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Things that bump in the Day


*Note: This was double checked by LC after posting to ensure it was published, and lo and behold is back in drafts again. Must be doing something right... agtG   -TL

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I have a mystery in how to convey some hidden knowledge on a subject to a certain electrical current location. Information that upon inquiry was forthcoming and I honestly found hard to believe, but I tend to believe things from God when the answers tend to be hard and not at all what I was concluding they would be.

I am a popular girl and sometimes people become popular who seek the Truth. I overlook sometimes that satan finds the Light of God in me popular, as that Light has a power I am learning to illuminate other geographic locations where darkness abounds.....someplace like Washington DC for example.

Thnk of it like this in I reside in the brier patch. Someone comes into contact with the aura that is me, and that aura arcs to that location in the darkness, and suddenly there is this lighthouse there illuminating the region.
Naturally like bugs to a light at night, things which can see this Light of Truth, start wondering what in hell has arrived to shine in that darkness and they start showing up to investigate what is there as they see in a different way than people do, in they see Light and know exactly what it is.

This goes back to Colonel Phil Corso, and his revelations on being given advanced technology from that wrecked demon craft in New Mexico or whever it was. People have provided enough information on things to reveal there are different classes of demons from they greys with almond eyes to the tall blondes to whatever.

I have mentioned that the entities in the executive in America have manifested in a shapeshifter of the Reptilians in taking Barry Chin's place, after possessing him for some time when he sold his soul completely for the usurpation of the presidency.
John Kerry is manifesting that demonic entity which assisted Caligula, and that is what is going on with his macabre appearance.

It is vital in this that people slow down and get the above, as people are not getting this right in I never said Barry Chin was possessed now. He was before perfectly and there was a double in this demon appearing as him in most of the speeches that wowed people who were susceptible to being aroused by that incubus type charged particle.
Barry Chin was and is, as of the July time period, in a cold storage unit in one of the doomsday cities where no one will find him. That was true of his location as of last evening in September 20 when I inquired.

Besides the technology Corso was given for cell phones and weaponry from this demon machine, others have reported genetic experiments. Sometimes hybrids were revealed from the people whose tissue was being harvested.
Roswell has been a generation ago, and what was once these macabre terrifying things, have been mutated and cloned literally from human tissues, to human like copies of people.

The group of Reptilians I am speaking of here are the REPLICANTS. Think of them as your computer which is an empty tower without an operating system, and the OS is a demon, as these replicants were designed for demons to have a walk about the place.
Perfectly possessed people are still people and manifest as kooks as they are chaotic. But when the evil forces have a human body, which cloned or hybridized is empty of a human identity soul, then that demon can possess that body without the manifestations which take place. The purpose being it is easier to have a shell do what you will, than to degrade a human by years of enticement for possession, which can be disrupted and undone by an exorcist or other people's wills and prayers.

Upon inquiry, this person was in no danger from these things. I realize this is David Icke realms that I backed away from, as not everything is always gotten right in this genre as it is new, but there was a process of demons creating physical bodies they could house themselves in for the taking over of humanity in leadership roles.

Another person recently had a dream about Washington DC, and saw in it a person who appeared like a morph of McCain and Clinton. That was one of these replicants and it offered her a bribe if she renounced Christ as these things with hounds of hell were about to murder her if she did not comply.

Replicants are there and are around. The demons become quite unsettled when Light appears in darkness, and they go to investigate like moths to the flame in trying to figure out what is going on. I am not Jesus, but His Light shines in me and it apparently arcs to other locations. So when demons came running up to Jesus, screaming about why He was there, these same demon types are gathering to ascertain what is taking place as it is their torment in prison of hell which is coming.

Perhaps ordering them all BE GONE in Christ Name might be something spoken.

The point of this all is, there are not many points of radiating Light in this enveloping darkness. The demonic notices these Lights and in my case attempt to murder it by any openings possible, as by God, I am setting up beacons in other places which are being noticed with gathering effects.

I go back to the amusement in this, in the extremely wealthy are in darkness and yet they will not donate what should be done to me and others, to take the pressure off of us in this Spiritual and spiritual warfare, which would save the rich and provide an opportunity for them to "find that Light", but instead satan gives them an eternal death grip on their money to be their god, as they are phobic to donate anything as that money is so much their identity.
Supporting a ministry which is not conventional would unleash what is now pinned down in the brier patch.
I do not know how to explain this to the rich so they would take that step and hit the donate button for me and others, in amounts which are required for their benefit. Money will not save them in donating, as only Jesus will, but money will provide a ministering here WHICH WILL THEN BEGIN A PROCESS OF MORE LIGHT RADIATING IN MORE LOCATIONS, so that the darkness which imprisons America will be rolled back, making it easier for the rich to become settled to find the answers they are searching for.

