The vision of Ezekiel is one of the most interesting of revelations, as what Ezekiel witnessed was the actual Jerusalem and Temple Mount, but while he was familiar with this area in being from them, the Jerusalem he was being shown was not the Jerusalem he was not aware of.
Ezekiel was being shown the 3rd Temple. He was aware of the Solomon Temple which was in the process of being destroyed as well as Jerusalem via the Babylonians.
Herod's grand Temple was yet to be built in Jesus time which was centuries away. The time of the Jewish return in Nehemiah and Ezra was still a generation away. Yet Ezekiel was brought in Spirit to Jerusalem to the measuring of this structure he saw, which was not there.
That is the paradigm in this in Ezekiel was shown the future, literally the 21st century for a Temple still to be constructed. This is the Temple the anti Christ will make desolate as Antiochos Epiphanes did. This is a Temple which Jesus will rededicate as the most blessed day.
It is of interest in Ezekiel proves a relationship that a human in enhanced Spiritual association can move through time and space. This is a literal Temple which does exist, but not in a physics alternative universe theory, which is not the way the system works in the least, as it instead operates on a probability ratio and then reaches projection points. Ezekiel instead was in our time and he was witnessing a real Temple as this dimension is one of like a DVD collection a shelf an all are playing in sequence, and God's overlord control is outside this dimension, and one can simply move into different time situations in approximation without leaving an imprint or changing said outcome. There are examples of this dimensional overlay as in a French example of people walking along and suddenly for several minutes seeing people in 1800 costume, acknowledging and then fading back to the time.
Ezekiel does not relate any real reactions with the inhabitants, so perhaps there is a platform void of inhabitants, like a doll house filled with occupants who will fill that spectrum. What the point is, is though that there is proven existence of a definitive future. That future is then static in form and will not be disrupted from other outside matter from another time.
If the crux of this is that reality is set, set as God states things are set, then no matter what continued events are progressing to that reality, then all actions of people are geared to events where a 3rd Temple will be constructed as Ezekiel witnessed it.
This is something which is not considered in this, concerning prophecy which is dismissed by ignorant physicists. A Temple, a Third Temple, the first being a Temple of Law, the second a Temple of Promise, and the third a Temple of Grace exist in each time space as Christ existed as Creator, Christ and Lord of Lords. All melded into one reality as each is as certain as you at birth, life and death.
When the Temple was revealed, this Temple has a heavenly original. It also is a reality that Ezekiel was shown a building built by humans who are, meaning of the 21st century and events which led to the construction of this building.
There will be events which will cause Muslims not to at leadership disrupt such a building constructed on Temple Mount. Those events will play out and those events are certain. I wonder at such things in a standard reality which is and all events of humanity will interact to construct such an event, as Babylon at it's zenith was predicted to be destroyed in a generation and it was. Such things are dismissed by ignorance as chance, and yet chance has a greater probability of occuring than human design.
There will be a Temple built. The progression of it is to continue. It links to the cullmination of other events. Events which are setting the motion of other events in continued motion.
Ezekiel witnessed a different Temple and Jerusalem from his time. He records it in a passage which almost slips by in the recording if one does not pay attention, and yet the recording of something is different in this earthly Jerusalem area.
One must understand that there is a Temple there, and by law events are forming to build to that reality in a focal point. Ezekiel stepping into that reality grounded it so to speak to the future in a real event as it linked it to reality.
Perhaps more on this.