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The Whisper of Armageddon


Note on the Regime

There are two very important happenings in the Obama Jinn regime which reveal a great deal of what is going to be taking place inside America in weather and in fuel prices.

Both are related in the farm economy, and the first is the EPA is attempting to drop the 14 billion gallons of ethanol production to 13 billion gallons of ethanol production for 2014. This is because gas price being so high, that people have stopped buying gas in volume.

The scheme now is to use that ethanol in higher mixtures of E 15 and E 85. For those ignorant, Henry Ford's original Ford's all were designed to burn straight alcohol in them. I will repeat that in all cars were designed to burn ethanol and it was changed to crude oil, because that is where a waste resource was which Rockefeller could make a fortune off of, which in turn kept the Farmers from becoming the billionaires in America.
Diesel engines as created by Mr. Diesel who was said to be murdered by the oil barons, created his oil burning engine to burn vegetable oils and not what became known as diesel oil refined out of crude.

With this issue, we are seeing the oil barons shortening ethanol supply by the regime to keep gas prices high and benefit the oil barons, as with all the gas use drops, gas should be with ethanol now in the 1.20 range, as it was 1.87 under George W. Bush with higher fuel use.
See how they are screwing you over and now the Obama regime with EPA is cutting necessary ethanol production to benefit the oil companies now.......which include terror states like nuclear Iran.

Second part of this exclusive is the Obama regime is rolling out a new "drought assistance" plan, meant to assist the farming industry during these droughts. Droughts in America are cyclical. This means that the regime knows that there is a Dirty Thirties drought cycle engaged, and HAARP apparently has not been effective in flipping the atmosphere, so the plan is now to provide aid to the farming community.......which means loans, and farmers with loans means the government owns that land.

Just so you comprehend this in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. There appears a direct link now to use the droughts, which are going to continue to slowly take over the ownership of farmlands, as Al Gore hinted at long ago. This will be done by assistance.

Instead of dropping gas prices below 1 dollar per gallon, the regime is now cutting ethanol production as mandated by Congress at 14 billion gallons to 13 billion gallons, which in turn drops prices on farm products, but keeps prices raised in crude oil, benefitting terror states and the oil barons in the cartel.

America should be increasing bio fuels, and drilling for oil all across America, along with natural gas, and by this create a nation where fuel and energy prices are at 1970's levels. Instead there is a criminal scheme to fund terrorists and cartel oil barons, with a scheme to keep the drought cycle beneficial to the regime by "assistance" to farmers who will go into debt and not be able to pay off those debts.

The very fact that a drought assistance program was created on a national scale, means the regime knows what the weather pattern will be for the next decade. I was very puzzled about the HAARP machinations during the harvest cycle in America which had snows and massive rain storms pounding the American interior which hurts harvest, and should have driven up prices in Chicago commodities, but it did not.
Therefore conclusion states that someone was trying to ruin the harvest, but not benefit farmers in prices, but the ruined harvest would then benefit the Soros, Cargill, Archer Daniels monopoly on grain stores they already have complete control of.

This Obama Jinn regime is losing more and more control over it's Marxist policies and the barons and tycoons are leveraging for their political structure. None of this is good for America or Americans. It is economic rapine by design in national policies.

If you have missed it, the American interior has been experiencing winter temperatures early after those massive snow storms during harvest. That snow is now dumping in volume in the Rockies again, and when it melts it will bring massive flooding again. This is by design again.
That same winter chill, is what is making those storms possible in the eastern Midwest, providing of course HAARP is heating the atmosphere over Illinois and Indiana to summer heat index levels at the upper level.

For these polices to be implemented a year out, means these polices were structured in the summer of 2013, and for  these spiked ethanol blends to appear in the summer of 2013, means this all was known in 2012 and plotted out.........2012 being a massive drought year predicted only here, and in knowing that, why then would there be a blitz to increase ethanol blend if crops would be degraded?