It is in the example of Ronald Reagan in the brilliant Ashkenaz Jew, Milton Friedman explained in earthly and not Spiritual terms.
Milton related that it did not take an entire elected body of  good people to bring about good. What was required was one good leader like Ronald Reagan with a few other good people, the good being God's people, who then God would work through, and then the empty people in the rich would be filled with good, and then start bringing about good, and those who are evil would then be driven back to the shadows.

That is why real America appeared with Ronald Reagan, as he was God's instrument. He had others who were good attracted to him, and great things were accomplished by God through them.
It is why when President Reagan was gone, that Congress after Newt Gingrich in the Clinton era just became darkness, as darkness was prevailing. George W. Bush tapped into that with the Evangelicals in saying he felt their prayers, and that is what saved him from utter ruin, but he was so beaten at the end that all good had vanished, and this great abyss of darkness now has imprisoned America.

There must be a caveat in this though, as whether it is possessed, shapeshifters or replicants, confronting them is only going to give you trouble as the police state is protecting them, and they have human forms, which if injured is going to get you into prison which is not what you want.
Jesus did not beat on people or demons, but commanded them, and that can be done from a distance in simply starting to command something like, "In the Name of Jesus, Son of God, demons BE GONE, to never return and none to take your place. The Peace of Christ reigns here and I am the Lords, and you have no place here. You are paralyzed and bound in the chains of that Authority with Holy Angels dragging you to imprisonment in hell. God's Will be done!!!!!!!"

The above might cause also a backlash as a power source operating, removing darkness in neutralizing it, may cause more problems as this is war, and a war which will have to be fought out, as some areas where the darkness of powers and evil in high places, is not  going to give up that position easily.

The caveat again being, this is Spiritual and what the few are being noticed for in Light, and not their good looks. If people try anything physical, except in legally defending themselves from a physical attack, this will get the physical law involved and for your sakes, you would be locked up, if you started taking about replicants and such demonic things.
Be wise in the ways of the world, fight things in the Spiritual in activating God and His Christ with the Heavenly Host, as God does not get prosecuted for things.

People need to slow down, unplug from the spiking of the world as they are frazzled, and start commanding in the Name of the Lord, stay with it, as I have found backlashes do take place, but the darkness will yield, but it requires closing doors and it requires a relationship with God more than sitting in pews or donating piles of money to collection plates.

As this winds up, I want to mention something about a person who was featured here in their prayers in mentioning eyes fluttering, and that had to deal with being touched by God in that matrix of Thought.
They mentioned too of praying and feeling a cool breeze upon them. I have had that too at times. It is Spiritual and in my experience it had to do with the ghost of a gal I knew from Ohio who died of cancer. She apparently would come at times and check on me and I could feel that cool presence. She no longer appears, so I assume she went toward the Light, but at that time I was so isolated, I actually was pleased to have her around for company as she had a genuine good heart in a sea of absolute darkness.

A person can always command anything in Jesus Name that if it is God's to accomplish God's Will and if it is darkness, for it to BE GONE and never return. That would answer any question as to what was touching the person, as ghosts can be drawn to Spiritual people in prayer, as you might recall in the movie Ghost in all those people finding a way to communicate, were drawn to a person who could hear them.

I will leave it at that, but always try every spirit as the Bible warns, as some do come as angels of light and are demons. Things are a bit more progressed now with replicants apparently in direct operators and conduits. They are neutralized in the Spiritual as all things generate from that source as Jesus created all from the Spiritual Thought of the Father and it is that Spiritual Breath which gave all life and people to evolve to Life.

God keep each of His in Christ eternal and God's Light move those with money, position and power in this world, to assist God's workings through His children for the making of the crooked path straight in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

agtG 229

I try to do God's Good always as that is all I can do is try as Christ accomplishes all.

Lame Cherry

as an additional note:

Someone did not want this above published, as proof, I posted this and it came up on my computer, showing the Lame Cherry website, and the time stamp being September 21, 2013 at 8:26 AM, West Coast Time.

The spider being clever in making certain to allow me to check for publication, then placed it back into drafts. This would require a physical clicking of a mouse in a human did this.

The proof is real, as you can see this is the page only I can see as administrator in the mechanix tools showing on the post.

Jimmy Hoffa's body was nothing they cared about nor the information of the Reubenites in America, but yet an interesting explanation of events in an American city in replicants was what they took down as they wanted no one to view that particular information.

Lame Cherry proven right again in matter and anti matter or else why would they bother eh ?

Since the revelations of Aaron Alexis in what took place in his demise, the blog has refused to post things in showing continuous errors, and I have to log in using another browser page to check if things post, lest I lose what is posted there.

As it is intended, it is becoming near impossible to post things here.

You rich people, it is evident you are not finding the answers to God in not donating to those worthy, so perhaps that should be a learning curve to do something good so a righteous person would be singing your praises to God to have mercy.

Update Posted 5:30 East Coast Time

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