Che Dorner
The details of Christopher Dorner can be summed up in the reality that this man was a rag doll being shaken between two street dogs in the Obama yard. Someplace in Christopher Dorner is a reality that...
View ArticleRalston Obama
I always have problems with headlines like Country Star.........that is sort of like saying a bullfrog croaking is singing.I do not know what a Mindy McCready is, but apparently her boyfriend liked...
View ArticleObama's Big Pipe
Just an amazing coincidence that a number of United States refineries just happened to shut down for "scheduled maintenance" in February driving up gas prices, in stealing billions from American...
View ArticleHugo bin Laden
There has been a great change in communist lands of the America states with the advent of narco Islamist Barry Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue.Hugo Chavez was infected with a cancer virus specifically...
View ArticleThe Sheep Wolves
My Mom's Pastor group, was talking about his being drawn into a family dispute that he wanted no part of as he was minding his own business. He was lecturing both parents and children to obey their...
View ArticleVeddy Veddy British
You know women are just stupid as men.I mean you have a bimbo blonde who attaches herself to a cripple Olympian, for the psychopathy that she thinks she can control this man meat as he is a gimp. She...
View ArticleStocks to hit 15,000 on Obama manipulation
It is deemed logical in this ego maniacal sociopath named B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, with the volumes of debt cash he has electronically printed that this "historic man" has produced a...
View ArticleThe Viking of Connecticut Hookers
Great news, we now know that the Sandy Hooker, Lanza or whatever his name is, that it according to Connecticut was all Andrew Brevik's fault.Yes, we are told now, that Hooker had data on Brevik and was...
View ArticleLame Cherry Fact Chequer
As per Drudge Report features, I told you that Ohio was flipped in Karl Rove having a fit on FOX on election night, and Roger Ahles knowing Obama stole the election, told him to shut up and then fired...
View ArticleThe Obama Dolls
In 1969, a little over 10 years later a like operation would take place with a subject known as Barry Soetorro Obama in mind conditioning on the MKULTRA protocols, there was in the deserts of...
View ArticleThe Dorner Files: The Dorner in the Details
As this blog is the only source covering this story called Christopher Dorner in the fraud of it all, the historical record continues in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives, until the rest of...
View ArticleBaby and her children
You do not understand my children, as you do not see and can not comprehend what has been built and initiated. It is controlled lightning storm, the bastardization of the ion is beyond...
View ArticleDornergate
As Mike Gallagher struggles with the reality of the LAPD Chief cop now calling for an investigation into the criminal firing of Christopher Dorner, a new reality as this blog has broken ground in must...
View ArticlePistorious Mischief
This Pistorious case is interesting in if the female was a fat ugly Negroid or Coolie, no one would have cared what the gimp did to her. The blonde though gets all the attention, because the men are...
View ArticleAre You a Continentalist
I just turned off Mark Levin, as he is the alternative of the liberal mind constepated for thought and is the intellectual mind of shit for brains on the right.That is not an insult to those on the...
View ArticleBe it known
To those good people this will interest.........I have been in contact with Paypal in an attempt to rectify something which was brought to my attention, as on or about February 15th, the kind people...
View ArticleDr. Germ, your Obama 3 AM is here
As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive...........There is two final legs in the Middle East which must be imploded after Sec. John Kerry delivers Obama's ultimatum in either Assad flees...
View ArticleJoab
This is probably some rebellion against God and not to be mirrored by you my children, but in the Bible, I just do not like the deals that some people got.Jonathan, son of King Saul, gave all for...
View ArticleFor der Kinder
Most of you will not be aware of the racist attack upon Caucasions being engaged in by the Barack Obama regime and his chief overseer Eric Holder in putting those white folks in line.The case involves...
View ArticleWelcome to the Hotel Tapatio
KEEP CALM CHIVE ONWhy is it this blog exclusively is covering the Christopher Dorner story with the facts, and all of you children are doing your worst to impersonate sheeple?RhetoricalIn an era of non...
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