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"The President had a brain fart."

Gayle King

The state of thee American Afroid has been degrading rapidly under the Obama regime from where it had evolved from in education for 300 years in America. The reality of stereotype was that the Nigger was a lazy, stupid, self entertaining and over sexed group which had not the sense to keep from their own demise.

In this Obama Super Depression, the White House again in this Obama regime, spent more American debt in honoring "women of soul" led by Aretha Franklin, who sounded more like a rhino in her huffing and puffing in her lungs are auditioning her for room temperature.

During the spending spree, the image of Obama, reading from a teleprompter, correctly read Aretha Franklin's song R E S P C T, which is respect, but it was spelled incorrectly, at which the Fang Jinn read it that way, apparently not having an idea he had not spelled the word correctly as the audience of other blacks and white liberals looking to be Afroid entertained laughed non stop at this.

In the Colonial age, the white had the sense to not be amused by the stupidity of the natives picking nits off their nappy heads, to quote Don Imus. No educated moral person cared to degrade themselves by associating with the uncivilized, and from Jesuits to military Commanders, they informed the native how they were making fools of themselves in a polite way in order to have them stop acting ridiculous.

There has been an entertainment factor which white liberals have enabled for over a century in listening to Sambo make a fool of themselves on a stage. Al Jolson made a wonderful career mimicking these idiots who appealed to liberal whites in giving them something to laugh at like monkeys in a zoo.

It has been a point of this blog to say enough is enough in not allowing these Afroids the license to embark upon their devolution. A black male with one stupid expression is not entertaining nor is stringing gold on their person the least interesting. It is simply foolish and stupid and has no value, and these blacks must be informed of this.
The same with these slave bred athletes in being on a Dan Rooney plantation to entertain white people in sports is nothing of a higher order no more than one cares to invite a race horse over for cocktails and discuss Bach.
As for these Afroid females, their big bones, large asses, attitudes and huge lips is not musical, sexy, appealing or something anyone with sense would care to visit, unless they would pay money to hear cat screetch to jungle drum beat.

I am not a person who required Oprah Winfrey to parade white trash before me to learn of their trashy existences as a freak show to entertain me. Nor am I the type of civilized person who accepts her lesbian obtruse Gayle King degrading a situation in making excuses for an image of Obama by saying he had a "brain fart" which is another disgusting degradation of the Office of the Presidency in this Mandingo usurpation of the Oval Office.

These Afroids are repulsive and Colonials would have nothing to do with them. The only creatures who would slum with such Afroids would be those looking to f*ck something more than sheep or dogs.

The problem in this is that the Afroid is so senseless that they are not ashamed of being less capable than that chimpanzee who was taught sign language to communicate with humans. In the era of Dr. Martin Luther King jr., the misspelling of a word, being laughed at and not being intelligent enough to know the world you spelled was not correct, would have been met with consternation and horror, as that generation comprehended how vital it was in preserving what they had worked so hard for, in appearing to be more in public than some oversexed, stupid Nigger.

This image of Obama did not have a brain fart. This image is the face of designed blackness in the 21st century where repulsive Oprahites make excuses for shiftless, stupid and welfare pepper males who tan darker in the sun than normal brown or white skinned peoples.

Being stupid, illiterate, uneducated and unrefined used to be something people were naturally ashamed of, and something they did not emulate, make excuses for or ever want to be known as.

The American Afroid, male and female not only accepts how stupid they are as a group defined by Barack Obama, but promotes it.

The only way to save blacks from their extinction, which is now under Obama filling the aborticide coffers, is to reject what the Afroid is in those who are educated, literate and knowledgeable in the Caucasian and Mongoloid peoples to the reality of ridiculing them and austracizing them. For the Afroid that means you will be made fun of and shunned.

This indeed is racism, but the same racism in the human race, that humans do not cohabitate with monkeys. If a monkey got 3 letters right in R E S P E C T, it would be novel, but when an Obama has been handed a Harvard degree in Affirmative Action, it is degrading to every Harvard diploma recipient, as that diploma is worthless.

I warned in 2008, that blacks making Obama their poster boy would bring their ruin, and it has taken place, but the Afroid is too stupid to know it has happened.

One would never hear a Edward Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather nor Charlie Rose utter the word "brain fart" in a white liberal would have more sense and self respect to degrade themselves that way in the profession, but there is this Gayle King uttering such jabbering.

The Negroid was afforded with European Caucasian breeding the best chance to evolving to a higher level of advancement in America. They were given religion, educated, health care and careers, and further advanced in Affirmative Action, and in a few years of Obama, proved no different than the common hog, in converting back to the razor back and then the wild boar. It is apparently in the Afroid genes to devolve immediately as 300 years of husbandry proved absolutely to have no affect in one term of the Obama regime.

This is unsettling, for if a crossed Negroid in Obama having Asian intelligence could not be advanced with larger brain, and the Moor being a Muslim Arab cross with white blood in North Africa was simply self destructive warlike, and this American Afroid version so readily becomes worse than the original progenitor of the west coast of Africa, then the Negroid race will cease to be if humanity lasts another 1000 years.

If civilization degrades in an Atlantean type state, then surviving races will simply finish the cartel's HIV infection of African genocide, and if not, the Negroid and Afroid has proven incapable of advancing, that they will self abort themselves from the human gene pool.

It seemed impossible in the historic 44 Obama usurpation of the US Presidency, that it would be the last height the Negroid would rise to and rapidly descend to extinction like the dinosaur.

The worst of it being the ignorance of the Afroid basking in Obama bliss has no semblance of understanding their projected future.

200 years ago science would have obtained some American specimens to study and test, and at least pronounced to the world what the fate of the Negroid was to warn them. Now it is a matter of not allowing science to even note this devolution.

Think of it in a 1000 years, children in a revived civilization will be taught of the extinct Negroid, and blink in confusion as children do now at the mention of the Neanderthal.

I wonder if there was an Obama Neanderthal who was made leader of some advanced Homosapiens, and that was the beginning of their doom, as the Neanderthals all sat around smiling and returned to their original state.

"Ooga ooga, that was Neanderbama having brain fart while Troglodyte singer entertained........."

agtG 245

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