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Today my children in the universe of matter anti matter of the Lame Cherry, at 11:11 am my clock coordinates check to the dangerous world of the most devastating explosive materials on the planet.

Your being good children and brats, will of course be puzzled over the above in thinking I of course am speaking about my background in being a nuclear detonation expert in the use of those charges or perhaps you will think this is some McGiver thing in microwaves, steel wool and ........whatever.

No my children and bratty brats, the world I bring you into is one which you are birthed into, and it is not the silliness of Tim McVeigh in witches brew things used as cover for bombs inside federal buildings nor for that Andrew Breivik in his laborous concoctions which took away from video game playing.

What if I were to ask what is the largest incindiary device in America? What if I were to ask what is the largest explosive device in America?
I mean to make you think as you will all be incorrect, and I state that not to play that professor game of knowing the answers to things to floofy ploofer myself up, but to stun you to a reality how all of these terrorists leave signatures in forensics in what industry actually trained them as people always go to what they are familiar with or made to be familiar with.

I have told you what the greatest fire starter in America is, and it is thee American combine, a threshing device to seperate gran from husk. The problem is with Monsanto frankenfoods, is the genetic engineered crops are burning up combines in inferno proportions, and you will notice that BATF and E does not list this no more than Homeland's Janet Naps Napolitano as potential terror device.

Now that you might be leaping to the next answer to the explosive device, I will cut you off and state it is not a combine, but it is associated in a grain handling system, called an elevator.

It will surprise you probably even after having heard of grain elevators exploding due to grain dust that dust from agricultural products is one of thee most dangerous and explosive materials on the planet in natural form.
You do not have to add a thing to any of these flours or dusts, and no mixing of them is necessary. They simply explode in burning quickly to fill a space.

I remember the first time I saw an Agriculture Department creation of this in experient in a simple cup of flour, a plastic air tube and a candle burning in a plastic beeker, in being surprised how just adding air to the flour to turn it into suspended dust caused a very large explosion.

Almost any powdered product from cocoa, sugar, flour of any grain, pecan hulls, peanut shells, citrus peals to yeast will detonate into a massive explosion, and have done just that.

You never realize that the largest bomb supply factory is your grocery store in all of these items so common to everyone can be very dangerous if suspended and oxygen is added. Granted irregular particle sizes in powders benefit in the volatility of the product, but the reality is those North Korean bombers in Boston or those planted pressure cooker devices are but devices which leave mind prints of who is behind terror events.

The reality is, when a financial industrial complex funds intelligence agencies and schools those agents, that the same university professors will gravitate toward that product they are most familiar with. Terrorist go toward Nobel prize bomb making supplies, industrial wiring and computer components, because their benefactors are all associative with those magnates.

That is the lesson in this, and not the reality that the above agricultural products are never mentioned in Homeland or FBI warning information.

Do you think when the cartel set up bombings using gun powder, and were attempting to disarm gun owners, that it was deliberate, and that major chemical corporations which produce explosive chemicals which are known like pesticides all over your store shelves.......are never used, that maybe someone did not want their product off the shelf and cutting into profit margins?
But it is the reality, that you do find Nobel dynamite types used in products which allow those products to be monopolized to higher prices.

You do not find agriculture bombs, because it is not agrarians engaged in this staged terrorism. You find though those who profit, educate and back terrorism, having their product structure utilized due to familiarity, as long as it does not affect their profit distribution of that product.

That is called Forensic Psychology as is explained here, in yes the professorship here, exclusive and in Lame Cherry matter anti matter.

I highly doubt this information is ever going to be quoted directly as a research paper in facts, in psychological studies, but it may be stolen as most things are here. It is the reality of what this world is in the leeches sucking the intellect here as their own brain thought.

That is again enough of this filler from the best media available in this world. I did consider this the best blog online, but now it is the best media in all the mediums.
Well praise God for that on slave wage in teaching things never mentioned before nor will be as Inspiration is lacking in this current era.

nuff said


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