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Now Obama's Penis is Missing.


I realize that Barry Hussein Jinn looked right at home in a South Africa prison, as the Jinn lamented it's coming eternal imprisonment in hell, but there was something strange going on......as after this blog revealed that the Obama mole was missing......the mole reappeared in full force in South Africa........

Along with the trademark of Birther Obama's hands in his pants playing with hisself for the past 5 years........

Obama Erection - YouTube

Feb 22, 2009 – Mr. Obama is clearly excited about the conversation he is having with the person on the phone.
Yes even the internet had video of Obama showing off his dick as this blog catalogued HERE...

and HERE.......

But we now have a new problem in Obama's penis is missing.

See in previous revelations the Obama penis, as noted by Lawrence Sinclair had a definite bias, and was lewdly present as Obama liked showing the thing off.

The Jinn though at Prison, well......it is just sort of poking there like a nub the size a person of Peking heritage would possess, and a reality of someone who was not putting things in his pants to pretend he was a black man as Barry Chin was prone to do.

So for more shapeshifter exclusives in proof that this blog stated would appear, first Obama's handshakes changed, his relationships changed, his women folk changed in being sullen, and his mole disappeared......all from this Jinn, along with the Jinn amplifying Obama's chin and lips to grotesque status......

.....and right on schedule as this blog exposed it, the Jinn got told to buck it up and be Obama, and in Africa, the round head Obama with no chin appeared, along with the mole, the Obama communist organized fashion.......but this time Obama's dick disappeared, and what appeared is not Obama's penis in cant, position nor erectableness.

That is enough of this exclusive and study in shapeshifters in how they just do not quite get it right.

You explain how moles disappear and reappear and you explain how a penis changes on a man's body, unless the man is not the man.


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