In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter..........
Little is ever afforded in the reality of the vanquished in warfare as to their perpetual prowess as was the case of the Imperial German Navy when pitted against the Imperial Russian and British at the start of World War I.
While the headlines grabbed the attention of the German fleet blockaded into ports by the British, another reality was operating among the eels, as the torpedoes of the German submarines were proving.
For over 100 years it had been thought in warfare that the invention of the submarine would bring an end to surface naval domination of those who controlled the seas, and the Germans were in 1914 readily proving that, for warfare at sea has three parts in defense of state from invasion, defense of colonial holdings and defense of merchant shipping which was the life blood of all nations.
For a reality statement, if the Kaiser simply had turned out 1000 more submarines in the advent of the war instigated against Germany, the American transports and troops would never have reached invasion status.
The reality is that Germany in the first part of the war had destroyed 25% of British shipping, with only a few hundred U boats. It is a fact that if they could have crippled England, the Americans been held at bay, that they would have won the war by attrition.
I place here not in German romanticism, but in reality that Germany produced heroes of great daring in the record of the creation and implementation of their submarines in a completely untried field of combat.
The German Navy proved that submarines could be moved out of ports, across long voyages and then with one torpedo destroy British and Russian warships.
While the record was only in the 25% kill rate for main ships of battle type, that was due to torpedoes not up to the task, and not the fault of the German submariners.
The Lusitania according to German records was herded into a German sub pack where she was dispatched as a target of war.
In the last months of 1914 though in declaration of war upon Germany, the German Navy submarines opened with the following kills.
Lt. Captain Hersing torpedoed the British cruiser Pathfinder. He would later sink two British main ships in the Majestic and Triumph in the Dardanelles.
On September 22nd, Commander Weddingen off of Holland in the space of one hour sunk the heavy cruisers from Britain, Cressy, Haig and Aboukir. Within the period, he would sink the Hawke, sending all to the North Sea bottom.
Then came the cruisers Hermes and Niger off the coast of England, and the Imperial Russian cruiser, Pallada, in the Baltic. Added to this list were torpedo boats, destroyers armed with torpedoes, auxiliary cruisers and transports.
The Germans were winning the battle at sea, and if they could have held America at bay, she would have indeed won the Great European War, and it was based upon too few submarines which were plied with the utmost effect by her stellar crews.
The British at this point were confined to port. The North Sea was void of them. They had small boats patrolling their shores and dared not venture out until after dark with any of their valuable ships, but on New Years Eve the Germans struck the Formidable while going out to sea and sunk her.
No matter the mines laid in German ports nor the nets in English ports, the German submarines got through and kept prowling with thee most lethal of effects.
The English reprisal was to try and starve Germany out by pirating neutral nations of their shipping trade as they could do nothing else.
In retaliation, in February of 1915, the Germans announced a danger zone around England, Ireland and France in which all would be targets of war. The British termed it a German bluff, but the Germans responded in a raid inside the Irish Channel to make the point they were being made war against and would make war in return.
In October of 1914, the German submarines were off the coast of Norway. It was there the Germans surfaced and signaled the captain of the English steamer, Glitra, to surrender. The captain wisely abandoned the ship and she was sunk with no loss of life, except sewing machines, steel and whiskey.
Yes it is revelation in the propaganda against the "bloody huns" that they actually attempted to disboard ships of crews and passengers in order to save lives. So who was it in the British Anglo side which was stopping the process and using civilian dead to trump up headlines against the Germans?
It was the English government behind the orders of "flight" and even went so far as to offer rewards to ships which would ram a German submarine, once again an merchant ship trying to ram an armed German submarine.
The English press lied to the public telling of tales of numerous U boats sunk, but the Germans if the stories were true, would not have had a submarine left.
The first real ramming of a U boat by an English ship resulted in no damage to the submarine, but the English ship had it's propeller embedded in the wall of the turret.
It is the reality that the vanquished never have their stories told, unless there is profit in it for the rulers as in the American Indians. The Germans though in World War I in submarine warfare were not the barbarians which the propaganda made them out to be. It was war and they attempted to get ships to surrender before sinking them.
That is the reality and it is time that reality thwarted the fiction.
The Germans only began to attack merchant vessels as policy in 1915 only after the British in piracy on the high seas tried to starve that people out by stopping free trade in shipping from neutral nations.
The sunken ships take on a different light when those ships were ordered to not surrender, were urged to ram armed German warships and the fact that the British were making pirate war on Germans in attempting to starve the entire nation in naval seige.
"It is well known that the English merchantmen were ordered by their Government to fly a neutral flag, so as to avoid being captured by our warships. We all remember how, on one of her earlier trips through the war zone, the gigantic "Lusitania" received a wireless message to conceal the Union Jack and to fly the Stars and Stripes of the United States, but destiny after all overtook her at a later date."
Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner. The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner
Just so this is completely comprehended. The British at war told their ships to illegally fly neutral flags. The British passenger ship was by hook and crook flying the American flag as a British ship, while the British were trying to starve the German people by acts of piracy on neutral ships.
President Woodrow Wilson and cartel flunkies involved America in a foreign war, which America had no stake in, by the machinations of the British in the Lusitania, just as President Franklin Roosevelt instigated the bombing of Pearl Harbor to gain American involvment in World War II and as President Lyndon Johnson instigated the false flag operation in the Gulf of Tonkin for the Vietnam War.
The German peoples did absolute nothing to Americans. The German governments did absolutely nothing to the American government, when in fact American financiers were doing business with Germany in both wars, including the Bush family in patriarch Prescott Bush. Yet the Germans were called "bloody huns" and blamed for the World Wars when reality shows in World War I, the Germans were the victims, and being brutalized in their being vanquished, struck back with the Austrian Ashkenaz Hitler in another war which they were led into to attempt national survival.
It is past time the real history be understood, and it be understood the culprits in this were not Germans, but the Ashkenaz financiers, the British in illegal warfare and two American Presidents bent on Imperialism in using instigated attacks.
The close of this is what Imperial Germany was put through in a time of war in it was more a police action than warfare as a ship was signaled to stop, the ship was then searched and after all of that in a court of high sea law instead of high sea torpedo, the ship was either allowed to proceed or to be sunk.
The Germans were not prowling around blowing everyone out of the water, but were engaged in civil warfare long before any treaties mandated it globally.
"Through flag signals the merchantman is bidden to stop immediately; if he does not obey, the warship makes his orders more imperative by firing blank shot as a warning. If then the merchantman tries to escape, the warship is justified in hitting the runaway. On the other hand, if the steamer or sailboat obeys the summons, then the warship puts out a boat with an armed prize crew and an officer to look over the ship's papers. These consist in certificates of nationality, of the sailing port, and port of destination, and they contain a bill of lading as to the nature of the cargo, also the names of the crew and a passenger list if it is a passenger steamer."
"We simply pay off our account against their criminal wish to starve all our people, our women, and our children, as they are unable to beat us in open fight with polished steel."
"I admonished him always to stop at the first signal from a U-boat; he assured me that since the English were constantly hoisting the Spanish flag he had lost all desire to navigate again in the dangerous waters of the war zone."
Commander Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner
nuff said