The Word of the Lord concerning the Oracles of God in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.
I am against you declares the Lord God, for the Word of the Lord is not in you.
I am against the prophets who steal My Words from each other. You are robbers and thieves and you steal that which is not given by Me, for how can you have that Gift of Me when you are not in my presence.
Behold I have abandoned you for you abandoned Me.
You prophets give this people false dreams. You give them the gurglings of Mohammed in what that trader heard of My Word without Calling nor Grace. You are evesdroppers and gossips. You have no Oracles from God for you are not of God.
Therefore the God of America and the sister tribes declares, "I will cast you off and catch you in your own larceny and lies".
"I will abandon you", and when you seek, you will have your stolen half truths to lead you to your destruction.
"I will give you your own oracles, but they will not be the Word of the Lord. That Word you will forget, and I will give you each your own word, for you have perverted the Words of the Living God".
"I have seen you shepherds in leading My flock to the slaughter. Telling each of the people of My pasture to feed in their own way and not the Way of the Lord".
"I have heard you prophets in leading my people to their doom. Telling each of the people of My congregation to be perverse in their own way and not Righteous in the Way of the Lord".
Behold you will clearly experience this in the last days and then understand. The wrath of the Lord has been ignited like a fire which will not extinguish by Him until He has consumed in that flame the purposes of His Heart.
You have not stood in the council of God, yet you dare to counsel His children to the way of death.
You lie to yourselves that calamity will not come to you. You believe in raptures and fabrications that your goodness will save you from the Judgment of the Lord.
Judgment comes in the form of the Consuming Flame. The I AM will come and kindle the lusts of your heart to consume you to the ashes of your souls.
Ask the prophet what is the Word of the Lord? The Lord dares you to inquire, for He will not answer. The Lord forgets you as you have forgotten Him. Behold the days come when He will cast this people from His presence and from the Gathering of His place.
You will have an everlasting reproach put upon you, a humiliation which will burn and not be forgotten.
You have no word, so you steal My Word, and then are so witless you do not comprehend the Word you have stolen.
Vanity of vanity, you take that which is given for Life and make the Gift a debt carried to your deaths, mortal and eternal.
Where is the Prophet for all you have is prophets. "I hear them," says the Lord. "They are like so much a flock of sparrows screeching at each other, fighting over a grain which will do none of them any good".
"You have forgotten My Name", says the Lord of hosts. "Your prophets have made you forget My Name, but they could not have caused your forgetfulness unless you had chosen to be deceived".
"Forget me to tears," says the Lord, "but I will not remember you, only wrath for you will I remember".
Behold the days come, when the sins of each will be visited upon the sinner, and twice visited upon the nation. If you had removed from your hearts your false teachings and those things which you hold more precious than me, the Lord would have relented and forgiven you, but instead you became more lewd. You in blasphemy established a foreigner and named him messiah. You created your own laws of sins. You forgot the Prophet and you robbed the poor.
You are liars and murderers, thieves and adulterers. There is no planet of gold large enough nor oceans of blood deep enough to fill your desires.
"Be gone!", says the Lord by His Spirit, "Return to the dust in the womb of the grave by the ashes of your burning corpse. You are not a people of a Living God, but an assembled compost meant to fertilize the ground of which you were formed".
There is a Way, a Truth and a Life, but you have the lost, a lie and a death. Each mortal comes to this of their own, for worshiping themselves and not their Creator.
You ask now, "Why is this?", but no answer will come. Silence is all you will hear. Silence in your national grave.
agtG 232