This is all tied into the terror states in the Mideast also as George W. Bush started this in 2002 in his ethanol fuels with democrat Tom Daschle. The ethanol structure is now so vast which benefits Monsanto and the tycoons, that the product can not be cut. When one adds to the mixture, that means less oil imported as not all that oil is going to be shipped to China and Japan.
On that note, that North Dakota oil was shipping to communist China and was the reason that gas prices were spiked in America all of 2013. Prices are falling now to keep the revolution in check, but it also means that America is pumping so much oil now that Warren Buffett's trains can not haul enough of it out to keep the prices spiked.

Once again in projecting this out and in, if less fuel is being burned, and a greater ethanol content is being marketed, then the net result is.........the US oil barons of Texas and Oklahoma led by Harold Hamm are not going to cap wells. Where the cuts will be is in foreign oil importation.
As most of Venezuelan sour crude is geared up, that then points to a lessening of oil from the terror Mideast, who still have their prices inflated by the cartel, but that oil can only be picked up in amounts by China to a certain extent.

This is why OPEC was releasing data on oil production and you have not heard Iran bragging about 200 dollar barrel crude any more. The market is glutted and if the market was generating on forces as when Ronald Reagan was President, crude oil would be in the 50 dollar range per barrel currently.

I have told you for years how this system is rigged in a criminal enterprise, but what is manifesting is a long range programme in these two tips of the iceberg in drought management and in ethanol production.

As you rich people who are all Stock Market investments in your millions of dollars have not yet donated to this blog, I will remind you that you just received more long term economic projection here than in all media or your broker's offices. I actually am telling you where the trends are, and if you do not have this figured out, which you have not projected this out on the George W. Bush scenario of 2002, if America is now backing off completely from OPEC oil. If America is going to be the largest producer of oil in the next years, then what value is a bunch of sand in the Middle East for America filled with terrorists?
Yes, there will be no reason to engage, protect nor occupy that arena, so it will become someone elses problem.

I will exclusively give you a heads up in this by the Lame Cherry as it is all before you, and you have no idea of what it is. Zbigniew Brzezinski claimed he created Afghanistan to give the Soviet's their own Vietnam.
That event started the collapse of the Soviet system when pushed by Ronald Reagan, German Lutherans, the Pope and Saudi oil money.

Project it out then, in Russia has a treaty to protect Iran. The two major boogermen for the European anti Christ will be Russia and China. America is preparing to be free of OPEC oil. That means in a war, America has the oil and control of farmland and food supply, which will include South America as there is not a land bridge to Eurasia.

If a few million Afghanistan peoples could bring down the hundreds of millions Soviet evil empire, then how much more will those lunatic militant Muslims gifted to China and Russia, Russia for political management and China for glow in the dark oil, be the mill stone about the neck of those Asian powers to bring them to their doom in expended resources......not aimed at Europe, but at their problem Islamocommunists.
A Russian and Chinese invasion makes the Muslims a European terror weapon ally just like Afghanistan.

Shah Mhet, Check Mate in a Brzezinski on steroids Muslim policy.

All quite simple is it not eh, when you have Lame Cherry explaining the things before you, you are being kept in the dark on. You pay your ignorant stock brokers, money managers, bankers, and have yet to pay me the revenue in a big e check donation to save yourselves.
I am by God's Inspiration whispering to you the winds of Armageddon in how it is all being prepared for and none of your expensive experts have told you any of this.....and you pay them.

DONATE DONATE DONATE in E CHECK E CHECK E CHECK, unless you have one of those whopper credit cards with a million dollar limit. That must be something to have a credit card with a limit like that in more money than I have ever seen.

Oh the credit companies are expanding debt to poor people again, trying to rig for the regime a "bubble" to get real goods moving as all that looted cash is not allowed to circulate.

Yes yes more exclusives in robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Whispering Armageddon........the regime is preparing and only the popular girl informed you.

Now rich people please hit that donate button, as I do so much better work when I am content and a content Lame Cherry, then provides you with information your money handlers will not give you to protect your fortunes.

nuff said

PS: Still got to write that Dr. Kate thing.

agtG 251Y

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