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To hell with the rich


I have always had a fascination with death. I have never feared it in the least.

TL and I were speaking about our having tasted death, and it is interesting in our experience how a simple calm beyond peace settled over us, and we put ourselves into God's hands to either take us or fix us.

I received a few notes today, and I wonder sometimes how good people can be in a world so rotten evil. Sundae wrote a non typical note, as she always does in she writes like a Psalm of David in examining the realities of life.
The Viking sent me a lullaby which even pleased this big girl as his baby girl listened in.

Mommy had a little lamb,
Little lamb,
Little lamb,
Mommy had a little lamb,
Her fleece was white as snow.
Every where that Mommy went,
Mommy went,
Mommy went,
Every where that Mommy went,
The lamb was sure to go. 
All the contact was appreciated from those named and those who would prefer not to be named. It is though that world that is of need like Voice of the Martyrs which shows how open season it is on Christians around the world, and how some of us just happen to have trillion dollar intelligence agencies kicking us in the brain beams and others just have an AK 47 cracking our skulls for fun.

An exorcist dropped me a note, like most people are in being poor as Church mice and something in it I wanted to post as it sums up my Righteous Indignation in all of this.

I send to people I 'see' have nothing and depend on God, like you and me, but I have a friend with 30+M $ and she sends me a few hundred once in awhile. I appreciate that, but wonder what her gig really is. Is she buying Heaven on the installment plan?

What you don't know exorcists?

Most of you could do with a good naming Jesus all through your homes and telling the demons to "BE GONE".

Once upon a time, Billy Graham was a tent preacher, when one of America's millionaires........yes there once was a time when school children were taught to name the 7 multi millionaires in America.  Yes money used to mean something and America used to have just a few extremely rich people surrounded by people who were poor, but had a chance at making it big by just working.
William Randolph Hearst though promoted Graham at the time and one rich man doing that at least got Jesus in the White House more often than not before the Obama abyss.

I see no rich people doing anything good. They fund the cartel charities which are a sham, and a tax deduction which is a monopoly like the dope trade. Is like that March of Dimes bullshit, in it was set up to find a cure for polio, and when it did, they still kept those little cardboard dime slots in all the stores to rob people of more money "as their global warming initiative had changed".
They have had cures for cancer since this all started, but it is about making money and not about curing the mob they will to exterminate.

I never use the word wish, as it is a spell, and there are enough attacks on me without opening any more doors. It was like that cunt of a sister who kept saying, "Take care" when I said "Jesus Cares for me", as she is  a pew sitter who is going to hell with all her bling.

I am convinced completely now, that rich people are all going to hell. Their god is money and as people reflect what they worship, money is not going to convert to eternal Life.
I do wonder about ...........I will just be plain in rich people keep religious people around "just in case" as it makes them think by association they will get into Heaven. My sister does that in hanging over the preacher and keeping a drunken one on the side. It is the reality though that God states plainly in the Old and New Testament that God is interested not in big donations or big shows of appearing Christian, but God demands that people CARE FOR EACH OTHER as in the Good Samaritan.

Yes it sounds odd in me begging for big donations that I would say that, and of course some rich person has seized on that as an escape, but it is a trap, because the "big donation" in what I am talking about is one which the rich gain attention from it, a tax deduction from it or some other benefit as the rich are not doing it to care about anyone, but it is about their psychopathy.

That 30 million dollar hell bound thing, enjoys giving a hundred bucks, because they get the same feel off of it as dopers do injecting poppy. See it makes them feel good to remind people they are poor and how "generous" they are in donating a few dollars...........because if they actually helped that person who is poor, that person would no longer "need" them and they would be all alone.
That sister gets off on Mom and I being poor, like the other sister does. It is pathetic to need a relative poor just to make you feel not like a going to hell worthless piece of shit that Jesus is flushing down the toilet.

It is what the rich are, and it does not matter how much this is pointed out, how much they are exposed for what they are, they will not be humiliated, cajoled or whatever to part with that money, as they are phobic about being alone and they absolutely need people to be poor, so they will not feel so pathetic.

Have you ever known anyone who is in banking who was not a shallow asshole? Guess what profession the wife of my cousin is in who jerked my ass around on that Grandparents farm place I was trying to restore for a home for TL and I?
This is my family heritage and these rich asses have had it for years........to the roof falling in and all the other buildings collapsing. Yes they could have fixed the roof, but did not..........but when LC comes around looking for a chance at life, they are fine, until that wife starts calculating on things, and after jerking me around......they change their minds.
Yes she was a goddamned banker and when you think with your purse and not your heart, you get that kind of bullshit being dished out as the rich can not help themselves.

God gave me when I thought I was dying the first time, Psalm 72 as the Words about "and he shall live " are there and I believed God. That is my personal Psalm and in it is a mandate that Solomon never fulfilled in he preyed on all of Israel confiscating wealth. It is about delivering the poor and the needy which I had no time for as a youth as I had better things to do.

I am learning in this yet, and learning by experience how the poor are necessary as I have proven in an economy to make it healthy, when the rich are the real problems in hording money they only get from looting the poor.

I can see now Lazarus receiving his reward in Paradise while that rich man was burning in hell, knowing his entire family and friends were going to hell too.That part is lost and has never been explained so that is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but the reality is that story shows that the rich are all going to hell from family and friends, the entire association is going to be burning in hell as that is what the rich man was talking about.

That reality suits me as none of these rich people help in what they can. 30 million dollars and a donation of a few hundred bucks. Such generosity and the person being insulted is supposed to remember forever how generous all that was.
God mandates a 10 percent tithe which is due Him and it is not Widow's mites which the rich seem focused on mirroring.

The people who I come into contact with are all not well off. Most are having the same burden afflicted on me, but they at least have common sense and humanity. That is something the rich have absolutely none of and prove it every day by thinking 100 bucks is something......ah we are not in 1500 when 100 bucks was what the mob was paid for working all year.

I am not going to expect any rich person to donate any more out of the goodness of their heart as they have no goodness there in that hundreds of thousands in donations. The only way money like that would come is from fear of God in their knowing hell is coming and they are going to die. It is dust off my shoes and the rich will get their sentence.

I know St. Paul turned people over to satan to teach them things, so perhaps that is what should be done. Of course that is nothing to be dabbled in as demons getting doors open may try to entice the authorization.

The clock is ticking though and things are on time...........


Yes and Pope Pater what is that balance and what illuminated one are you putting in the scales to weigh out the anti Christ?

I should have been in bed hours ago, but what is night, but that color of day which is seasoned with all the dark souls tormenting the earth.

Amazing where one finds evil now in pretty faces, pretty religions and pretty piles of money.


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