Have a reality check for you on the right who believe in morality, America, Christianity as in Jesus, are pro Gun and pro Military.
Rush Limbaugh, 4 times married, 3 times divorced, recovering addict, married to his daughter who had Elton John sing at his wedding for 1 million dollars, who has never served in the military nor is shooting nor hunting part of his decor.
Sean Hannity, the nice guy in the crowd in married, Pope Catholic, yes that last Pope of Pater Rome, does not hunt nor does he shoot guns, and just gushed over Elton John singing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding.
Mark Levin, the slap the other Ashkenaz cheek of the right, who does not enjoy shooting anything but his mouth off, does not hunt, does though want Obama not impeached, and invested time in smearing birthers.
Michelle Malkin, Ms. Czarina, who while the Birther issue was being debated, tried to change the subject from ACORN and Birther Obama to the "czars" according to Mockingbird. Was rewarded piles of cash for her work in selling her site and has since disappeared.
Peggy Noonan, Nooners for Obama as she moons over him, in her electoral choice who betrayed Ronald Reagan and still is soused up at the Murdoch Wall Street Journal nattering on about what a bad lay Obama is while not remembering in her dilerium that Obama was who she put into office.
Has no males nor wedding vows nor children on her list, but just loves things called Pope to worship.
Ann Coulter, another Nooner for Obama. Woman trashed Joseph Farah and the Birthers, while defending Obama with her first playmate Al Sharpton and then Geraldo Rivera.
Coulter is unwed, unchilded and unread by millions as her books like Mark Levin's are cut and paste plagiarism.
Laura Ingraham, the reformed homosexual's best friend due to brotherly fidelity. Loved Dinesh D'Souza, but can not find a man to bed her nor wed her, like Noonan and Coulter, in their psychopathies.
She does though purchase children from Nazi Latinos and Stalinists in Russia and turns them into little Ivan's the Terrorists in her home who punch her and laugh at her authority as she has them sleep on the floor like a dog, so they will not crawl into her manless bed.
Shep Smith, Obama apologist, voter and closeted consort. Trashed the Birthers with a vehemence that made Ann Coulter look like a defender.
Smith's best hunting seems to be a date with Obama and a way to front load his Anthony Wiener into the Obama limo.
Chris Wallace, another Ashkenaz, on the mild side, whose old man Mike could not find enough things to trash America over. Double dip married and as an Obama voter was so very starry eyed over the messiah as he had no messiah of his own.
No military background, does not hunt nor shoot for fun.
Michael Savage, another Russian Ashkenaz, the Mark Levin with balls and a rapist vocabulary dick for a tongue. Has his moments of coherence, and then goes bunny hugger nuts like Levin in thinking dogs are people, but Savage goes one further in hiring Africans to go shoot other Africans who are trying to make a living poaching, because the Ashkenaz have bought up all the resources so Africans can not make a living.
Like Levin, Savage hides behind intellectualism in degrees of Reagan are some sort of weapon to be drawn as a PHD is so hard to get that only Michael ever could blah blah blah.
No military background and not a hunter, unless humans.
Who else............
Mike Gallagher, the guy whose wife died so he throws Jesus around in his statements and then sleeps with his dog. Went hunting once with Foster Friess and killed a pheasant with the man who is Aspen Institute hippie nuts.
Has lots of Karl Rove closeted friends....no military background.
Bill Cunningham, great talker on things on the right, but does not want Obama removed from office as those scarey black people will burn down cities and then Joe Biden will be President. Guess on that logic we should have kept Saddam Hussein alive and given Sheik bin Laden free medical care, as what followed has been worse.
Andy Dean, the sort of Hollywood fem from Ohio boy, who does have a brain, but his audience is redneck retard, who he is so PMS over that he keeps bitch slapping them around. Dean is all talk as he auditions to replace Limbaugh, but he is allot like Ohio, in sounding GOP but Obama keeps showing up in the White House.
Scott Hennen, the smiling guy on the right, who once was so Tea Party, he was the first letter in T, but from big oil to his absolute love for slave Mexican labor, all glossed over in a tight wad of cash that bounces around from animal wacko extremism, there just is nothing that appears like all of the above but another illusion in this Vatican backing Catholic.
Dinesh D'Souza, the pronounced not Conservative who had a thing for blondes and married one from Louisiana after tapping Laura Ingraham. D'Souza read allot of books in being Indian and purchased a fellowship out at Stanford or something as that meant he knew in coming to America what it meant to be an American, as he read it in a book to become an exported expert.
Took credit for all the things on Obama in a big bucks movie, while rationing death to George Obama for 1000 dollars instead of some real cash.
Yeah no military, no hunting, no Veterans, no Jesus is my Lord, but he does make a large amount of cash blaming America for 9 11 while he tussles with Robert Spenser over things having built his career in a Coulter and Sharpton act.
Alex Jones, the sort of Molotov Mob in one six pack, who like Ron Paul, blames a great deal of the problems on the right. A great defender of the "government is not all bad" unlike Reagan and of course that mantra like Levin, "No Revolution" as the gulag is a better audience share than people being in the Spirit of 76.
Do you get the joke, that the people who Mockingbird have hired to espouse your right wing ideology, have nothing in common with any of you? That is the humor in this, in the ones snatched from the snatch are the Ashkenaz Jesuit harlots of Marxism's 5th Column in America.
Your very representatives in media are Marxism's Agent Provocateurs in the 6th Column in the Right.
nuff said