The following is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter on water.
Once upon a time in rural American, the population there was drinking all sorts of things called water. Theodore Roosevelt when in Dakota Territory, wrote that one night he drank from a buffalo wallow something akin to tricole. That is a substance about like molasses, so it was a water which a great deal of body, and the body apparenlty included buffalo excrement and who knows what else type of bird guano which gave the fluid viscosity that was difficult for both horse and man to swallow.
In the 1970's along with "the great freeze" as the world was told a new Ice Age was coming, nuclear winters, Silent Springs and fur, beef, and guns were bad things, an alarming warning went out to those people of the rural areas in suddenly their wells were all filled with nitrites and nitrates, and along with the great cancer scare, were told that they were all going to die from drinking water as it was cancer infested, due to fertilizers, cow shit and whatever else was running into those farm wells which were dug by the homesteaders.
Such a panic was unleashed, and experts concluded that all those wells needed to be tested immediately and people had to save themselves from imminent death.
Granted no one mentioned that the locals had been drinking that stuff for a generation with no ill effects showing up, but suddenly all that nitrate and nitrites showing up was the doom of people drinking water from their own wells.
From their own wells.........
I repeat from their own wells........
Have you ever examined a package of processed meat ? You should sometime as the USDA and FDA have labels on those products, and you find in those consumer produced products substances called nitrites and nitrates.
The same stuff that was in rural agriculture wells, was approved by the government as a cure in meats to keep them from spoiling with deadly toxins.
I will repeat that in the government on one hand was dumping tons of "poisons" into meat while on the other hand was alarming farmers that they were going to die from drinking the same "poisons" in water.
Nitrates: Facts About Sodium Nitrate - Culinary Arts - › ... › Seasoning & Flavoring
Nitrates and nitrites are widely used in preserving meats. ... A naturally occurring mineral, sodium nitrate is present in all kinds of vegetables (root ... meats could actually be more dangerous than eating meats that do contain sodium nitrate?This has never been exposed in content, so will be here, and it was not a process of the chemical industry making money off of poisons while another industry was making money off of selling water to rural people. The reality is was much more cartel in a combined process to inoculate the rural populations of America with something which could be put into water to make them the like zombie of those people in the major cities sucking down fluoride by the gallons.
There has in the United Nations generation an interesting correlation in all of this, as the UN is very intent on gaining complete access to water in private wells. It is an additional taxation scheme by the globalists who desire a world where everything you eat, drink and breath could be charged for........oh yes the CARBON TAX is their way of taxing the air you breathe, until a time in the protocols when they can attach a monitor to each person to tally the amount of air they are consuming in order to regulate and gain revenue off of that.
Oh you did not know there is a scheme on the books to attach oxygen monitors to every human from the day they are born to monitor how much wicked carbon they are expending into the world?
Government Meters On Private Water Wells Coming Paying Tax On ...
It ultimately includes putting water meters on PRIVATE water wells which has already ... The gestapo UN tax will be levied ON TOP of the water tax you might be ...We must though return from their air you breathe, which is carbon tax, to the water control issue of a massive effort to first terrorize people by placing into their psyche a propaganda which is ridiculous that nitrites and nitrates in water are going to kill you when they occur naturally as it is all through nature and of course some water sources are going to have higher levels of that substance in them.
Nitrate in Ground Water - Nebraska Water Center
Nitrate is a highly soluble form of nitrogen that has fast become one of the most common contaminants in ground water. Though both natural and manmade ...Yes nature actually NATURALLY "contaminates" ground water with nitrates. So it being natural, it is not a cause for alarm, as people are ingesting more nitrates and nitrites in processed foods than they ever would ingest from their wells.
I was speaking with a local well driller and he was telling me that he was doing quite well in going around the state and plugging all the rural wells not in use.
For me, water is sort of a thing that is necessary. For me, drinking water and having more than one source for that water is something which is prudent, but yet here was part of this scheme in rural people were being pressured into plugging their access to water.
It costs on average 10,000 dollars to drill a well. This is not cheap and there just are not little men with shovels any more who would dig you a nice well by hand 60 to 100 feet down, instead of the pipe wells which on can only obtain now.
For the record, you can not put a bucket down a 3 inch hole. It requires a pump, and the method now is electrical pumps and not the old farmer's windmill with leather pumps of the homestead era.
I hope you comprehend this, in without electricity, those people who have "wells" which are pipe wells are going to go thirsty in an EMP event as they will not be able to get water out of their pipe well.
I have an old hand dug well on my Mom's place. I fixed it when it started to degrade, as I knew the value of having water. My idiot neighbors to the last one have been destroying wells, have been plugging wells and they have all been hooking up to a pipeline system, where the regime is dictating the additives from chlorine to whatever else is in that "water".
There is a story when my parents came to this sharecropper shack in the well platform was rotten. Apparently there were frogs and rats in that well, and they were drinking the water for a time, but soon cleaned it out, dumped in gallons of Chlorox bleach which was the poor person's chlorine and all was well for years with that well, as that is the water I was raised on.
