There are discussions in the Obama regime on ledger protocols, that a Geithner withdrawal of Treasury dumps (illegal) propping up the Stock Market could be engaged and blamed on the GOP for the sequester.
The weighing of this is based upon the gearing of the Wall Street insiders having enough e cash in order to JP Morgan the markets further in complete monopoly of small business traders. If you do not comprehend this, America is a Nazi state in the conglomerates in they are all businesses of the state doing Obama's bidding, and Geithner litearlly has turned them into state enterprises as in the "investers" are the hidden majorities which are basically the "shadowlands".
It is a simple thing in this graduated from CIA money infusions like Bill Ayers old man in Chicago being part of the Industrial Intelligence Complex. It is now a matter like Mark Zuckerberg that the government approaches a nerd in promising money in exchange for security control. It benefits the twerp and the company is worth a fortune as masses are herded to sue the monopoly product in being spied upon and defrauded of money.
A "panic" is what is the concern in this from Obama, which he does want as rioters marching through the streets blaming Boehner is exactly the backdrop he wills. Obama though does not want his legacy disrupted in being a Jimmy Carter of misery index, and wills to be FDR of the fear itself factor.
That is what has been behind the John Kerry and Barack Obama threats for the past weeks in Congress is the threat and not communists. The blackmail has been that Obama will collapse things, and do it globally and stick this right to the GOP which will never unglue.
The ledger points to a repeal of term limits on Obama, being effective immediately. Two options are on board in Holder will file an emergency court appeal to that fraud John Roberts who will set asside the Constitutional Amendment on some grounds of infringment to tweak the gun owners, along with the other Obama frauds on the court.
The second literally is to put it on an immediate national vote, which of course is as rigged as the the 2008 and 2012 elections and Obama would literally have it passed by a huge margin, and hint that "this was his 3rd term vote" and due to economic upheaval, no 2016 elections would be necessary due to the GOP has wasted enough money already.
Boehner has been informed of this and his patrician backers know that they have enough monetary assets from money dumps to Wall Street to benefit. It is factored into this by the Rovians that this would wipe out the Tea Party individuals too, and leave only Jeb Bush in that fortune to stand in the streets and demand "free and fair" elections as this proceeds to a civil war manifestation as intended.
Those in power do not want elections and those backing those in power do not want elections, even fraud elections as they give the people the illusion they can do something. It has reached a point that with drones as WASPS, small drones armed with serin drops, that a 24 hour hunting plague could protect the powers that be.
See when this blog informed you that HW Bush built Skynet as in Terminator, the powers did not go "big" as in cyborg Arnolds, but instead went plague small as thousands of drones being the mother ships for millions of Fahrenheit 451 poison injecting bugs would be the way to handle armed mobs.
I told you to stop looking at the gun issue, as shadowlands can murder you with germ warfare or selectively hunt you with dragon fly bugs that hunt constantly, recharge on solar power and visual ID you off your driver's license or Face Book, asd with Obama putting in that census GPS on every home, you can have your guns, because you are no match for these bugs.
About the time you "think" you can use netting, they will have mosquito sized drones with titanium needs that can penetrate body armor.
The Stock Market like the Mexican like the sodomite, has finite purpose which time runs out on. Only need illusions of prosperity as long as an armed populace must be kept at bay and Obama needs the electric on for television and to keep the Asian hordes at bay.
See is that nasty nuclear stuff yet, in that pollution keeps this from engaging which is the last salvation now as it always has been. Is why Obama wants it gone, as his next gen warfare can wipe everyone one cleanly, and the only problem is corpse clean up.
They have worked on that in a quick feeding decomposition substance which can be sprayed on.
I digress as this was about the discussion of an E bomb, or economic bomb in the feasablity of it in el presidente for life Obama.
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