As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
I have decided to implement a national Manhattan Project to solve the energy requirements of America and the world and here is how it is done.
See the Russians got it mapped out long ago, that if you drill for oil deep enough it is there......because the earth in heat and pressure in deep earth actually is what produces oil.
Yeah what do you global changers are mastodon turds if oil is palm frons and natural gas is decomposing dinos?
You greens are so stupidio......some Mexican chatter as you is being replaced by them hombres.....who seem to be not leaving a forwarding address in America in mass for some reason.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I will give you the means and then sell you Sweet Crude which refines itself for 20 dollars a barrel so you can have 25 cent barrel gasoline.
What am I up to?
Yes yes I have all of this energy stuff fixed, but you will not demand it from the gulag.
Ok, so you get this, see like in fracking you drill a big ass hole way down yonder deeper than shale oil......but no fracking.
Next you drill a big ass hole horizonal in the deep earthquake fault lines though as not polluting anything in a mishap of nature.
So you drill another big ass hole on the other end vertical and join them all together.
Enclose it all and pressurize it......
Put a big ass pump on one end......with a hopper of sorts......hopper would be things like carbon, oxygen and it dirty water with a carbon flair.
What am I doing you might inquire? Sure you would if you did not have a chemist set.
I am making oil silly......and I am making sweet oil, texas tea, black gold......well green gold as high grade crude is green.
So you put in the ingredients in the hopper side and pump her down to the easy bake oven pipe inside your deep earth oven. Might want to add some petrol fungus to speed it up maybe.......
Any way, so you got like a thousand miles of this big ass know like Keystone XL, but not in Canada ishy sour crude.....but in deep earth making sweet crude you only added the ingredients too as Mom Nature is not partial to clean things and the environment.
In process, you pump this stuff slow and let it cook, fast cook as increasing pressure cooks things faster on less heat, and about as fast as you can say REVOLUTION, you got yourself a billion gallons of sweet crude reaching the surface every day......and it makes energy cheap, as who wants to drill oil when it is making itself better and efficiently in human hands.......not Huma Wiener hands, but human hands.
Ok I will do one more thing for this green on words eh, you get it, in the color is green in being pure and it is green crude in being environmentally friendly as it is taking out those natural green gases propagandized and putting them into crude form.
Yes humans can be gods in making oil and managing the environment some.....
OK here is the green part.........I take in this all the toilet flushes and garbage dump things like paper and floofer poofer powder them into the crude oil maker, and as fast as Muchelle Obama can shit, it gets turned into crude oil.......all that waste water is just combined with carbon and you got hydrocarbons which is crude oil.
See the Lame Cherry thinks big baby.......not calling you a big baby, but I terraform baby......I do things large on the big scale.....planet sized things in fixing global engineered problems with engineering things......yes I do not make nuclear bombs, but I make crude oil just the way Mom Nature does and all at a bargain price.
Do this on a national scale and the Americans, even the world would never be short of energy again.
You may now applaud now, but I prefer donations unless some richtard has filled up the account with 6 figures.
Applause is welcome too.
agtG 237