Emancipate Oprah with the Pen of an Asian Prick
I hate to bring this up in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but with Oprah Winfrey saying people hate Barack Hussein Obama, because he is black.........I have to ask "black what" as...
View ArticleCrusades
As another Lame Cherry exclusive to drive into your bone heads just how ignorant you are and how much you have been manipulated and lied to.Yes exclusive in matter anti matter as you will hear none of...
View ArticleWaterloo
There never seems to be any time for anything really fun anymore for me. Not that I ever had time in almost being worked to death as a child literally in my first literal physical collapse, but at...
View ArticleCancer loves Liberals
I think about my cousin's wife in having a second round of cancer in they found a lump behind her ear and a spot on her lungs. She had an original soft tissue cancer of one of her organs which made me...
View ArticleDo You Feel Like A Piss Ant?
Long ago, in the Blue Ridge, there lived a woman who was portrayed by Patrica O'Neil in a Christmas story called The Waltons.They were crackers really as everyone was a cracker in the Franklin...
View ArticleThe Soul of American Virtue and Honor
Upon the graveyard of the American Republic, there are too few in her murdered days who ever educated themselves upon the greatest of Americans and literally the greatest of humans to ever have strode...
View ArticleThe Ezekiel Paradigm
The vision of Ezekiel is one of the most interesting of revelations, as what Ezekiel witnessed was the actual Jerusalem and Temple Mount, but while he was familiar with this area in being from them,...
View ArticleMy Mistake
My children, I have made a mistake.In posting information here, I have unveiled the mystery. The mystery in the religion of Babylon must operate in secrecy, in the darkness. By the posts revealing...
View ArticleThe Obama Bad Omen from the Grave
I think in honor of the First Usurper of America in Birther Hussein Obama Chin, the foreign agent, that as he was not the 44th President, that he should gain some notable title, like "bastard of the...
View ArticleIt must have been my Twin
I think about being a little girl, where a world could be made right if just I had that one thing, which meant so very much to me, as when being a child, a vast store of life is guided by the finite...
View ArticleHumiliation
We have all had our greener days with public humiliation, and never let it be thought that none has not.I include the following not to mock, but to simply relate that one of the best Cavalry officers...
View ArticleRuin
The days will come again, in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, by the Words of the Lord to Zechariah the Prophet, that Damascus will be a ruin. The coastal cities will be ruined of...
View ArticleThe Taste of Black
When I was a wee child, my Aunt Helen arrived for Thanksgiving, and as she was an expert in everything, as she lived in a metro area, she of course announced she as going to prepare the Turkey, and a...
View ArticleThe Whisper of Armageddon
Note on the RegimeThere are two very important happenings in the Obama Jinn regime which reveal a great deal of what is going to be taking place inside America in weather and in fuel prices.Both are...
View ArticleA note to the Philippes
As a note from Lame Cherry to the Filipinos of the southern islands..........In the Spanish American War, the Americans saved you from Spanish Imperialism. The Americans educated you, employed you and...
View ArticleRob Ford for Canuck American Province President
This blog must come to the defense of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who is a crack smoking, booze guzzling and oral sex talking politician.Just by the sight of Rob Ford, Americans have the superior of...
View ArticleAlways enjoy looking through the Pane
One of my favorite meals is an American invention, created from rural people who worked very hard or those of the cities who worked equally hard at manual labors.It is called a Beef Combination, and...
View ArticleThe Nigger Hound
I was perusing a memoir recently of an Irish aristocrat who came to Florida after she was in American possession and another Irish aristocrat was in two looking to "stand up for the red and black man...
View ArticleThe Water Runs Dry
The following is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter on water.Once upon a time in rural American, the population there was drinking all sorts of things called water. Theodore Roosevelt when...
View ArticleThe Barack Hussein Obama Super Depression Meltdown
As only an exclusive of this Lame Cherry blog in matter anti matter..........My children, and this includes the rich people who have not donated yet, there is a reality in all of this about the FUXNET...
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