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Sundae on Monday


My children, I do not mean to be a hard ass on things, but I'm certain there are people who have contacted me who are upset that Lame Cherry has not addressed them or written of things about them. I would first note that those people should be grateful their lives are not in such turmoil or in need of a personal note, they should consider that a blessing.

I received a long note today from someone who has had her heart spoken to in the things about the poor. This is someone who was raised in poverty and now has a very good life. She should have this good life and frankly she should enjoy it.
The very virtue of her Grandmother's words speaking to her about giving is a testament of God within her, and how she has tried to pass these lessons onto her children.

She like even TL and myself do contemplate what to do in flee or stay. I frankly could not afford a passport, and the idea of being a resident alien in some foreign land filled with people having axes to grind on someone that has been in America, does not appeal to me.

Years ago the logical place to retreat was Honduras or Guatemala, but since the CIA stopped helping out the banana republics, it is this Obama narcomarxists running things, and dying around a bunch of Spanish speaking dolts does not exactly have anything comforting to me.

It is strange in the mirror of the heart, the person a good person sees, as they always want to convict themselves. Judging someone named Sundae from my righteous perspective is one that she is doing what is right and is pleasing to God. People like her, are people like the majority of you, who are good souls and trying.
None of you are unfit for God's Work and God is working through you daily in the unknown ways no one thinks matters and that is all that matters.

Dying is not such a bad thing for a Christian. The living is the hard part. You simply come to that point, put yourself in Faith in Christ and leave the body. In the prayer I posted here in knowing the outcome for many people, it is a reality that numbers of people are going to be martyred in the years ahead, and it will be their choice to Glorify God, just as Joan of Arc and the Apostles did. I do not want to scare people, or have them think I'm speaking directly about them in knowing their personal fates. It is just a reality that some people chose to come here to die to Glorify God as a martyr, and some people have work in looking after their families in the trouble which lays ahead.

I do not want you to worry about things, nor convict yourselves. Christ is greater than the heart. If you are questioning what you are, you have a conscience and that means God is working in you.
If you are thinking you have it all mapped out and are better than the average bear, you got problems as if I'm someone who knows I need a great deal of work to still be right with God, then those who are casting the first truckload of dirt at me constantly certainly have things to work on.

Just be yourselves in Christ, listen to God, and retry the things you hear to make sure they are Scriptural before doing things.
The 10 Commandments are the waymark to abide in as you trust in Christ to overcome all sins.
The list in Romans chapter 1 are things to not do nor be.

 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

I want each of you to understand things in this. I'm very protective of you and I do have checed for you. I'm not here to condemn you nor to make you stumble in thinking you do not measure up. You are just fine in who you are and you are trying. That is what matters and you are accomplishing the Law in hearing and obeying God the best you can in not deliberately sinning, and understanding that God desires children who are compassionate on others and not those who make large donations for show to get their names in print.

Of course there are things to be wise about. You are not to be involved in saving people by inviting criminals into your home. That is a special calling just like all things are.
It is why I featured that wife of a Baptist clergy who was thrust into counseling some teenage pervert on porn and ended up in bed with him, and got gang raped by the government prosecuting her.  Most people have enough on their hands in keeping themselves, their spouse and their children in the path, and, grandstanding in being some leader in a Church or going off to feel superior to dark skinned peoples fails in their first mission.

satan is worse on the clergy and their family. It is why so many of the biggest preachers end up in some kind of sex sins, as they think they can handle it. There is always something pleasing from a gold watch to a needful person to appeal to a good nature or a thing that is needed, and the next thing satan has people doing things they never dreamed of.
A drunk does not start out with a case of beer no more than a sex pervert start out in an orgy. It is a process and it can be anything from money to golf to power.

You my children though, need to be told you are good souls. God would not have the majority of you here, and those few who have donated doing so, if you were not moved in trying to make something right. That is enough in this in you saw a need, did good and fulfilled what is the Law.

