As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
This week the world witnessed in the west two sound diplomatic assessments of the Ukraine situation, and both appeared from 90 year old men who were groomed under President Richard Nixon's Administration in Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld.
Except for this blog, there has been an absolute drought of diplomatic policy in the west, with the only pro American stance coming from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Vladamir Putin in Russia.
It is Mr. Netanyahu who has been espousing the pro American safety of Muslim interests and it has been Mr. Putin who has engaged in peace, instead of the slaughter of Muslims.
That is the absolute reality. That is the reality that the Obama regime has been everything anti American in Christian virtue and Founders morality as this regime changes America to Omerica, a feudal thugocracy.
What one has experienced to dull the senses has been an Obama puppy press promoting this regime's global rapine of the image of Obama taking selfies now as Sec. of State John Kerry bathes in the pools of Paris glitter as portrait of "let them eat cake diplomacy".
This is why when Dr. Kissinger, a diplomat of the global order, writing a paper on the Ukraine in blaming the Europeans of annexation and the Russians of Soviet illusions, while correctly stating that the Ukraine has always been Russian and is a mix of east and west, and should as this blog wrote of in 2009 exclusively when Mr. Obama handed east Europe over to the Kremlin to rule, so Obama could pillage the Muslim world for his communist interests, that the Ukraine should be part of a Slavic buffer zone of confederated alliance in defense and trade, with American ties, to keep the friction of Russia and Europe from being what it is now, a problem of all demanding Ukraine when it is for Slavs to decide. It is why when Dr. Kissinger speaks it is so stunning as there has not been any reason or sense in the west since the usurpation of the White House by this foreign agent Obama.
Lame Cherry had the solution in markets for Russia and Europe in the developing Slavic nations, but no one would listen.
Hillary Clinton was Obama foreign policy, and it was one of bargains with Russia to install a Marxist Muslim order in the Mideast, to bring al Qaeda under control of the Obama regime at the sacrafice of Slavic nations.
John Kerry is now Obama foreign policy and having observed his Sudanese solution of divide nations for oil and continue to slaughter Christians in Darfor, we now witness John Kerry, the Paris diplomat, threatening Russia with economic sanctions when Russia holds the economic purse of Europe in energy and trade.
No one mentions that this Obama order went in and stole the savings of Russian investors in Cyprus. That was not enough of a rapine of Russia, now due to Mr. Putin stopping the slaughter in Syria, Ukraine must now be stolen back from mother Russia.
My warning in this, is what I warned of this months ago in Vladamir Putin retaliating on the west. Vladamir Putin is a leader who has to rule by the fist and he uses it, both subtly and forcefully. He assassinated a Russian in London using nuclear material. This is a leader who is a friend to every movement who was not getting a piece of the European or American bribery pie.
It is one thing for Dr. Kissinger to remind Mr. Putin with threats of a Cold War, but it is another thing to forget that the Soviet KGB and Russian FSB are masters of cold war in knowing how to entice hostage taking, blowing up Americans and turning pro American allies into world denounced thugs who try to keep order in their lands, as Russian hands remain blood free.
Vladamir Putin with revolutionary cells in all of Obamaland and the west, can cause more mayhem than the west can afford to deal with.
I give you three scenarios.
1. The FSB ships 1000 SKS, 1000 grenades and 1000 timers with 1000 pounds of C4 to the Muslim ghettos of Paris.
2. The FSB ships 1000 timers and 5000 pounds of C4 to the Turks in Germany.
3. The FSB ships 300 pounds of spent plutonium and cobalt to London with 60 timers and 60 pounds of C4 to be attached to 4000 liter fuel tanks.
How long do you think it will be before France is in full revolution? Germany has every bridge, power plant and road in ruin? How long before London is a city where only rats occupy it?
That is not 1 trillion dollars for Obama to drag Khadaffi through the streets, but less than 100,000 dollars neutralizing the greatest powers in Europe. Mr. Putin does not have to even deal with America, as Obama has destroyed America already.
So for electioneering do you really want to call Mr. Putin an Adolf Hitler, Mrs. Clinton? Mr. Obama image and Mr. Kerry do you really want to take this to a new level beyond using biological weapons against Bob Costas for his praising Vladamir Putin in giving Costas pink eye?
George W. Bush made a working relationship with Vladamir Putin. Barack Hussein Obama Chin turned it into one of bribes using Slavic slaves, and now it has become like all things Obama in turning on his former comrades in a "get Putin".
The Russians have behaved themselves for years due to the diplomatic nuances of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Clinton infuriated the Russians so they sold nuclear weapons to Saddam Hussein and the Ayatollah of Iran, which started off the current nuclear arms race. It must be noted in this, as this blog has been the only one weaving this thread as all else were focused on Obama things alone, that the KGB with 15 old nukes caused all sorts of hell and costs in the Mideast, including 9 11.
That is what Russia is capable of when they are mistreated. They have been behaving, but if pressed they will again misbehave and that is something even Dr. Kissinger in arrogance is not assessing.
