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The Sloven, the Ignorant, and the Arrogant


The Reubenites in America

It is a shame that the history of the tribe of Reuben in America has simply been lost as Americans use those French words daily in Joliet as Illinois was once all a part of France. For that matter most of the American interior into central Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was all French, and only liberated due to the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon by Thomas Jefferson.
Napoleon was trying to buy good will favor with the Americans by that act, and it is of note that due to the Civil War, the French were moving to invade Mexico again to annex that state as a colony forever, but was put a stop to by the Gen. George Custer march to pacify Texas and make an American presence known the border, for a coming American invasion of Mexico if necessary.

You will notice the French in America, in Pierre, South Dakota. There is Hennepin County in Minnesota. Where the Green Bay Packers and the city so named reside in Wisconsin was once a French outpost. Quebec in Canada is first language French. The old regime in Canada and America was based upon empire. Empire of the Dutch and then the English in the east, and Indian empires galore, to the empires of France and Spain.
When America was a colonial place, it was understood what that was as she shifted off that servitude for Continentalist philosophy, and what drove her for hundreds of years, for Americans were not free peoples, but servants of the crowns and traded as such and impoverished by such, so there was a drive in them to never forget nor never let this ever take place again as she knew what empires were in gulag masters.

Few even know of the measurement of land. the arpent, which the French installed and what George Rogers Clarke's band of American liberators found when liberating the Illinois is a grueling campaign he undertook on his own. In French farms were long slips of acreages with waterfront, pastures, forests, and farming plains, so all real estate was democratic in all having river access, lumber access, grazing access and farming access. All were equal and looked out for under the French agrarian system.

Of note in this from Francis Parkman, thee exemplary American historian, in his explanation that names familiar, but now too forgotten were not the people we knew at all.

La Salle's name in full was René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle. La Salle was the name of an estate near Rouen, belonging to the Caveliers. The wealthy French burghers often distinguished the various members of their families by designations borrowed from landed estates. Thus, François Marie Arouet, son of an ex-notary, received the name of Voltaire, which he made famous.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 352-355).

Yes, Robert Cavelier, the great French explorer of America known as La Salle, and not known at all, was but a child when he undertook the exploration of the American interior. That familiar thing though which haunts in America and is hidden was there too in La Salle was Jesuit schooled, and with him like all French, came the "black robes" of the Jesuits who around the savage Indian campfire, would raise to build immense structures moving behind American politics in Georgetown and Notre Dame, two such places which ordained that illegitimate, Barack Hussein Obama, into the American White House.
Yes the Jesuit was without borders or nationalities, for where there lurked the English George and the Irish Dame, was once the French colonial masters of King Louis moulding and crafting America.
If you care to know, the French Jesuit moulding and the Anglo Masonic crafting is what was the mystery underpinning America as her Protestants tamed the wild lands.

It was that lure though of that path to the east going west for a trade route which spurred La Salle forward to explore for the crown with Jesuits in tow. That place of Misippi of the Sioux to the Algonquine Mississippi which the Iroquis would combine as the "Ohio", would invent in La Salle's drive that surely the great waters which flowed to the great sea the Indians spoke of, was the Vermilion Sea, or the Gulf of California and French America would have that route in 1690 to tap the riches of the Orient.
Yes the great muddy waters of the Mississippi whose mouth was the grave for De Soto of Spain, was to be the passage for France in the New World which Columbus had sought as the Spanish died at El Dorado's fiction. It would not be until Lewis and Clarke in the early 1800's traversing up the Mississippi, the Missouri, that great river which flowed from the west, crossed the Rockies and found that cataclysmic Columbia System would the end of the northwest passage be settled. There would not be a way to the orient as always had been hoped.

Father Father Galinée recorded a bit of what the grande adventure was of Seneca guides and birch bark canoes.

"Your lodging is as extraordinary as your vessels; for, after paddling or carrying the canoes all day, you find mother earth ready to receive your wearied body. If the weather is fair, you make a fire and lie down to sleep without further trouble ; but if it rains, you must peel bark from the trees, and make a shed by laying it on a frame of sticks. As for your food, it is enough to make you burn all the cookery books that ever were written; for in the woods of Canada one finds means to live well without bread, wine, salt, pepper, or spice. The ordinary food is Indian corn, or Turkey wheat as they call it in France , which is crushed between two stones and boiled, seasoning it with meat or fish, when you can get them.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 390-395).

