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The Cherry is in

There was something which was bothering me the past years and it began to piss me off. See there was this dry patch thing on my arm that really displeased me.
I thought it was a mole of some sort, as it would in winter get more pronounced and in summer would fade, and that pointed to Vitamin D associations......but it kept it up and it just pissed me off.

So I did what I had done previously in used Apple Cider Vinegar on moles which bugged me. Yes ACV if one uses an abrasive as I do not like scratching with needles, across a mole, and then puts on a cotton ball with bandage of ACV, will in 3 days to a week kill the fungus which is what a mole is.
Yes it will tingle and if you get over zealous it will burn the skin, but it is an amazing thing to experience in having a mole turn into a dark skin patch that falls off.
I have had them fester, but that is nothing that is going to kill me, as in a week they are gone and there is pink skin underneath that pigments out to normal.

Considering doctors burn with ice things off a person, I know the ACV is more healthy than frozen tissue damage.....and amazingly it costs just pennies to do.

There are times though I resort to self surgery, as skin tags are at times things I do not have time to burn off with ACV twice daily......so I have found a remedy which appeals to me up to a point as I do not cut off amounts of hide to require a skin graft.

What I use is a large nail clippers......no not the pliers thing, but a toe nail clippers, and I find that the pain in that is something delightful to me, compared to a scalpel.

I hate scalpels and knives as they feel like a burn to me when cutting. That is due to the effect that no matter the sharpness of a blade, it is still a saw edge at microscopic level. Blades hurt worse to me than a scratch which is just a tear......any way, when I deal with this in various skin things I want gone not on my face, I just use the clippers by pinching the skin, and clipping off the mole or whatever.

The nice part is in just taking skin, is the clippers pinch off the capilaries so there is not a great deal of bleeding usually, which allows me to put on an antibiotic and a bandage before it bleeds.

As I  type this, the self inflicted wound is itching with some mattering. Nothing wrong with my body having to trigger to fight things off. Itching means healing and pain with heat means a problem...so one uses clean conditions like clippers dipped in alcohol and of course medicines.
Is a problem in that time of year when it is humid in bacteria like that, when under dry conditions, one heals up more quickly.

Granted this is not for everyone, but my Gram from Canuckia or it was her Mum, was a healer and had all sorts of remedies as doctors were not something which were around or affordable. She always was a midwife, so the healing is in my blood.
The thing is with this rationed death from not exited Birther Hussein, is that people are going to have to treat themselves or find someone who at least can do something like follow directions and doing what needs doing, just like the olde times.

I really dislike others carving on me, with TL as the exception. For me when I can stop when it hurts and control the pain, then I do just fine in the nipping things and as I did inquire about cancer and things, and it was a NO, so I just handled it all as was not a problem in the least, as I enjoy such things in being a doc and a vet. Is just the healer in me, and as a physician who should I heal but myself first.

I never did like doctors. They never found out what was wrong with me and almost killed me with potions. Cypro had me end up in the emergency ward.....did not like the allergic reaction almost killing me from something almost killing me.
So I remedy myself as there are things a person can do in a home remedy. I also do not like some virus thinking it beat me. I took great satisfaction clipping that off....granted I had to squeeze three times as my hide apparently is a bit think on my arm, but removing that illegal occupant felt really good.....and I sort of like the feeling of things healing now too in that itch.....is a nice reminder of regeneration.

That is enough of the medical seminar, and things people will have to consider in rationed death.

Gotta jet.


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