I replaced the platform as it had rotted out after my dad died, and I cemented in the casing. It is a very good well which never runs dry, even with a new submersible pump in it several years ago. I know this as some idiot, namely me, forgot to turn the pump off one day, and it pumped all night and never went dry.
In fact, the last time I had that platform off, I noted that the water was about 10 feet from the ground level. This is a well that is worth more than gold as it never goes dry.
In revisiting all of this from the start, the rural people were lied to about nitrates and nitrites, which they were being fed in processed food like all America. Their wells were safe, but there was a massive push to start capping wells, and to make the majority of Americans in the rural areas to suck on the same regime pipeline that city people were for the same inoculation effects.
There are always the whispers of meters on wells for taxation, exactly like the new monitoring of pipeline wells and electricity now. It is all by design, and you will note this is aimed at American since that fraud "recycling" craze was foisted upon Americans in suddenly short supply of oil in "peak oil" and there was too much garbage in landfills.
If China, India and Indonesia do not have a garbage problem with 10 times the people America has, then America even in packaged products was not producing too much refuse.
The reality of this is water. It is not about wells being poison, but a "next grande scheme" of something necessity to be sold, but you will not have the right to that commodity.
I have shown you they tax your breathing, in the only way possible now in carbon taxes. This same cartel is intent on taxing the water you drink which it has.
The next process is to seize control of the watersheds across America, and the first step of the 1970's was to scare people from drinking their own water, to cap the wells and to put them onto a system where they were buying the water they were drinking.
This will then be expanded as water will be the commodity to replace oil as when the shift from oil takes place, something will be required to glean from the mass population their money so they have no funds to become political competitors in fighting back.
There is a coming programme which will not allow a Citizen to drill for water on their own property and wells will be grandfathered out of existence, in when they are in ruin or "dangerous" due to some parts per trillion naturally occurring substance, they will then be forced to be capped.
That water then will be reborn in conglomerate pumping stations using their water tankers to provide water to the thirsty Asians.
It is as has only been exposed here, in the American farmer was penalized for inert matter in grain in selling it, so it was cleaned, and then that same grain in Cargill shipping points was having tons of rat feces poured into it, as it was "legal" for so much inert matter to be in that grain and rat poop is cheap.
The same is of the Rothschilds in India buying up land there, and producing toxic grains due to high metal pollutant content in the soils. That grain was not dumped nor the land condemned. That grain was simply resold to markets were it was "legally hidden".
It will be the same with this water. It is called poison in America, to gain a monopoly, but it will by miracle be "natural" when it comes to a conglomerate selling it to Americans or Asians.
This is about the absolute control akin to the complaint in the Bible after the exile of the Judahites, in they lamented they had to buy their own water from their own wells, their own food from their own plants and their own food from their own trees.
Only this blog has exposed this reality in what this is all about. It is impossible for sanctioned meat preservatives to be "safe" and yet that same naturally occurring chemical found in water is suddenly a cancer causing poison in lesser amounts.
Americans are being lied to.
Personally, I do have a physical problem with nitrites. They bother my system and I bleed from eating them as they both inflame and weaken my tissues, as they are designed to kill bacteria, and the intestine of a human is full of necessary bacteria.
There is though a vast difference between naturally occurring nitrates and nitrites in well water. If you want the facts, in Minnesota where they have huge desposits of granite, the big scare tactic is radon gas which is radioactive, and it forms in basements or homes sealed tighter than an Ashkenaz purse at a Christian Church collection plate.
In parts per trillion, Minnesota water will have higher traces of radioactive nature, simply because of the granite. That does not make the water dangerous as no one has died in Minnesota ever from drinking water with radon in it, but it is the reality that every region in this world has something naturally in that water as the ground has to be made of something.
For my own conclusions, I would never be bothered about testing or looking at any well as something that was a danger in having nitrites or nitrates or anything else in it. I would keep any well that had water in it. For drinking water, I would charcoal filter it up to a point, but I would keep that well no matter what. I would also make certain if I could afford it, to have a well on my property, where a pipeline could be sunk and then a concrete "well" placed so far down so that when the water naturally rose in the pipe, it would reach this "cistern well" where I could then use a bucket to obtain water when the electric was out.
All of those old hand dug wells are disappearing, and I do make the point in what are people going to drink without a power source to pump that water? You will have rivers and streams where you will get diarrhea from that supply which will weaken you and kill you, as it will be enough to deal with keeping warm, fighting bugs and fighting people for food.
The few small springs will be a disaster as hundreds of feet trampling around will pollute them as people spit and pee in them or have their pets along pooping along the shore........if the police are not standing there shooting people, as it will be a protected water source.
Drinking rain water is something I would not care to do in a cistern gathering water off my roof. There is too much everything in that I care not to consider.
That leaves a private well unnoticed by government nor neighbors in times of trouble.
There would not have been this much effort in scaring people off their own wells if something was not being planned like sodomy, carbon taxes or legalize rape of children. The cartel lied to people about water when putting the same chemicals in meat to sell them. There is a reason for this, and people can now start pondering the above in being informed.
The rich could ponder donating as they ponder drilling their own private well.
nuff said