See you are learning things now of what America was, what she really was and who she really is in what Joan of Arc was establishing unknown in 1429. Her American children to be born would compose the greatest of explorers the world knew in the modern age.

Christopher Kit Carson would comprise a like band in the late 1840's and make like observations that plenty was never a condition in America, but starvation was always just one meal away.

As for the noble savage, the Senecas, they were like all American Indian savages not bound by Leatherstocking Tales, but the reality of life. To La Salle who was backed by a punishing military from France there was this to greet him and the Jesuits.

Here they made their quarters, and were soon overwhelmed by Seneca hospitality. Children brought them pumpkins and berries from the woods; and boy messengers came to summon them to endless feasts, where they were regaled with the flesh of dogs and with boiled maize seasoned with oil pressed from nuts and the seed of sunflowers.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 407-409).

For the rest of the world, the Father recorded it's Seneca fate.

Galinée wanted to beg or buy him from his captors; but the Senecas had other intentions. "I saw," writes the priest, "the most miserable spectacle I ever beheld in my life." It was the prisoner tied to a stake and tortured for six hours with diabolical ingenuity, while the crowd danced and yelled with delight, and the chiefs and elders sat in a row smoking their pipes and watching the contortions of the victim with an air of serene enjoyment. The body was at last cut up and eaten, and in the evening the whole population occupied themselves in scaring away the angry ghost by beating with sticks against the bark sides of the lodges. La Salle and his companions began to fear for their own safety.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 414-419).

Yes,  kidnapping, torture and eating of people. Somehow Americans are so far away from the reality of the savage Indian host and now contents itself to attack their protector in Gen. George Armstrong Custer.

I will repeat that in this is what took place constantly in America for hundreds of years. White people were kidnapped, raped, tortured, enslaved and yes murdered. Theodore Roosevelt examines a party of Americans finding another military party of Americans in the 7 Years War looking on a January morning like pumpkins in a patch as the Indians had scalped and murdered the entire expedition and left them lay in the field, so their bright glowing heads in the morning sun looked like pumpkins ready to harvest.

In an amusing twist though, the Jesuit trained La Salle in the company of rival Catholic priests had a mutiny taking place upon meeting Joliet, the renowned French explorer who spoke of a northern route less dangerous to the Mississippi.
La Salle not to be put on a leash, over amplified an "illness" and let the rival priests go, who ended in failure, while for 2 years La Salle discovered the Ohio, Illinois and ascertained that the Mississippi did not flow to California, but Mexico. The year was 1670 and one Frenchman on his own was leading the voyageur clan to the places shrouded in mystery.

The Jesuit though according to Francis Parkman evolved to the order of politician and left behind the order of saint.

The epoch of the saints and martyrs was passing away; and henceforth we find the Canadian Jesuit less and less an apostle, more and more an explorer, a man of science, and a politician.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 621-622).

That is the most telling of all tales in this, as the Old Dominion of the French which produced Joan of Arc to the pyre, was one which in America had the aristocracy producing a group of free French who saw liberty in the wilderness, and soon were off beyond the reach of regime, and conducting their business as they saw fit.
This was a most interesting American breed, as these were indeed Americans. American French, English, Dutch and German Israelites, who upon burying most of their kindred, were soon rearing little Americans running about in winter in tunics with bare feet and snow on the ground, and not being killed by the diseases of the this world. A truly American breed was created for the culls of Europe were soon buried under those forests and plains.

In what is the first Christian War in the Midwest Father Dablon among the Fox, invested this story upon the heathens.
A war-party was going out against their enemies, and he bethought him of telling them the story of the Cross and the Emperor Constantine. This so wrought upon them that they all daubed the figure of a cross on their shields of bull-hide, set out for the war, and came back victorious, extolling the sacred symbol as a great war-medicine. "Thus it is," writes Dablon, who chronicles the incident, "that our holy faith is established among these people ; and we have good hope that we shall soon carry it to the famous river called the Mississippi, and perhaps even to the South Sea."

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 700-705).

Yes nothing like a good Catholic slaughter of bad savages by good savages to have that modern Obama ring of bad terrorists and good terrorists.

It was the most interesting triumverate of men,  Robert Cavelier La Salle, Louis Jolliet and Father Jacques Marquette, all Jesuit trained, who would gain the American interior for France, along with other explorers.
Marquette being a devoted Marian, a devotee of the Virgin Mary with a fervor like none.

