1873 Springfield
This is my fun for today in a most miserable day and what is going to be a Spiritual battle night.As someone said they do not like being quoted here, I can not quote, but it came to my attention that a...
View ArticleGreen Crude: Lame Cherry solving the energy problem
As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.I have decided to implement a national Manhattan Project to solve the energy requirements of America and the world and here is how it is done.See the...
View ArticleThe Alexis File
In being proven correct again, I do not take satisfaction in Matt Drudge making fun of people who are being lab rats in having everything from cell phones broadcasting impulses to users and the...
View ArticleTrapped in the Hour Glass
Was interesting this morning, like the days I am scheduled to go see TL in every time I have someplace to be, Face Book will not allow messages to be sent.I leave a message so TL knows what I am up to...
View ArticleThe Obama Impeachment Trial in Cairo
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, I will give credit to Dr. Jerome Corsi, the psyops wizard in mentioning that the trial of the Muslim Brohood in Egypt has all the makings of a...
View ArticleThe Solar Kill Shots
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......I place this here with the caveat that while God's Plans are still on His time schedule, there are "things" which are affected and effected...
View ArticleThe Doctor in the House
I usually am caught up in the issue of trying to have God save me as I hang by my fingertips on the edge, but the reality is there are numbers of people like this in America, and I do feel guilty in...
View ArticleObomba
Today my children in the universe of matter anti matter of the Lame Cherry, at 11:11 am my clock coordinates check to the dangerous world of the most devastating explosive materials on the planet.Your...
View ArticleThe Kennedy Blow Job
*Note: this was scheduled as the other already published this morning, but "someone" put it back into drafts. That same someone can go suck it, then die and burn in hell in Jesus Name Amen and Amen...
View ArticleTo hell with the rich
I have always had a fascination with death. I have never feared it in the least.TL and I were speaking about our having tasted death, and it is interesting in our experience how a simple calm beyond...
View ArticleNancy Pelosi Bending at the Waste
Nancy Pelosi is beginning to scare me. I realize the satire would be in who would not be scared of a woman who bats her eyes like a zombie and is still in bed with Fang Jinn Obama in the utter ruin of...
View ArticleThe Par Trois
I conclude it is time to make Rush Limbaugh jump through the hoops again, as I am amused for a few moments in training this Scripted Mockingbird Elton Blonde to do tricks for me and he always comes on...
View ArticleWood Woofs
You know in personal notes, I think I would welcome any billionaire donations, if he was donating his used underwear, I would probably even wear them in my being poor.Never look a gift horse in the...
View ArticleThe Sloven, the Ignorant, and the Arrogant
The Reubenites in AmericaIt is a shame that the history of the tribe of Reuben in America has simply been lost as Americans use those French words daily in Joliet as Illinois was once all a part of...
View ArticleThe Cadaver of Jimmy Hoffa
Jerome Corsi is an interesting psyops persona in he has a tendency to ferret out stories which for the most part end up getting people murdered.I have touched on the Kennedy Blow Job plus 50 in his new...
View ArticleThings that bump in the Day
*Note: This was double checked by LC after posting to ensure it was published, and lo and behold is back in drafts again. Must be doing something right... agtG -TLAs another Lame Cherry exclusive in...
View ArticleHouse of Saud
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter by God's Grace..........There is a conversation taking place in the children of Persia, Egypt and Pakistan in their having not appreciation...
View ArticleSame Heart
My Bible reading today from the Holy Ghost was Ezekiel chapter 18. As I am commissioned to warn you manicured graves dead inside but having groomed lawns upon your outer layer of filth, here is your...
View ArticleNo Title Ness
People always want to know who Lame Cherry is, when here am I, just this nobody to bash about the brier patch, as certainly I have had a bad day today, and it is time to beat on a woman to make me feel...
View ArticleThose of the Jordan Valley
Children of the Jordan, you offspring of your father's daughter called Lot, listen to your future for you are cast away.The day will come when the Jordan Valley will be made desolate. Not one city or...
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