Now Obama's Penis is Missing.
I realize that Barry Hussein Jinn looked right at home in a South Africa prison, as the Jinn lamented it's coming eternal imprisonment in hell, but there was something strange going after...
View ArticleThe Stuff that Gemstones are Made of
It has come to my attention that someone posted a note to me lecturing about Joan of Arc being Mary Magdalene reincarnated, and that was the apparent dispute as I know reincarnation to be a whispered...
View ArticleSundae on Monday
My children, I do not mean to be a hard ass on things, but I'm certain there are people who have contacted me who are upset that Lame Cherry has not addressed them or written of things about them. I...
View ArticleSundae on Monday
My children, I do not mean to be a hard ass on things, but I'm certain there are people who have contacted me who are upset that Lame Cherry has not addressed them or written of things about them. I...
View ArticleSundae on Monday
My children, I do not mean to be a hard ass on things, but I'm certain there are people who have contacted me who are upset that Lame Cherry has not addressed them or written of things about them. I...
View ArticleSundae on Monday
My children, I do not mean to be a hard ass on things, but I'm certain there are people who have contacted me who are upset that Lame Cherry has not addressed them or written of things about them. I...
View ArticleJust a note about posting.
No my children I did not post Sundae on Monday multiple times. Apparently, the spiders are active of late in grabbing thing and in the glitch posting things numerous times.Further evidence of the fun...
View ArticleJeremiah was Bullfrog
Convincing souls that require saving is often a task that is as Paul in speaking at Mars Hill in telling the Greeks of the Unknown God they offered to was God.There is not a people who has not created...
View ArticleThe Lesser of Two Evils
There are times in everyone's life that they make choices in a "lesser of two evils" resignative state of mind everyone else glosses over because it could've been worse. Thing is, when that decision...
View ArticleGorilla Glue on my Fingers
I was asked about 9 11 again and I personally stopped paying attention to it as it was like JFK in going Mockingbird in having so many things sown and enough assets doing the 90% fact with 10% fraud...
View ArticleThe 6th Column in the Right.
Have a reality check for you on the right who believe in morality, America, Christianity as in Jesus, are pro Gun and pro Military.Rush Limbaugh, 4 times married, 3 times divorced, recovering addict,...
View ArticleMrs. Palin Take Out
I was contemplating in listing the top 10 accomplishments of Sarah Palin after she left office in Alaska as Governor...........1. Most of the candidates she backed were defeated by Karl Rove.2. She got...
View ArticleThank You to the Lady who checked on me
Pain is an interesting thing my childen as Limbaugh and others pontificate as rich folks about Obamacare not being implented for conglomerates next year, but comes after individuals.I ripped something...
View ArticleThe Heroes
I have been remiss in not writing of this for some time and was reminded again today in those who were drawn to David before he was King of Israel, and in many ways, how those of you have been drawn to...
View ArticleThe 7 Sisters
The demons key off the Pleiades you now. The 7 sisters in Taurus.It is why the aliens always tell the natives they are from there. It is their power resonator and how they manifest on earth.It is that...
View ArticleTax Reformication
As an exclusive to the Lame Cherry matter anti matter blog.......There is slight of hand coming which is a continuance of the Obama plan as was exposed here to destroy all small businesses in America,...
View ArticleLast Report
As this blog posted, Control was moving on global post\ition. Egypt's coup is that position.Control has moved away from American postiion. You are stuck with the Jinn. Setting stage for more to come in...
View ArticleOf Mockingbird Things
I wonder of things......In the Theodore Roosevelt archives of his many written works is one which as a hunter he writes of visiting a friend on a southern plantation and the friend, speaks of a...
View ArticleCherrycare
The Cherry is inThere was something which was bothering me the past years and it began to piss me off. See there was this dry patch thing on my arm that really displeased me. I thought it was a mole of...
View ArticleThe Travelin' Man
It is tough being a straight man making a living in a homosexual's dirty old men's club doing the inside job of things.Craig's List just not have allot of takers for 53 year old white male, blondish,...
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