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The Par Trois


I conclude it is time to make Rush Limbaugh jump through the hoops again, as I  am amused for a few moments in training this Scripted Mockingbird Elton Blonde to do tricks for me and he always comes on command as he is so easy to trigger.

What this is about is my history with Rush H. Limbaugh, par trois. See Rush has been stealing things from me for years without compensation and that is illegal. He though being a blovenous creation of the world order to manage dolts on the right with his blonde minder, Katherine, just will not pony up the cash as he has been forbidden.
RH, though was made to stop attacking bio fuels by this blog in showing he is an absolute liar in his big oil studies. That made Rusty upset and he kept trying to win that one, and I kept exposing him for the liar he is and shill of the oil baron faction of the cartel.

I exposed Limbaugh often enough for sport as he is an easy mark.

It was this blog that for fun, exposed his programming feature of putting in the worst guest hosts, so when Rush was gone people would be abused, so they would lust for Rush to return and be rewarded when they heard him, as his psychological ploy for audience.
Limbaugh did allot of that really, and it was appearing on liberal things and promoting liberal things on FOX, which were exposed here, that stopped him from that machination too.

See Rush Limbaugh has a great deal going on at the EIB, but it is scripted for him from the elites and in many ways he just walks in like Birther Obama did in looking good.

I noted this past week that Rush made a big deal about "his phones not working" after this blog always questioned why is it only I and others have problems with the regime disrupting our communications.......yes savvy Rush in his "Bristol Palin has no talent" chant fed that bit of buzz to the fringe, so they will believe too he is being watched by the NSA.

In all of this, while Rush is someplace again this Friday, off doing things he can afford on money he was given on my talent, while I sit here poor, to expose Rush Hudson Limbaugh par trois again as this will percolate for four days in being posted about the fruited plain and gain traction which will really irk Rusty.

This is about guest hosts and how Liimbaugh in Tavistock method is still manipulating the audience.

See Rush hauls in that veddy British Mark Steyn or whatever that imports name is spelled as, and there is a psychological manifestation in this as TL says in people think British twerpies are intelligent because of the accent, so men are in awe and Limbaugh women get their panties wet.

You got to get this in Limbaugh with Mark Steyn, gets intelligence in order to offset what this blog outed his former inferior guest hosts, but in being British, he is that odd ball that Americans like to dabble with in a close pelvic thrill, but they will always come running back to dry hump on Rush's hind leg and be grateful to be back in the Ole USA.

It is psychological manipulation and it reveals the depths of the manipulations of the programming Limbaugh has access to in being able to indoctrinate with these methods, that he just can not keep his mouth shut about, as in the Bristol Palin comments, as Limbaugh really does have extremely low self esteem and there is not much there at home as proven by the parade of wives who depart sans cash payment.

This entire structure operates like this. Laura Ingraham in her phobia of strong males, is surrounded like a GAYRRISON by these fag sounding males, who come on mic and fill in for her.
Laura forbid, that any straight woman be allowed near that microphone as a straight, intelligent, attractive woman would skirt off with the Ingraham audience.

Mark Levin in his screeching, finds California types to fill in or old men who like sodomy, to massage the audience and long for Levin's return.

I should not get off message in exposing more of this, as Rusty will get inferiority complex expounded in this being all about him.

The reality is none of these frauds on the right or left ever lets anyone of talent any where near their platform. I remember Maury Povich mentioning how Connie Chung would fix like radar on any female correspondent on television, as the predatory nature of that business always has someone looking to blow the boss for your job.

That brings us to the dilemma now for the Limbaugh dog trick in now the audiences knows they are being manipulated with a British Jack Off. Will the Limbaugh audience be incensed in now demanding an American talented version causing more Limbaugh problems in his eroding market numbers if they audiences is not pacified, which in turn means some Andy Dean type will get their break and break the monopoly Limbaugh has due to Mockingbird.
That is where the rub is in this and the fun takes place, as if Limbaugh does not react, his audience will know that Rush is not that monopolizing product and it will further erode his falling numbers. If he does react, it means extra effort as Limbaugh will create a new nemesis who will supplant him in being an American.

It is a tangled web really, as Limbaugh keeps trying to appeal to real Americans who have figured out what he is up to, and the more he is exposed the worse his position becomes.

I personally think it amusing in the meeting that took place in, "Yeah we have to get good guest hosts, so lets get that Brit in as there is always that native thing going on and sure the listeners will leg tingle like for Obama, but we will keep them as they will always go American".

Yes how do these mic heads in their anti American promotion in never letting straight talented Americans on the air of equal and greater talent, now deal with all of this being exposed.

Yeah Sean Hannity, let's get Michelle Malkin on as she got that Asian thing going on, Rove is a fag and Coulter is a hermaphrodite.....no problem there in competition.

This is about Limbaugh though, and now the cat is out of the bag again. So these lesser hosts can all now be upset about what Rush was up to in not paying his bills.
Look if Sean Hannity pays Limbaugh's bill, I will take his money as much as Levins........I will take Savage's money too in Mike could fund me just like he does people to shoot blacks in Africa, but I would not be shooting blacks.......I get to Africa and me and old Selby are going to bust some Impala for breakfast.
If the natives are hungry, I would not do the UN thing, but instead invest in a license and shoot them a big elephant that was eating their food and all would be pleased.

That should be enough of me wasting my time on the Limbaugh subject as no one really cares. This was just about taking apart the manipulation you have going on with you and you have not figured it out yet. Saves some time in now the rich can.......well donate to some charity for a tax deduction, attend a pew where the preacher will tell them God loves them more than me and then tune into Rush for some horse pee tea which is overpriced they can all suck on and feel superior as that Brit voice makes them all think they are in the company of intelligence.

Mark Steyn has the annoying sound of a chainsaw intelligently revving up in your neighbors yard while Rush Limbaugh has that sound of a blender over mixing pumpkin filling in that neighbor's kitchen not too wittily.

I wonder how that drip drip idea is going to fill people's minds now in everyone will be thinking that Limbaugh does sound like a too full blender and Steyn does sound like a chain saw you hope goes away.......so that annoying blender will return.

Well enough of this as the wogs are about the boma and sundowners are not until sundown, unless you got exiled to Oz, and then it is already time.


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