The American policy since 2009 has been one of bribing Russia and China, doing money dumps into Europe while giving terrorists drug monopolies and overthrown Muslim allied nations to al Qaeda as thug enforcers to 1600 Penn Avenue policy.
The Obama policy has been nothing but KGB and PLA thuggery and not American policy at all.
Obama regime policy in the Pacific is the obliteration of Japan and the annexation of South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines by the Chinese communists.
Obama regime policy in Europe is the obliteration of Russia for the rising of a Neo Roman Empire.
Obama regime policy is Africa is selfie images over genocide of Africans.
Obama regime policy in South America is Nacro Marxism.
Obama regime policy in the Middle East is Jewish extermination by Islamocommunist nuclear holocaust.
Yes Dr. Kissinger breathes one page on Ukraine, but the entire world is a volume of Obama regime designed global enslavement and execution by nuclear mushroom clouds.
I have had it with these patrician fatties like Chris Christy vamping for Obamacracy as Ted Cruz is the taco vender for the Rovian take me out to the ball game, as Sarah Palin chik filas in I told ya John Bolton weighs in with his 30 pieces of silver for Kirkpatrick lite.
There is a problem in Godless America when Henry Kissinger is making sense and Donald Rumsfeld is the only note voice correctly assessing one facet of the western situation.
As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, so you know. American foreign policy worked due to one man, and his name was General Vernon Walters. He was the American success in silence to the public face of Henry Kissinger.
Vernon Walters was at the side of the two greatest American strategists of the 20th century in President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan.
What the west and Obama regime is, are a group of leftist minders and cartel cronies. There is no room nor place for diplomats, operatives or agents any more, and that is why no one has any answers, as even the think tanks are so corrupted, no Inspired thoughts arise from them.
The shame of this is that in writing of Vernon Walters, none of you have any idea of this gentleman, and those who might remember that old man's face, are unaware what he meant to western diplomacy.
There were two men who formed in American domination which Birther Obama has now destroyed. They were the economist Milton Friedman and the diplomat Vernon Walters.
The world is now approaching a generational phase of Obama Mushroom Cloud Diplomacy. America is still rotting from the Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski economic and political disasters. The Obama regime was the final phase of this obliteration of the world.
You will note though that silence is golden in this, in both Carter and Brzezinski who both mentored the Designer Negro Obama, have disappeared in having sense enough to know they do not want to be blamed for the annihilation they began.
I offer this Lame Cherry Doctrine of Continentalist Party policy as this blog is about solutions for the benefit of America as a Republic.
Vladamir Putin can take anything he pleases from Saudi Arabia to Ukraine. He though can not hold territory due to resources. I call for a reset of American policy from Obama regime policy.
I advocate if President George W. Bush is still healthy enough, that he be sent on diplomatic mission with Donald Rumsfeld for meetings with Mr. Putin and the Russian leadership.
The meetings are simple. The United States would agree to give to Mr. Putin his public persona in the west, if Mr. Putin would agree to a Slavic confederation of trade and development as a buffer between central Europe and Russia.
That is it. No more Adolf Putin smears and no Chris Matthews snide slurs about President Bush.
Vladamir Putin desires a positive western public image. Give it to him, as he is recorded as the "father of the Slavic Confederation".
Build upon that in Mr. Putin's long term survival for Russia in Muslim wombs out producing Russian wombs and Chinese feet and mouths taking squatter's possession of eastern Russian lands.
Make Russia focus on her threats and do not threaten her.
"Diplomacy is not about what you want, but about extricating what you can for your benefit from what the other negotiator desires."
- Lame Cherry
What you read in this blog is the remnant of the old men's school, and all of it has always been geared to keep things like Ukraine from ever manifesting.
The time to fix these situations has run out, as America no longer due to the destruction of the Obama regime, has no hand of strength in morality, currency nor military. America has a weak hand by deliberate Obama appeasement, bowing and dithering.
There is though no Vernon Walters to play this weak hand out and no Richard Nixon in the White House to make a weak hand strong.
This Obama regime takes money from Asians to bribe Americans on Wall Street and Welfare to not revolt. The Reagan Administration took money from Asians to dismantle the Soviet Empire as he built America from within.
That is the difference in this which Dr. Kissinger will not espouse. Ronald Reagan's policy was to free Europe and the Obama regime's policy was to divide Europe into feudal east and west, while weakening America to not be a contender in this of Neo Roman Empire domination, and is why John Kerry is in Paris as that is where he believes the world should be ruled from.
There is no Vernon Walters to play this weak hand, even if there was a suitable American President or Administration to back the hand.
I warned of all of this years before, but instead of rising up, Americans were Limbaugh pacified and CNN appeased. The American Virgin was slaughtered and now all there is, is this rotting sodom cadaver. God is a God of the living and not of the dead.
The popular girl is the only one making any sense of this consistently.
nuff said