As another Lame Cherry exclusive to drive into your bone heads just how ignorant you are and how much you have been manipulated and lied to.
Yes exclusive in matter anti matter as you will hear none of this from any other source.
If I were to say the word CRUSADE. You would cringe would you not involuntarily and have it seem a bad thing to you right?
CRUSADE is like the word COLUMBUS, NIGGER, PATRIOT, in you have been taught to recoil from it.
I am going to provide you a quote from Sir Edward Creasy, and I realize we have had a number of Sir Edward's quotes, but in 1850, there was real history still being written factually, and you must understand REAL HISTORY.
Fortunate was it that those daring Saracenic cavaliers encountered in the East the impregnable walls of Constantinople, in the West the chivalrous valour of Charles Martel and the sword of the Cid. The crusades were the natural reprisals for the Arab invasions, and form the last epoch of that great struggle between the two principal families of the human race."
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo (Kindle Locations 1518-1520).
In case you speed readers missed it again, the CRUSADES WERE THE NATURAL REPRISALS FOR THE ARAB INVASIONS.
That would be plural in "ARAB" invasions, which if you knew history, started with the Persians in their empire, deciding to annex Asia minor and coming into contact with those Greek city states who struck back, and Xerxes invaded Greece for those epic battles where he was beaten back against all odds.
Alexander the Great would invade then Asia and gain victory, but history reveals a constant invasion of several thousand years from the Moors of Africa in the great Hannibal, that ugly Attila with the Huns, the Ottomans in constant rapine of Europe, and as stated a new race started in North Africa in all the white people kidnapped, inslaved and raped by the Moors.
If you desire reality, the immigration waves which came into Europe from the "Barbarians", were Israelite and Semitic exiles leaving Asia for peace in Europe, and what followed were the waves of these "Arabs" who degraded to Islamists bent on forcing all to be subjects of Islam to the Sword.
Only on this blog, has it ever been written of in Admiral Columbus' journals, the reason he was interested in a new trade route to Asia, and that was he fully intended to use that money to liberate the Holy Land and build Ezekiel's 3rd Temple so Christ would return.
That is in Columbus' personal papers and none of you lazy people ever bother to read anything in real history so you do not know.
Joan of Arc in her epic challenge to the English to leave France, invites the Duke of Bedford, Regent of France to accompany her on Crusade to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, and not to fight her.
Joan's battle was in 1429. Columbus' epic voyage was in 1492. This period had already experienced the wholesale invasions from the Middle East with rape, robbery, murder, enslavement and taking of Christian lands for hundreds of years, and predated thousands of years before the Christian era began with conversion.
This clash of east west is nothing new. It arises again, because elements in Europe sought to use in Ashkenaz finance, Muslims in that Albert Pike prophecy, to destroy Christianity in this world and install the illuminated rites of satan. This group funded with high priced oil, radical Islamic teachings and educating the Muslim in WMD warfare all the attributes of barbarity they were inflicting on the world for generations.
Yet, this same Ashkenaz media, is the one lying to the world that Islam is peaceful and the Crusades were an evil thing. THERE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN CRUSADES IF MILITANT ISLAM WAS NOT MURDERING CHRISTIAN EUROPE.
That is the reality in this, is Islam has been to blame for all of this. Christians were the ones being butchered, and Christians were not going to be made victims, so they rose up and fought back and drove Muslims from the Christian lands.
Christians were the ones in the latter stages of this warfare who were raped, murdered, enslaved, deported, forced into Janisarrian or military service for Islam, and would never see their homes again or be allowed to worship Christ or be murdered for it. It was Islam in the Ottomans who harvested white children like a crop in a certain percentage were taken to the Islamic lands from their families every year.
That is a bit different is it not than the "peaceful Islam" propaganda and how Christians are the ones who started all of this is it not?
Yes this started, with the Persian Empire, before Jesus, before Alexander, before Rome, before Columbus. This was the Mideast invading for empire European lands and not Europe invading Asia.
What should have been accomplished after the 9 11 ruse by the cartel which Islamists carried out was what the Father of the Neutron Bomb advocated and that was a systematic extermination of the worst of these militants in the hinterlands. That message would have been cheaply done and sent the message of what would follow in all Islam.
Instead what will take place is a nuclear Islam being allowed to vaporize select western cities of America while the Muslim mob is unleashed to burn down Paris with fire bombs in revolution.
The Crusades were righteous and just. They were the self defense of the Christian against murderous Islam. The words of Sir Edward Creasy are correct, and not dismissed by racism or any other media propaganda, as he was relating exact history and the reason for the events.
The Crusades were the defense of innocent people in the west from criminal invaders of the east. That is the reality. I repeat that is the reality, and the Crusades were just, exactly as a Christophero Columbo was just in his undertaking, sailing for treasure in the New World to liberate the Old World from Islam.
Now you know why Christians, Columbus and the Crusades have been libeled. It is because they were the salvation of the western peoples, from the same hordes attempting the genocide of the western peoples today.