I think about being a little girl, where a world could be made right if just I had that one thing, which meant so very much to me, as when being a child, a vast store of life is guided by the finite understanding that everything upon the planet only has been and will be in the few year cycle of my life.
Ten years is an eternity when one is 10 years old, and two weeks to Christmas is an event which will never arrive as weeks they take forever.
To spectators who have aged, they muse over such things, as where weeks were once an eternal obstacle, now we blink and years go by, and we begin to wonder just where all that life disappeared to in the wink of an eye.
Were we not just beside the Christmas tree shaking presents not that long ago, and now the idea of being on the floor is one of we begin to convince ourselves that staying there and not getting up is the more comfortable of places.
It seems at time as we age in a land of the ageless, that we are the ones who seem to be always wrong, as others of course know what we are thinking in informing us, and they of course are always correct in what they are concluding in never being asked.
For some reasons our lives become shades of grey, when others are all so black and white in their definite knowing that, that wonderful gift will solve all the world's problems and that there is nothing so definitive as the statement, "I am unanimous in my decision for you".
Our physician upon checking my dad for hearing loss, simply pronounced his condition as "wife deaf", as it seems to be malady which numbers of spouses develop, but there is apparently no handicapped license plates nor disability for this condition.
Somehow the key to all bliss is learning to automatically reply, "Um hmmm", to a spouse and "No", to a child as the most tactful way of always preserving the order in life, which of course brings disorder in phrases like, "You never listen to me" and "You don't love me or you would buy that for me".
Sometimes I think that beef was created by God for the reason of comforting those between rocks and hard places, as it seems that the eating of beef somehow makes things appear better for some reason.
I have learned that I am always wrong and others are always right.......until of course the cliff drops out from under them, then amnesia prevails as I am asked to figure the way out of things which has no way out.
I have learned that the verse lived by most people is, "It is better to take from someone than to receive".
I have learned I will be blamed for things, I never said, never did or never thought of, because others are busy saying, doing and thinking those things.
Odd thing about life is, I seem to be the person with the most faults on the planet, hated the most, and the biggest problem ever.......until the funeral, and then for all the bawling, missing and nice things said about me, I start to wonder why it is I never heard that stuff when I was chewing on a pile of beef which seemed to make all the other things not so loud.
Yes it must have been my twin in all of this. Yes that twin that shows up and puts all kinds of strange ideas into the family who thinks all those things, I hear about when I come back.
I think I should start telling people that, that, "It was my twin and you must be mistaken" and as they give me a puzzled look, add, "You can always tell the difference as my twin has 5, 983 hairs on the right side of their head and I of course have 5, 984 on mine.
It seems that only God can tell the difference though......and of course me as I know who I am.
As consternation sets in, I probably should say, "I will try to do better".
Well enough of this Dear Abby stuff or Ann Landers, as twins seem to not been capable of absorbing the other in the fetal battle like most normal chimera accomplish, as I have something I was thinking about writing about water and Dr. Kate mentioned about water, and I probably should post on that.