In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, I will give credit to Dr. Jerome Corsi, the psyops wizard in mentioning that the trial of the Muslim Brohood in Egypt has all the makings of a real Obamacaust.
To explain this in details Dr. will not.
When the MIC decided to back the overthrow of the Obama al Qaeda regimes in the Mideast, Egypt was the first target, but here were other machinations taking place. One of which is the Muslim Brohood which Obama had rape Lara Logan knows where the skeletons are buried and those skeletons are in Libya, Benghazi, Assad chemical weapons and places like Turkey and Mosul for starters, along with the al Qaeda terrorists flowing out of Afghanistan into other theaters.
The Egyptian Military is now putting these people on trial and these people know so very many things, and often what things are known end up in Lebanese papers which end up in Iran Contra destroying those in the Oval O.
Barack Hussein Obama post mortem, as he is a chicken entree buried one mile as of last time I checked from the White House in that executive doomsday city with other frozen foods. This Fang Jinn has a real problem brewing as these show trials to get the Brohood, are trials which are going to be used to blackmail the regime, but the problem is, it is in the Egyptian military's sphere to trust in MIC rather than that Persian Jinn as the Obama about got them all murdered this past year.
If MIC decides to push this, or if the Berlin crowd decides it is time for an anti Christ to be the honest broker in the Mideast, then there of course is going to have to be something horrendous for the anti Christ to look good compared to......and that candidate is Mr. Nobel hisself, the deceases Birther Hussein.
Follow this in all of the Obama terror connections, murders, mass slaughters, dope trading and handing over prime real estate to Islamocommunists......those kinds of stories would crucify even a faux messiah complex in the grave.
Being in grave nature, a Jinn is not going to hang around as Jinn's can not be hung, so it would take an exit and the frosty Obama would appear for a post June 13 Rotunda exhibit.
There are things building in this as this blog has stated for next year, and a dead British royal and a dead French Patriot are at the head of this, and it starts building toward heinous things like this, when one views what can manifest out of Cairo in the courts there.
Every Obama crime is known by this group and it can all come spilling out if there is a greater prize to take the stage to make Obama the Necro look bad. Look at it this way, in all of the crimes and fake stories Obama has had manufactured for him, if that got out, no one would trust America again for a generation.
That is exactly what an anti Christ would be looking for, as I have told you, none of the Europeans are going to be led around by Putin, as he is the bubba of Europe in their eyes.
Leaving this at that as it is more than nuff said.