the mass plantation all buying their Air Jordans to look like house Niggers.
.....and who is the poster boy in all this, but Dan Rooney, the representative of chaining all other nations to Nigger status, working whites to death in smelters, poisoning entire states and inland seas as he slaps his Pittsburgh Steeler emblem on his billion dollar property, castrating the tongues out of the Afroid for daring to speak and define himself exactly what the Age of Obama has made all humanity into absolute Niggers no matter the skin color.
nuff said