God certainly does not someone who is well off, to give it all away, as families do need to be cared for and what is coming, money will not solve, but money is going to help for a time. I do believe in the next few years that most people will have been as poor as I am now who are rich.
Face it, that all those trillions in bribes just can not be left out there to be competition to the ruling elite. They have broken the poor, are breaking the people with money, and when the time comes, the millionaires and billionaires will be sheared too as they are a threat.

That is why I simply make the point in trying to get through to the dolts with money the lesson that Christ taught about debt and need. Who is going to appreciate you giving them money........a millionaire running a charity or some poor person who was on moral ground to handle money?

I would rather have a dozen poor people I gave half a million dollars to in times like these, so that when everyone loses everything, I would be a rich person with a dozen people who would remember they had a friend in me.....as the millionaires are going to be selling you out to the regime to save their own hides.

Some how that reality just does not get through to the wealthy. They think electronic wealth is going to save them when it is gone, and they  think some estate and pretty objects will not make them a target, and if they have guards or police, that the police or security is not going to blow their brains out for those pretty things when they can get away with it, which Matt Drudge posting about Civil War is preparing the mind for events which are sanctioned to be coming.

Personally, I would if I was rich, go find some acreage like the British in their Manors, and then put some tenant farmers on it to make it profitable, and they would then be your guard dogs who are armed. It would make you money and it would be a place of refuge, providing it is at least 200 miles from a major city.
You would have a safe haven to keep you safe the Lord willing and have people you knew who could watch your back as you would be Baroness of the Black Forest.
Be intelligent, get some signs made up, like BEWARE OF THE BULL...some reason people could care less about dogs, but they think a mad bull is on the other side of a fence and they will not cross it....to some interesting signs like "RADIOACTIVE AREA".
In an upheaval, those types of things put up will keep the bulk of people out, and if you get people lurking about you can figure they are idiots and up to no good, so should not be trusted.

I actually tried this past year to get some wealthy physicians to give me a tenant deal like that, as I'm humble, but none took the lesson. As I wrote in my book long ago, the reason wealthy people die, is they think their money will save them, and when the Nazi or Communist shows up, the wealthy will not leave their money, and end up corpses murdered for that money that was the focus of their lives.

As I have said, I'm really tired. All of this has taken a great deal out of me. Things will post here, but if I do not reply about things, I'm not being rude. Just trying to stay alive.

The reality is though in conclusion, you are probably doing pretty good if you are not posting photos of you online thinking that being sold as a net prostitute is the answer to all that defines you.

People need to be good, trust in Jesus, do what is right, and not make yourself a target of the regime.....at least a target like me. It is not enjoyable and it is why I'm probably stuck doing it by God as it has no allure for me. I do have dreams. I would love to be able to hoe my garden in peace and not worry about money. I would like to be able to reward TL with a life they deserve for being nice to me.

I have no lust for Rolex watches, BMW's, designer fashions or any of that other stuff, which if I gave some person money, I would not want them wasting it on. My neighbors were hard up and the community threw them a benefit. They were Catholics and one of the other Catholic neighbors who saw that part of their donation went to buy 2 new snowmobiles quipped, "I would have liked a snowmobile too".

Some  rich person ever has a heart that donates to me 500,000, I have a simple plan in getting some land, renting it out as I said above, and doing what I do now, without the worries about money as I know how to live frugal. A few years ago 150,000 would have done it, but with this rapine inflation pricing the people out of their own nation, that is what it would come to. A down payment would be nice, as a start, dealing with taxes and probably Obamacare blah blah blah....but I never waste money as it never has come to be easy. If money came to me as easy as the Word of God does, then I would be a quadrillionaire.

Face the reality in this, you could be Birther Hussein the morgue blasphemer, the Jinn at the Oval O, or Joe Biden, or Laura Ingraham buying kids for a fortune who are bonkers as she is phobic about men.....all people of wealth and power, or you could be you.

I would wager you would choose to be you. I know I would still chose to be me than any of the myriad of above.

I do hope that helps you my children, to know you are doing good. You would not be here nor understanding enough of this if you were not with God. If I was with you, I would be parental and rub your hair, smile at you, and tell you to not to worry and go play as you have done enough today.

God bless each of you.


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