I hate to bring this up in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but with Oprah Winfrey saying people hate Barack Hussein Obama, because he is black.........I have to ask "black what" as nothing about Birther Hussein is black.
Obama's skin color is yellow, because he is predominantly an oriental of Chinese heritage, from his Filipino Chino Japanese mum.
He does not walk like a black, but instead walks like an oriental male.
His lips are Asian.
Obama's birth father was indeed of African origin, but he was Horn of Africa in genetics, meaning the sperm donor was predominantly a mix of Arabic, and who knows what else like numbers of Somalians are derived from, as North Africans are.
If it is a matter of race, it is people hate Obama, because he is a failed oriental who should be successful, but is hiding as a black man, because Barry Chin is lazy and concluded at a young age, he could play on a black stereotype so as not to accomplish tasks from homework to work in the White House.
The thing I hate to bring up is...........Oprah Winfrey hates black men. She has that sexy Steadman, and she went all lesbian with GAYle.
It is obvious in this a reality among blacks, who can spot a black from a plantation away, that blacks in voting as Afroids for Birther Hussein, might not be blind to black and white, but instead like Oprah Winfrey got a little Yellow Fever going on.
You know what I'm talking about sistah. That same thing that got Muchelle going when she thought she could pass Obama off as a Negroid. That Muchelle had an Asian lust going on, and she wanted herself some gung pow in her easy bake oven.
It is worse than you really have comprehended in it is black men who are all up Obama's business too. Who would have ever thought that while Jesse Jackson wanted to cut off Obama's balls, that 98 out of a hundred black men wanted some sweet and sour Obama chopstick doing the rice paddy up their backsides.
I frankly never realized that Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee were such stars, because the American Afroid, male and female, were in a lather wanting sex with the oriental man. Granted Oprah and all these black men are still in the closet, and are being outed here, but should not Oprah be allowed to be who she really is, like all blacks, in finally getting laid by their nether throb in an oriental male.
Think of Hop Sing on Bonanza or Wol Fat on Hawaii 5 0. Those shows got the black audience not because of Little Joe or Book em Dano, but because all them blacks were lusting and cumming for those sexy oriental males.
Is it not time that the America black come out of the Obama closet, and be allowed to admit that they entirely want an Asian penis shoved up their butts, down their throats and yes, into their nethers..........and can we just stop denying Al Sharpton the joy of having a penis sword fight with an Asian man as his and all black men's heart's lustful desire.
Were not all the Chinese girl babies aborted for a reason? Was it not so all those Chinese males would need a place to put their erections, and is not now all of black America showing the Peking boys that they are more than cum hither in their complete support for Birther Chin?
I will repeat that Obama alerted the world years ago in a press conference that the most important people on the planet were the American Filipino crossed children in this world, because of course this was the Obama heritage.
Why should Muchelle Obama be the only one to have an Asian erection, even if Reggie Love was the only one getting the Asian lovin'?
Should not Oprah Winfrey have her heart's desire? Should not Oprah be set free from accusing Swiss merchants of racism which never happened, and now Obama racism over blackness when he is yellowness.....all so Oprah can finally get a good pearl with her oyster stew?
Are there not enough Asian males for the entire black male and female race in America several times over?
Would not Obama Chin be more than a Chicken Entree if only he could come out in the Fang Jinn as a real oriental man? Would not all blacks be emancipated with the pen of an Asian Prick.
I say let 2014 be a political campaign of not a chicken in every pot, but an Asian in every black. Give the blacks in America all they desire, and as an Asian, America might finally get an honest days work out of the Fang Jinn, which would be more work than the Designer Negro has accomplished in years.
Yes Oprah Winfrey and all blacks hate black men. This is not their fault as they were born this way. It is a matter of choice.Give Oprah her Asian, let Obama Chin out of the closet and let us all be free at last, free at last, thank Sesame chicken we are all free at last.
................and you thought that Martin Luther King jr's statue was an accident in him looking Asian?
Uh huh sistah.........I know what you got up your business. The brothers like that same Yellow Fever and you all erected a monument to it.........erected a monument to it..........erected........erected.........erected.
Blacks like Colin Powell could not help themselves in trampling Martin King to get at Obama, as it was an attraction which they could not help..........Martin King was not yellow enough while Obama was the old plaguemaster, the Typhoid Mary of Yellow Fever bangin' his ole dinner gong for them Afroids in America.
nuff said