I wonder of things......
In the Theodore Roosevelt archives of his many written works is one which as a hunter he writes of visiting a friend on a southern plantation and the friend, speaks of a Mockingbird which perches in the window at twilight and sings so beautifully, that TR records the event in his usual fashion of fascination, appreciation and scientific observation.
I have never seen a Mockingbird, but lusted after the event like the wonder of the Skylark which TR spoke of which is home on the western Dakota plains which sing so soft and sweet as he stated.
I wonder of things I have never experienced and then mourn for not having the experience. That though changed with the Tiger Lily in a grand adventure of a walk in a park, and there in the tree was a Mockingbird, TL informed me, and I was so delighted.
I was familiar with the beautiful song of the Brown Thrush and looked forward to that melodic string of songs each time I would hear them. I recall while checking fence one spring coming upon one in the brush, and the yellow eye, like a coyote of this bird in the handsome brown and light tan markings it has, was such a joy to me......and now though I have heard a Mockingbird.
This was so wonderful in this bird was speaking as a Blue Jay, as a Cockatiel, as a Robin, as a Plover, specifically the Kill Deer genus, and TL and I stood for almost a half hour listening to this happy bird and watching it spring up in the tree top to catch insects.
These birds are of the flycatcher family like the King Bird and they are such elegant and graceful hunters. It was really a surprise to see the wings extend and against the sky, white spots like eyes appeared on the wings, much like some dragon flies have to mimic eyes. God was most in detail the day He added that addition, as I do not know of another bird which has this wing pattern.
My children will know that I write of Mockingbird often in the mind conditioning programme which was hijacked out of CIA for feudal means, and that is what was so intriguing in this, as in the morning, there were two Mockingbirds who followed us to a cafe and were perched on the rail for a really close look to them, and this Mockingbird would sing outside the window early in the morning just after the Robin was finished with his 5 o'clock morning song...followed by the Cardinal.
TL's aviary is most splendid as there are gold finches, purple finches, their Mom has Orioles and Indigo Buntings....I have always loved watching birds since my earliest memories as I was shown them and I paid definite attention to their kindred spirit which they have.
My earliest of memories is a of Cardinal sitting one spring in a old forked dead ash that my Mom showed me out of our sharecropper window. It was so colorful and beautiful compared to our meager surroundings, and I always searched for another, but never found any until TL allowed me into the world of beauty there.
It seems too coincidence to be writing of these things, and then having Mockingbirds put on a constant display for us. That though is for other pondering as I was blessed for the gifts of TL and the birds to enjoy together.
I thank God for that and praise Him for this wonder.
nuff said