I bring up a reality in those who have problems linking antiquity with the present or the matter of a few hundred years with the present.
An Khumri was an Omri, or the children of the King of Israel in Mideast writings. Jahn Cheese would become Yankees as the German American Israelites were smeared in race by the English Israelites as "cheese eaters". In like measure, we find Father Marquette recording on a map a people at the waters of a muddy violent river flowing into the Mississippi as the "Rivière des Emissourites," or "Oumessourits."

That river is the Missouri River as it changed in dialect.

It is still easy to note the French names in America as are the Indian names. It is for those knowing what to look for, can find the marks of the Tribe of Dan from Israel, named on rivers, villages and country all the way across Europe, to the Isles in the North Sea and into America.

The intrigues though would follow in an interesting account where the pupils of the Jesuits would meet their fate. Marquette would perish from sickness, Jolliet would die penniless and La Salle would run afoul of the Jesuits who had their own empire envisioned at odds with La Salle's French empire of trade.

Their avowed purpose of building another Paraguay on the borders of the Great Lakes was never accomplished, and their missions and their converts were swept away in an avalanche of ruin. Still, they would not despair. From the lakes they turned their eyes to the Valley of the Mississippi, in the hope to see it one day the seat of their new empire of the Faith.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 1406-1408).

Yes has anything changed from 1600 America from the 21st century America? Ask yourself this in reading the foundation of the Order of the Americas.

In Paraguay, it was their constant aim to exclude white men from their missions. It was the same in North America. They dreaded fur-traders, partly because they interfered with their teachings and perverted their converts , and partly for other reasons. But La Salle was a fur-trader, and far worse than a fur-trader: he aimed at occupation, fortification, and settlement . The scope and vigor of his enterprises , and the powerful influence that aided them, made him a stumbling-block in their path. He was their most dangerous rival for the control of the West, and from first to last they set themselves against him.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 1423-1428).

Is this any different from the Obama regime's Neo Feudalism on a global scale. The white builder being made war against for the installment of a horde of dark skinned imported occupants all answering the call of being put on the leash of masters of another European Order with machinations of genocide and extermination of the successful for a more managed communal order answering to the few ruling over the many.

This story has been played out in various manners in all the orders of Spain, England, Dutch and French orders, to meld into that perpetual George Custer hatefest in his murder by these same orders in 1876 and appear again in these orders importing hordes of foreigners to fill their religion collection plates.

It is all there in history of what America was from. Libertarians seeking freedom and profit at odds with a centralized authority in the mists professing a higher order, but plundering in a more and worse way.

Nothing has changed in almost 400 years of feudal rule in America, which is thrown off by the few in God's Grace, only to have this murderous leviathon appear again to enslave the peoples.

That is the order in America and what lurks behind and under all of this. It is that great disease which is always there and spreading it's malignancy to the ignorant masses.

It is this constant Israelite drama of enslavement, exile, liberation and betrayal to occur again and again.

It is always before you, and for the rich non donors, do not think your wealth will last any more than any of these other fortune hunters, as the order is perpetual in it's malevolence and that which you steal from the white, red, brown and black Americans of the hinterlands, will be confiscated back from you.

It is the way it always is, and you are too sloven to read the history, too ignorant to see what is there, and too arrogant in realizing you need what is explained here to save yourselves from shitting yourselves to death like Marquette.

.......in Canada the Jesuits think everybody an enemy to religion who is an enemy to them; that, though they refused absolution to all who sold brandy to the Indians, they sold it themselves, and that he , La Salle, had himself detected them in it; that the bishop laughs at the orders of the King when they do not agree with the wishes of the Jesuits; that the Jesuits dismissed one of their servants named Robert, because he told of their trade in brandy; that Albanel,  in particular, carried on a great fur-trade, and that the Jesuits have built their college in part from the profits of this kind of traffic; that they admitted that they carried on a trade, but denied that they gained so much by it as was commonly supposed.

Francis Parkman. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West / France and England in North America (Kindle Locations 1479-1484).

Yes you North Dakotans in your oil boom, gained Indian pennies when your Wall Street masters took the money, DC taxed you on it, Warren Buffett economically raped you on it, and George Soros gleaned you of your grains.

Yes we are all so much more sophisticated now and we could never be like savage heathen Indians and watch the spoiling of the few Americans pointing all of this out.

La'me Cherry

nuff said


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