As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......
I start this with one question with two answers, which I will not trouble you with in pondering the answers as that is not important as this is a base to build from and the projection point is what matters.
What are the signature domestic and foreign policies of the Obama legacy that the Obama Shapeshifter, Fang Jinn is overseeing for Muchelle Obama and Valdasherie Jarrett?
You know them as Obamacare and as the Iranian nuclear arms deal, as this is the very thing that Barack Hussein Obama Chin stated would be his triumphs. It is not necessary to relate that Obamacare is a disaster and the recent overtly giving nuclear bomb possession to the Islamocommunists of Persia is a fiasco. What is necessary though is the projection point in all of this which are forming.
African genocide monger Sec. of State John Kerry is now overseeing another holocaust in the Israeli state as he managed in Afghanistan and Sudan. This is the Obama "victory lap" and is what the entire regime has as it's last ace in the hole up the cheating Obama sleeve.
This must be focused upon, as the Obama regime is not about to be able to lift America out of the Obama Super Depression which Obama imploded America into deliberately for his 'useful crisis' scenario in his policies. The cartel would not allow it, so America is going to remain this stagnant corpse on the domestic front as oil prices and food prices will not drop, as those commodities are set for Wall Street and Chicago profit.
Obamacare will continue to pull the American corpse under spreading this economic plague of this regime.
On the foreign front, Jimmy Carter par dux has now awarded the Iranian communists carte blanche in nuclear weapons, which will unleash a nuclear race overtly in the Middle East.
John Kerry is spreading more death in trying to force Jews to give up land to Philistine communist terrorists. It is a Biblical fact that there will be no peace in the Mideast until Jesus implements it by the force of His Heavenly host, so what is left in paying off Muslim terrorists with a Philistinian state for that 300 million dollar bribe to the Obama 2008 campaign which Americans were stuck with paying off in TARP funds to credit card companies, by which the money was laundered into foreign agent Obama's coffers, is a doomsday scenario.
If this goes through, the Jews are dead in the end of the Jewish state as the Obama legacy. If this does not go through, the Philistines will rise up in Intifada, and they will be dead, along with a raging war of WMD proportions in Jews against Muslims.
That is the Obama legacy, the full enslavement and impoverishment of Americans, and the nuclear holocaust of the Middle East.
The feudal leaders who are the masters of Birther Hussein and the Fang Jinn, know all of this, and have contingencies in place to exploit all of this, as they seek empire control of the world in a vassal America and a terror enforcer mob of Muslims in Eurasia.
I will repeat the reality of this blog's exclusive of June 13, 2013, that Birther Hussein Obama Chin went room temperature that day, and was replaced by the Fang Jinn who has made an absolute disaster of the Obama regime's draconian policies of global rapine and murder.
Everything hinged on Obamacare and Iranscare for that birthed legacy soiling between Muchelle Obama's legs, as she is the progenitor of that legacy and it means everything to her, for her personal standing as Birther has been relegated to being in storage in a chicken entree box.
What the regime is facing in Muchelle's scowl is a self masturbating demon at Mandela's funeral who is fiddling in Hawaii as the world burns down around the regime. This is beyond the point of stealing 2014 elections and Jake Tapper propaganda to keep the masses in check. This is the regime which has lost the world population to antagonism. This is a regime where Muchelle pounding nails with her twat like Jimmy Carter for bum houses that is not going to be rehabilitated with that green glass glow of a nuclear holocaust easy baking Jews and Muslims.
Americans dying in rationed death, the Middle East in death rationed and Europe with Asia having that festering sore upon the boil of their feudal states, does not make a legacy for the Obama regime that has been striven for from Day One.
This then exposes projection point as the reality is known by the regime, and the choices are finite to save the fiction of Birther Obama.
As stated, Obama is not going to save America as he is the destroyer of America. The pattern in this has always been concentrated on changing the subject, making a bigger disaster, so the regime does not appear the biggest disaster since Jimmy Carter.
There are only two logical conclusions in this which the cartel and Muchelle Robinson Obama can initiate to protect themselves and the Obama fiction.
Conclusion one would be to make Birther Hussein Obama Chin a martyr. That would mean dusting off the chicken entree and using the demise of beloved leader to further the fiction in creating guilt in the mass public so they are made to forget about the death dispensed by this regime.
Conclusion two is to literally implode the Middle East into the planned nuclear holocaust and in the ashes, proclaim that Obama was right all along, and in the ashes of peace, Obama would have his European cartel rule and the Jinn would secure a reason for that Nobel Prize which Obama never earned.
Do you comprehend now the dimensions of this? This Obama regime is not going to stand around and be branded for the reality they are. There is a history of historical creation as Sandy Hook, Benghazi, bin Laden and the Boston blow job prove. People dying is a proven fact of this regime to instigate and complete it's fiction. The ruins of Syria are but evidence of the Iranian nuke bomb manufacturing treaty.
This regime within the bounds of the cartel global policies will enact and sacrifice it's own to complete the legacy as Chris Stevens corpse proved.
The projected numbers of chance are running absolute in the two conclusions being enacted as this blog has been speaking of for some time. What I point out in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter is the logic of the scenario in how it has been built and shifts to the realities of a focal point.
The Pater Pope is now ruling the world as the whore rides the world government system. He is preparing the way for the anti Christ to come, as the Obama shadow signature fades in disaster.
Nelson Mandela was offered up in being deliberately murdered as was exclusively exposed here. All events are projecting to burning bridges for all which is at stake is paramount at being initiated for the illuminated one, in what this has all been about.
The currents of this ebb and flow, reform and gush forward, reverse in tidal strength, and then surge again. This has been a temptuous sea always stirred up and another tsunami wave set is building. The same Norwegian cartel members who awarded Obama a peace prize are not going to be sullied by the disaster coming and the Obama image will have to be elevated where it can not be touched.
Nothing will be fixed so that leaves a scenario of martyr by this cartel and a fiction whereby a memorial peace treaty will arise for the illusion of this regime.
The cycle builds again and just like a earthquake, it will naturally have to break at some point as this is all too top heavy.
It is what it is and it must be weighed in the balance.......beyond Rush Revere fleecing the pilgrims and whoring stupid little children on Fridays who are herded into making new book suggestions to be read by the nuclear fire glow.
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