Convincing souls that require saving is often a task that is as Paul in speaking at Mars Hill in telling the Greeks of the Unknown God they offered to was God.
There is not a people who has not created their own version of a god to satisfy things. A smoking lamp suddenly becomes a jinn and an animal that acts like someone who died, becomes reincarnation.
This is for the Viking and ask all of you to bear with me, as in trying to get thing done around 4 today, I moved the center core of a round bale to a feeder and in pushing it, something inside me did not like it at all. It really hurts in a burning sort of way, enough for me to stop and I'm someone that never stops for pain. I will heal, as I do not have a fever nor am peeing blood, so nothing important popped loose. Just will be something more to deal with as I have to sit 8 hours tomorrow.
Any way, duty calls.....
For women, who men have been not great examples, men are to be avoided and God being a male Being, does not appeal to some. That is the beauty of Jesus, as the definition of Him is the Word or Thought of God.
God created male and female to reflect the nature of God. There must be order and to balance that there must be Love. The order is the Law and Jesus is Love, and fulfills the Law in Grace.
Some people will jump to the conclusion that God is then a woman, as Jesus actually has all the attributes of the female form in Love, Redemption, Forgiveness, Compassion. Jesus though is personifying the necessary balance in that comfort from God.
When people die and see Jesus, they speak of the Radiant Love. It is not about Radiant Law or the male form. Law is what is utilized to guide us here and to command evil to stay within the place it operates in not engulfing the world.
Men in this world fail in being lazy or afraid and are bullies. Women have to overcome a great deal in their fears grabbing power and losing sight of the fact that the female virtue is the powerful nature as the Law condemns, but Love redeems.
Women who have difficulty with the God being a male persona should be aware that in Heaven, Angels are not male or female in gender sexually, no more than people will be defined in Heaven as Spiritual being as male and female.
satan puts up all sorts of obstacles and people who have been hurt try to fix things in ways to suit them, when God has already provided the answers in Christ.
Tying to make God in our image is what causes all the problems in men thinking dominance without Love of God they are afraid to express or women thinking Love of God is a weakness, when Love is the strength all women have to govern all that is in this world.
I hope that helps in that aspect of a way to explain to women who are transferring males who fall short onto Him, is not something God ever would be. Jesus exhibits and fulfills all with the feminine attributes. It is what is missing in Islam. That is not to say that Love stands alone without the Law, but it is the fact that God made men and women to highlight the balance need of Love over raw strength and Strength to protect Love with giving up life.
Have to recuperate now.
Welcome to life without insurance and all one has is Trust in God.