My children, I have made a mistake.
In posting information here, I have unveiled the mystery. The mystery in the religion of Babylon must operate in secrecy, in the darkness. By the posts revealing events, I have shown a light there and disrupted the flow. I have frightened the progenitors of order.
These actions have now caused a back up, as a dam of events which will burst forth. I promised God not to interfere as in prayers in stopping the future events, but the information is causing this fungal nature to recoil and degrade.
I am as well as can be expected. Frustrated with these delays and the incessant terror of the rich people who are so afraid now they are clinging to their wads of cash worse than a cat on a plank in a hurricane.
Considering the monsters of the past in the Napoleons and Hitlers, I did not deem that there would be such a weak group who are so fearful of starting the end. Certainly the destroyer knows the time in coming to a close, but this demonic order is so vassal they can not move these minions to just take the prize.
I consider now I could rule the world if I could bring Putin to heal. There is just nothing there of strength. I am though of God's Kingdom to come and I have to reassess this as while I have been distracted in the onslaughts, it appears my battles have been taking the brunt of the energy flow needed to bring about the end.
Lame Cherry
Long ago, in the Blue Ridge, there lived a woman who was portrayed by Patrica O'Neil in a Christmas story called The Waltons. They were crackers really as ...Yes Baby and the Apes keeping hearing of my murder. Where is it written that I have to give tactical direction to the adversary, to turn from me and unleash upon the world to bring the universe imploding in.
Did little Emma really absorb so much and I have taken such a power surge that my presence has saved the world up to this point from afflictions which would shatter it.
The titans among the ants among the principalities and powers, neutralizing each other in a death lock.
I will see about releasing this to the proper outlet. I should have known, but was too distracted in the fray.
Let us start the process, Thy Kingdom come Lord...........
Poor earth, thou that takes the blow
Deserving billions in blood flow
Bloody moon and shroud of sun
Of the trump, till Shiloh come
agtG 251 sequence not engaged but power structure is.