As an exclusive to the Lame Cherry matter anti matter blog.......
There is slight of hand coming which is a continuance of the Obama plan as was exposed here to destroy all small businesses in America, and it comes from Mark Levin's, senator, Orin Mormon Hatch of Utah and that other communist Max Baucus of Montana.
You have to figure out what this is, and as most people do not own businesses like a farm, flower shoppe, cleaning business or hardware store, they will not get what is going on in this.
See the Tax Reform that Hatch and Baucus are trying to move through is to get the top rate down from like 35% to 23%, and the "need" to remove deductions that businesses receive.
Let me explain this so you get it and not be conned by this. Say you have a farmer, and he or she, buys things like fence staples, a 100,000 dollar tractor, wood for repairing a shed, a vaccine for s sick cow, grease for the planter........those things are a business deduction. Now you might think, that is unfair, but I just named the steel manufacturing industry, the heavy manufacturing industry, the lumber industry, the pharm industry and the petrolem product industry......which employs a number of people, and those people if you are not employed there, buy the things you are selling, so you get a job too, and this all comes from deductions.
Granted if there was just a 10% flat tax rate on a national scale, with states not allowed over 5% and all excise taxes banned, and people earning under 29,000 dollars per year not paying any taxes........none of the deductions would be necessary.
What I'm betting the fraud Hatch and Baucus are up to though is the conglomerates like GE who pay no taxes, will be exempt and get a 10% reduction in tax rates, but it will be small business which gets to take off air conditioning repair, the same things farmers buy, will suddenly find their deductions will be gone, and they will not be able to afford to upgrade anything, which in about 5 years will bankrupt them, and all the other businesses employing people from these purchases will begin cutting back too.
It is a brilliant smoke and mirrors in this really as it uses code words to sound great, but what it is, is another device to destroy independent mercantile in America, so it is all controlled by on central conglomerate importing sub standard parts from Asia.
Yes this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and no one else has spotted this. I will be willing to bet that Rush Limbaugh will get his million dollar deductions he is always bragging about as "charity" or his jet rental, but when it comes to your local business people they are going to find out in a hurry that the things that kept them in business and you in being served, will soon be gone.
This is on the tails of Obamacare, and the host of other things only catalogued by this blog, which includes the jacking up of electric prices, phone prices, fuel prices and the illegal manipulation of depreciating raw material prices in those who produce them, to make this "non inflation theater" running at 10% inflation per year the wonder of the Obama Super Depression.
So you know and get this my children, the cartel is never going to allow a tax reform or flat tax, as what is taking place is by design in legalize robbery. It is a way to destroy the working American and small business by taxation that is confiscating all wealth, and then it will be all property as no one can afford a home or land, except the wealthy, and then it is the communist state with the state deciding how you die.
They are doing this deliberately to exterminate America, and using the laws and tax codes against all. That is why they murdered Gordon Kahl a generation ago.
The conglomerates have tapped directly into the welfare state in National Socialism. It is all a money confiscation and capital concentration scheme for the accounts of the power elite.
This is economic warfare and do you ever wonder why all your mic heads never bring any of this up? Yeah it is due to their all being government stooges and they are there to keep you from revolution.
Guess I will say nuff said as will be away for awhile so am not being impolite in not ignoring people.
Happy 4th of July to the murdered American Virgin. May she rot in peace.