As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........
Lest any forget, the heritage of Barack Hussein Obama in Asian roots to African roots, in his luck monkey in his pants, to his Islamist jihad for change, just what boiled in his heart as was evidenced by Obama's slaughter of competition Muslim leaders, and recall just how the Birther relations from Turkey to Burma were dealt with in political spectrum.
John Edwards, Rod Blagojevich, the Black Martyrs who the Obama regime eliminated, and then the Stalinist way the regime assassinated Muslim leaders, is it that distant from the Obama heritage?
"In 1878 the old King of Burma died, leaving behind him thirty sons with families on the same generous scale.
A palace intrigue secured the throne to Prince Theebaw and the new reign was inaugurated by an indiscriminate massacre of the late King’s other sons, with their mothers, wives and children.
Eight cart-loads of butchered princes of the blood were cast, according to custom, into the river. The less honourable sepulchre of a capacious pit within the gaol was accorded to their dependents."
Let none of you delude yourselves that in Obama's passing from this veil or his image of the Fang Jinn, is going to depart from past actions. The reign of terror will not end just because some election takes place. It will require another tyrant to check the despot 44.
You remember that.
By command of the Queen-Empress, it is hereby notified that the territories formerly governed by King Theebaw will no longer be under his rule, but have become part of Her Majesty’s dominions, and will during Her Majesty’s pleasure be administered by such officers as the Viceroy and Governor -General of India may from time to time appoint.