My Mom's Pastor group, was talking about his being drawn into a family dispute that he wanted no part of as he was minding his own business. He was lecturing both parents and children to obey their roles and not be a part of this angry generation.
Fittingly I came across a first hand account of how well the conditioning of Americans is and the fury that is inside them all.
You will note I'm no fan of the outdoors franchise Cabelas. It gouges consumers, is full of 2008 corporate rejects and in psychological profile, it is erupting with problems.
To explain this, most of you have filled out those idiot questionnaires that companies have in the first phase of a job application. That is a psychological test. As my brother states, you put down the things you think they want to hear, and not what you think.
There is a Cabelas I have learned that fired an employee this past week, whose response was to utter the phrase, "I'm going to get a gun and come a back and shoot all of you!"
That is a terroristic threat under Patriot Act and you will notice that Cabelas did not report this, as it would be bad for business. They have done nothing to arm or protect their employees or customers.
Doing this would bring publicity and be bad for business in this age of Obama Hookers Jokers and Dorners.
What fascinates me is this. Cabelas has been having major problems in management and staff. They like hiring retired military people on part time, so as to not have to pay things for them and just the meager wages.
In that, Cabelas has a psychological test, that is supposed to weed out those on edge, and yet their psychiatric tests have literally been recruiting hosts of people who are the fringe of society in bad behavior.
I do not mean to say all Cabelas employees are on the edge, but what I do relate is this, that a well financed psychiatric test that industry uses, is now missing people across the board who are on edge and are acting out without triggers in chemical or radar.
Think about that reality in America is now a society that the Tavistock methods have created an entire minority group which has been triggered.
Even with tons of fluoride to tone all the brats down, they are still erupting in major spikes of bad behavior.
This is what those leftists like Reno and Holder were instigating in the Clinton years, in putting people on lists for terror. They knew there were societal breakdowns being initiated 20 years ago, but they did not happen, even with Clinton burning children alive at Waco.
Something though in pressures has changed the psychological response in Americans under Obama. It is not a white thing, but it is Treyvon Martin going ballistic to Asians, Latins, Whites etc.... in groups who are sreaming at you in traffic to having a continuous fury on.
This is by design and it is triggering in economic pressures and the dark forces which Obama is employing to stay in power so the anti Christ will bring the false pacification of the world for a few years.
My personal fascination in this is the exclusive in the psychological paradigm of testing by those who weed out the fringe is broken. Their test is no longer recognizing problems which it should. That is most interesting in what has been done. People are in a state of lawlessness and it is in society now.
I have used the Theodore Roosevelt example in psychological expression in, a man in Illinois in 1880 could be someone who flirted with women, gave candy to children, lifted an item from the store or get into arguments with his neighbor.
That same man though placed on the liberty of the Great Plains in the west, would transform into a rapists, a child molester, a robber and a murderer. Without the constraints of society, these types would be as savage as the Indian.
Note this, this is now under Obama taking place IN SOCIETY, and in reality, the urban areas packed with people are the ignition point now with the rural people not acting out as they have generational liberty conditioned into them to behave, as misbehavior meant they died by weather etc...
I recall a 1979 study I read, that has been wiped from the books, but behaviorists studied rats in dense population centers of overcrowding and found that in close proximity, they became homosexuals. That study of course has been destroyed, but it revealed the major cause of perverted misbehavior was jamming people into close quarters and they begin abnormal behavior.
If you can handle it, the reason southern people got into so much trouble in family sex, riotous misbehavior etc... is because they unlike northern people, did not have to expend energy to cache food, chop wood and survive for 7 months out of the year in a season called winter.
The reason Americans are at base such horrid people, is because urban areas have taken away all the constraints for misbehavior, in needing to expend energy to keep warm or fed. It has now all been provided, so people have the luxury of stewing about their arousal to their anger.
I have a neighbor who is a royal asshole. When he arrived here from another state, he was good and I befriended him and his family to saving them a time or two. Others were having problems with him, but I never did.
Last year he cheated me, and while I state I never had a problem with him, the problems did include his shooting my cats or running them over.
Now of course he is on my shit list, and will come before God as these people are fringe in major problems erutping in one son is on meth and I just stay clear of the eruption they are building.
The point in this is simple in people on the margins are now gonig out of control in misbehavior. Testing that should reveal vast problems are not picking up things in "normal" sheep, as that is what those tests are designed for is to locate people who will not cause problems, follow orders and all have that "state employee look" in being penis heads.
You know what I mean, in you can see the type in all of your state governments from law enforcement to any agency, and there are an "asshole brain dead type", who just look Lindsey Graham off in the head, like they are half asleep.
Those tests, along with college indoctrination produces there switch flippers who just follow commands and treat people poorly so they do not come back asking for help.
This of course is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive. Most important in all of this as the Tavistock Stanford conditioning of the masses, have now under Obama fractured the psyches of growing flocks of sheep whose first impulse is now in American lawlessness to act out violently.
Today it is threats in Cabelas and a few days ago it was police burning up Chris Dorner. The TEST that was designed to find the mind controlees for jobs, is now finding those controlees are the ones initiating violence.
Forensic psychological trends first and only here.
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