As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........
Upon inquiry, the downed Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner bound for Peking, was the work of one of the front Muslim terror groups run out of 1600 Penn Avenue by the Obama regime.
Malaysia has been occupied with their own Islamic terror competitors and that was what was behind this multi faceted downing of this passenger jet.
The regime in America did not run this operation, but this was their managed group. The real point on this was the cartel and it had in their grouping German led with Italian cooperation in downing the Triple 7 over Airbus contracts pitted against the aging Boeing fleet.
Operational control of this operation came out of Singapore and China was the target to check the Chicom aggression in the China Sea.
It leads into the stolen passports as this entire field is about espionage and other covert operations, with Asian mafia elements all interchanging in the Oriental commerce.
The Obama regime was fully aware this operation was engaged in, who was running it, who was in control over it and the intended results against Boeing, the Chicoms and the competitor Islamic terror group run out of Malaysia.
This was not a large bomb which brought the 7 down. It was though the reason the flight was delayed for a few minutes as it was being set to blow out electrical, communication and hydrallic systems for a quick drop.
The bomb which brought down the Brazilian flight as was covered here was much larger. This was a tactical C 4 placement of explosives and it cut this plane off and killed it quickly.
Inquire states 3 Singapore agents were involved, one having Boeing connections for technical placement, one as intelligence out of Singapore, and the third as under American control. The cutting device was placed on board within 13 hours of the flight.
It states the plane did not break up in air, but crashed intact by design.
If the people with money would make the big donation in the 350,000 I would be able to hit this better in having the time and resources to track it, instead of on the fly.
Recall that by God's Grace I was right on Benghazi and the Boston Bombing, long before the facts came out and no matter what the cover up is still saying.
Gotta jet