No my children I did not post Sundae on Monday multiple times. Apparently, the spiders are active of late in grabbing thing and in the glitch posting things numerous times.
Further evidence of the fun to be had here.........but then again, they might like blondes and the copy key somehow got stuck. I suppose they spilled something sticky like a corn sweetener on the keyboard.
Sorry there are no big revelations......oh there is one about June 2014 in birds falling from the sky, frogs on the spit and Elvis impersonators leaving the building......
Yeah you finger it out coquettes as will just be clues on the major things until the millionaires pony up or at least that electro cash the mic heads are getting from Mockingbird pays me enough for their readership in Violet has something, something and room for a pony.
I have to go do chores in all that glamour as the most popular girl among the livestock......then bake rolls.....and more more more.
If the spiders hit the donate button as much as the exclamation key.....I would have the big bucks, large dollars, colossal cash........
More, More More - Andrea True Connection (HQ Audio) - YouTube
Jan 21, 2009 - Uploaded by Luiscmck7Os
How do you like your love baby? Reply ·. juan cabello garcia 1 day ago. Very good song, what it says, "More, more...agtG