St. Sodom in Peter's Gomorrah
It is interesting to this blog the revelations that the basis for the end of the world, the false prophet, the anti Christ all reside in the anal fissure which developed in the Vatican over a monstrous...
View Articleshadblo
As everyone has their head up their asses, and having left this lay for a time for effect, it is time to deal with Joe and Jill Biden in shotguns for home defense.Joe's advice was for Jill to blast a...
View ArticleMillion Dollar Knowledge
I have been working on something in sprouting vegetables as I have a difficult time with it in something called a cold house.Is the reason I do not like tomatoes in sprouting them, as I go through non...
View ArticleNotorious Kim Jong Un
This blog has assisted feudalist Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, as that girl really needed assistance with everyone tying his shoes for her...........WARNS US: 'MISERABLE DESTRUCTION!'In that...
View ArticleGet Your Free Islam Here
I was looking at free downloads and saw they had a free Koran reciter.It made me wonder if this is what B. Hussein Obama has playing in the background when he tries to get Chris Stevens kidnapped for a...
View ArticleAmerican Blasphemy: Tawakkaltu Ala-Allah
It is interesting in the Facebook ads which the spiders have evolved to......and no I'm not on Facebook as Lame Cherry, as I did that and it was a mistake in the few assholes who back stabbed, stalked,...
View ArticleBeat His Ass
If one reviews the Wise and foolish writings of King Solomon, a psychological profile appears, not just of Solomon, but of his son, Rehoboam.At base in this, Solomon is constantly telling Rehoboam to...
View ArticleThe Obama Republican
For those who concluded that Chuck Hagel is thee dumbest ass to come out of the central United States, think again as there is a candidate that makes Chuck Hagel look like a brainster.Yes the spawn of...
View ArticlePhillip Marshall
As Wayne Madsen and John B. Wells have sworn to not let this story drop, some explanation is required to deal with the protocols in the quadruple homicide of investigative journalist, Phillip...
View ArticleThe E Bomb
There are discussions in the Obama regime on ledger protocols, that a Geithner withdrawal of Treasury dumps (illegal) propping up the Stock Market could be engaged and blamed on the GOP for the...
View ArticleI have played the keyboard
You should all perpare for the time when you will be paupers of the field, rich and poor alike equal in poverty.When a mansion will be a cumberance and a dugout in the ground with a fire will be a...
View ArticleThe Obamaside Chat
In 1977 Jimmy Carter tore down the Imperial Presidency. He greeted America with not an FDR fireside chat, but haunted about the fires like a moth to a flame in an old dead looking sweater too large...
View ArticleIs Christopher Dorner alive
How hard would it have been for Christopher Dorner to hit the pause button on life and fake his own death?As only this blog has been investigating any of this, the reality is the KCCO, Keep Calm Chive...
View ArticleTo Felonious Tides
My children, this is something in matter anti matter exclusive which you should not speed read, as it is important. It is something to not go half cocked on either.Almost a year ago, which you can...
View ArticleMr. Kim Kardahsian
Mr. Kim they call him.This blog has had a rethink in Kayne West, of why does George Bush hate black people, as George W. Bush's son, Barack Hussein Obama on steroids really does hate black people.Look...
View ArticleHeaven is
For many people, Heaven is the black and white of lazy in people are here or they are in Heaven, and they neglect the transition of Jesus 1000 year Sabbath reign when all of this comes to an end of an...
View ArticleThe abomination which makes Desolate
It was after the assassination of King Seleucus of Asia by Heliodorus, Antiochos Epiphanes being the younger brother, that a Simon of the priestly course of Bilgah, who was Temple superintendent had a...
View ArticleGuess which Peter is coming to dinner
It is time my children to visit that which was, for what is and what will be. For in it, it will explain a great deal of what only this blog has revealed exclusively in matter anti matter as the whores...
View ArticleI'm too sexy for my Putin
Chuck Hagel or Sec. of Offensiveness at the Pentagon takes over from that twister Leon Panetta who made a career of slaughtering Americans and Muslims, low lighted by the atrocious murder of Americans...
View ArticleAmerikan Gothic
Why can not we all just get along, after all this is the historic era of all things Brack Hussein Obama in blackness in the end of racism, bigotry and division, in the hope of the Nobel Peace and the...
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