As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........This blog has always dealt in patterns. Patterns are God's intelligent design, as from all chaos emerges order or patterns which point to...
View ArticleMay God Bless You
My children, I desire to thank each of you for your kindness to TL, Mom and I in those who have donated and those who have dropped a short note.Thank you for your prayers for us, and for others who...
View ArticleRSPCT
R E S P C T"The President had a brain fart."Gayle KingThe state of thee American Afroid has been degrading rapidly under the Obama regime from where it had evolved from in education for 300 years in...
View ArticleZachary Taylor
There are those American leaders who if they had only lived would have made such a difference in an age where they would be needed. Tellingly, two American Generals both did not live beyond their first...
View ArticleOf Kings and Popes
If not mistaken, King William was the man who preceded Queen Victoria in her golden reign. He died without children and I like him as Peter Ustinov played him in the movie.Peter Ustinov never did...
View ArticleRush Limbaugh owes Vladamir Putin an Apology
Rush Limbaugh mocked Vladamir Putin this past week when Mr. Putin stated that fascists were behind the overthrow in the Ukraine.The reality is in 99 % half brain Limbaugh is that a fascist is indeed...
View Article12 Years a Slave
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........I personally am incensed by the racism of Hollywood in not just making, but awarding an Oscar to the film 12 Years a Slave. It was not that...
View ArticleObama Mushroom Cloud Diplomacy
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........This week the world witnessed in the west two sound diplomatic assessments of the Ukraine situation, and both appeared from 90 year old men...
View ArticleOddly
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....If I were to ask you in which war, the use of iron clads arose, most of you would think the Civil War or come up with something out of...
View ArticleOde to the Hound
My children, I have always had a dream of having hounds. You must understand that there are many different types of hounds.Some are warm scent trailing in blood hounds, and some are cold scent as the...
View ArticleVladaczar
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......I have not bothered to tap into the matrix proper as of late, because I have been distracted by upheaval for over a month now, but I am...
View ArticleLame Cherry Exclusive on Downed Malaysian 777 Airliner
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........Upon inquiry, the downed Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner bound for Peking, was the work of one of the front Muslim terror groups run out...
View ArticleLame Cherry on Sarah Paln's Mind
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........My children, I always tell you the power of this blog and I tell you that in your speech patterns how you change the world.At CPAC or...
View ArticleOld Father
I wonder of parents who are rare in turning out the best of children. I wonder of good parents thwarted by satan in ruining those children. I wonder of worthless parents who are given children born...
View ArticleOde to the Obama
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........Once upon a time in place called the Philippines, the Americans arrived and liberated the islands from Spanish Imperialism.The people...
View ArticleByting the Bitcoin
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater..........Upon inquiry the Bitcoin upheaval is linked to the information which Edward Snowden and MIC were releasing to the world.The reason Bitcoin...
View ArticleCongrats to Kim Jong Un
Congratulations to Kim Jong Un on his wonderful re election to Premier of North Korea, in gaining 100% of the vote with 100% of the voters turning out.Obama could only get that kind of turn out at...
View ArticleOracles
The Word of the Lord concerning the Oracles of God in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.I am against you declares the Lord God, for the Word of the Lord is not in you.I am against...
View ArticlePatience
The only time I ever heard God's Voice literally was wave of thought as I was in anguish in bed, half seated up, praying to Him.I have that it would have been some great mystery or Gabriel concourse of...
View ArticleThe Interesting Earthquake Predicted Here
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........I am going to utilize part of a letter I received and the reply as it dealt with a subject which I touched on here on earthquakes for...
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