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As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

I have not bothered to tap into the matrix proper as of late, because I have been distracted by upheaval for over a month now, but I am moved at this point to share a few things with you.
It reminds me of the John Wayne line in Big Jake when Bruce Cabbot asks John about checking the back trail near or far, and John Wayne says, "It is not so much seeing as I feel it."

I am certain if you stop and think that you "feel it too". Something is out of sorts in all of this. It is evident since June 13, 2013 that the dark forces which propelled the Birther to ploughing America, have been neutralized. Since that month when Obama went Chicken Entree, nothing has gone well for the regime from Syria to the Ukraine to illegal invasion to Obamacare.
This regime has been abandoned wholesale by the European order which installed it, both in the demonic and aristocracy, that is evidenced by the absolute failures and malaise. The only thing the image of Obama can do is run around like Henny Penny saying the sky is falling to the dumb clucks who are still having fainting spells over the demon machine generating spikes in those pathetic birds.

It is what I feel. The shift has taken place to Europe where this is to be all played out. The cumbersome work is taking place there as the peoples are assembled. It is taking the orders attention, and it is why nothing else really matters in this world and why the propaganda is America is so absolutely non interesting. The corpse of America has ceased to be the news point. There is no leadership in America and none to the forefront of Europe by design, so that someone there in the anti Christ should now arise to challenge the Orthodox One, who is Vladamir Putin.
I could and should come up with a name for Vladamir Putin, without any intention of satire nor smear, to note his "too sexy for my Putin" persona he is evolved to.
Perhaps I will make a Cafe Press t shirt with just "the Vladaczar" on it, as that is what he has become, the Orthodox leader of the Holy Russian Empire. There is nothing wrong with having an empire or being an empire. Those who hate empires are the ones not having an empire to govern.

Europe feels hollow and dark, with this morbid ghostly glow in the midst, in a coldness like the Pater Pope. It is like a conglomerate meeting in moving events and no one yet has risen to the leadership as that point has not arrived.
As this blog predicted though, this Obama regime has been rejected by America. Obama rules from a postage stamp DC dictatorship as America has moved on from all his anti American lunacy. No one though has risen up to take the place afforded by God's hand.

I will to give you some insights into what TL and I go through, in bringing the blog, and it is what you are dealing with too, but do not know it. Relating this, you will then be aware of the forces unseen.

A few nights ago we were sitting the couch and I was nattering on about things, when all of a sudden from behind us there flew this black shadowy, ping pong ball sized thing. It reminded me a great deal like the heart monitor graph you see in the hospital at about that speed and feel.
I thought it was a big fly at first as it was the first time I saw this manifestation, and when I started blinking and looking around, TL calmly informed that is what TL sees often enough. I have mentioned before that I mostly hear things and TL sees things. Well, TL sees all sorts of things and this particular thing was a "bad thought" aimed at me.

The experience delighted me as it was so perplexing to see spiritual manifestation which are happening all the time. It was the same feel and color of the sinister dark clouds which used to appear on my desk top monitor, which were associated with the demon machine. TL for a time had them a cell phone screen too.

People need to be aware that there are bad thoughts or prayer or wills aimed against them by people often enough. It is dark energy, meaning it is an energy force which is disruptive and contrary to God's Peace, Joy and Love. It is uncomfortable.

I pray and seal things up, but this stuff like a flare comes into our world. All of this principalities, evil in high places and powers of the air are all part of this. It ties into the problems of the absolute power of the Obama regime in it has been unplugged from source and that is why you see how castrated it all is flailing about over things. That demonic force which created the regime, has plugged into a greater darkness it is now generating and I believe it should appear in Europe, and everyone will see it as light who are deceived.

I am thinking now if I am not too stunned and surprised to try and catch that dark energy and bind it in Jesus Name and send it back like a fast pitch. The problem is you just have a few moments and this stuff appears when you are not expecting it and I just end up trying to figure out what it is, as it took me several times with the Archangel to ascertain I did not have a brain tumor or was going blind in my scientific trials of self testing.

I feel we are all plunging in a rush to the coming events. The pull of this is hydraulic like water sucking in viscosity on the soul and Spirit. I would that this would come out of the shadows as it feels to be operating in those sterile environments of Europe in lifeless form.

Time for other things now though.

agtG 263

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