As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
Once upon a time in place called the Philippines, the Americans arrived and liberated the islands from Spanish Imperialism.
The people there of Manila called out for Independence, but when asked in private, they revealed that they were not ready to rule themselves, but feared if not accusing America of imperialism, that the people would never be granted independence, in the fear that the peoples would become Americanized and desiring to stay with the Americans as it brought prosperity, security and peace.
There once was a man named Rios by name
Who had a great claim to fame.
For he declared himself Generalissimo
And America the foe
Then he declared himself Pope
As Papa Rios the Pope
Upon this political stage
He went further the outrage
For in islands gambled and diced
He declared himself Jesus Christ
Upon which the Americans hung him with a Manila rope
Yes back in the day Ruperto Rios was quite a man of little which he did not set his sights upon. Naming hisself Commander in Chief of the country like a mantra and then named hisself messiah......
Odd how in the 20th century, the American military hung usurpers to the American Constitution, but in the 21st century they put them into the White House.
They call these Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter as that is what I christened them in the 21st century years of our Lord.