My children, I desire to thank each of you for your kindness to TL, Mom and I in those who have donated and those who have dropped a short note.
Thank you for your prayers for us, and for others who have appeared here. It is appreciated as when satan tries to inflict with a curse of sickness which has been removed by Jesus the Christ, it helps all in Faith to know that we are in this conflict together.
I do not want any to think I am ignoring you by not mentioning you by name. I get into trouble at times in people getting uspet when I mention names. I am trying it this way once, but please know that I do pray over each of you and am thankful for you.
Mom is doing good. She had a hard winter and is trying to manage with me not always there. Spring should be coming now and that will make a big difference. TL is well, but we are both hoping for the time when we can be wed and put the world behind us. Me, I am just plugging along as usual and that is not worth comment on.
Auntie who broke her hip is doing really good. She can not walk on it for 6 weeks and is in a geezer facility receiving therapy. This is the work which I did with Mom. It amounts to stretching, balance and learning to walk with walkers, canes and just getting all that old bloody fluid to reabsorb into the body so the limb does not look black.
She is good spirits is supposed to be with her son around April sometime.
I had a few questions I am trying to retrieve from the memory bank and one was about if the government should have no interest student loans as usury is a sin. That of course is true, and as this is all of our money, it should all be at no interest or an interest rate at cost to government which should never be banking high.
John Adams wrote of this in how every person should work for money, and it should not be a matter of interest being paid to those few who lend to the many poor.
The entire problem of America is like Britain in the Rothschilds figured out that governments running at debt made them money and destroyed nations, so they could rule in the aristocracy. The Federal Reserve is wickedness as is the IRS in being made to inflict upon people.
The poor pay more in hidden and graduated taxes than a rich Rush Limbaugh ever does, because the poor pay in fuel, electric, food, alcohol, cigarettes and sex. I have always stated that 10% in taxes is all anyone should have to pay whether rich or middle class. The poor should never have to pay taxes except on property as houses or for things they use like gas for a vehicle which repairs roads we all use.
Second question was a personal one in buying land as the Holy Ghost had moved them to this and they had not done it, and were now thinking about it. I would always discuss things with God before doing anything, but all of us have to remember that "as in the days of Noah", meaning life continued to the day.
Life, your life here, is going to continue to Jesus coming, and then it will still continue but in a new way. If you want land, and it can be purchased to suit your finances then buy it.
I have schemes I intend when God moves some rich person to donate and God makes the property available in order to make even a small property help pay for itself.
The beekeeper is someone who built a small property like that in having bees which make honey, fruit trees etc... The point is not jumping into things whole hog to your ruin, but you can try things you like in some cottage industry things to help out.
The point is, your life is never over while waiting on Christ or being fearful of what is to come. The Bible says the islands will flee. So I am not going to be going to some island, even if I would like endless spring. Just talk to God about things, and enjoy the life He has given you to grow in to be His child. Have an adventure and enjoy it, and do not apologize for the gifts God delights you with.
Third was a sort of comment from Texas, and it was generous of an invite for a visit. I hope to plant a Red Kuri squash this year that TL had me try. I wrote of it, but it was a very good squash, bright orange and did not make me sick nor want to vomit like many squash do.
Texas is a warm climate and I had some friends wild as the wind in Louisiana, who started planted shell peas and things in February. Beating the heat in Texas and all is well in gardening.
I remember a little salad tomatoe from that region which I forget the name now that grew like 50 feet and produced wonderful. The garden centers usually do well in having plants which will produce locally. It is though like last year, I tried Table Talk which never got going until September, while Big Boy was liking my locality. The odd part was the tomatoe I have been trying to breed with God's help in a paste type, did better than them all. It is still trying to make up it's genetics in being round, small beefsteak or a roma type which it is supposed to be, but being away last summer, I never watered those plants in a high heat drought and they all produced well, with very good tomatoes.
I built this on the Rio Roma variety which is hard to find, but that golf ball sized tomatoe has never let me down in my miserable drought heat and cold frost temperatures.
The blog is at a point that I have not been that curious about things, so have not been Inspired in seeking answers in inquiry. When I was starting out in this, it used to take months to years to get answers from God in having to find them. In most cases now, I can do almost instant information by God's Grace in the Holy Ghost. It is just when I have written on the big mysteries or things like George Custer which interested me, once I get the answers I get satisfied. It has always been a trait of mine in I do not need 100 fox skins on the stretchers. If I learn to catch a few, then that is about all I need to prove I can do it.
There is something coming out there though and I can feel it.
I do appreciate your kindnesses though as you are good Christians who beat up on yourselves far too much. That is what matters to God is the simple concern for others while not overtaxing that concern so you do not take care of yourselves. Christians have 70 plus years here to get things right. St. Peter was not built in a day and he needed some chisel and hammer by Paul even after Christ gave him the keys. The sinner never thinks the sermon is about them and the good person hears more fault in themselves than is there.
My thoughts scatter now as I have so much information coming in and I have so much on my mind and focusing on things, that things are not as orderly as I would prefer in I get distracted. God moves those with money for a big donation and we are shown the place, and the rest should sort out in a few months as we get settled.
I see my battery is getting low, so better wrap this up. It is amazing how fast 3 hours can disappear here in hours are like moments now to me and days a wink of the eye. I have been on Gilligan's Island since Christmas and it all seems just like a few hours ago.
I guess I am getting all the life lived out this one eh?
God bless and minister to each of you with His Holy Angels in Jesus loving Care with the Holy Ghost guiding you and comforting you in His Name, Amen and Amen