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Hugo bin Laden


There has been a great change in communist lands of the America states with the advent of narco Islamist Barry Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue.

Hugo Chavez was infected with a cancer virus specifically designed for him. It all came about when Chavez decided to piss on Obama in handing Barry Chin that book at the OAS meeting.
That cancer was designed to mutate into other areas and keep popping up, in fact responding like cancer was a fertilizer to it.....all to torture that IndiaSpaniard for his pissing on B. Hussein in public.

Obama or his benefactors of the feudal lords booted olde Fidel from Cuba and made his brother enact capitalist measures to make things more profitable. See the old Rothschild in Karl Marx managing communism for the plunder of nations and enslavement of people just was not producing enough profit for the overthrow of the world. Marxists the world over now must pony up to the slave trade and show black in the bottom line.
Not all can be like Kim Jong Un in trading Korean girls to Chicom peckers as part of the debt package. No one wants big assed Latin or Black women in the skin trade. Koreans just got that thing going on and of course the Vietnamese are paying their debt with oil and not ass.

I do honestly feel sorry for that Hugo Chavez though in being a nation rapist. He ruined Venezuela as a pre Obama, but like Fidel, one just sort of liked having those mad caps about, even if it sucked being the one in the dungeons they never let see the light of day.
Chavez was the message to the 3rd world. Uncle Fidel ruined Cuba, but did not piss on Barry Chin.....so he just got cancer and retirement with his brother running things for the feudal lords. Chavez got too cocky and had to be made an example of.

Hugo never knew that kitty scratch is how he got his viral cancer in his bubonic soup.....ok so was bacterial soup, but it sounded better the other way. Just an inoculation by claw and the next thing you know, Obama had this macabre stage act to watch on Fox and al Jazeera. It is something in these types setting down with a bag of Cheetos and orange crotch getting off on seeing bald Hugo waste away in Cuba and knowing it was your Dr. Germs who did it.

You did notice that after Obama murdered bin Laden's corpse that Dr. Zawahiri the communist was left to rule al Qaeda now did you not......just as this blog said would take place after Obama bluster.
Obama has been installing his own Marxist Muslims, and Zawahiri is Putin's boy out of Chechnya mind warping.......I do hope that the Doc is not going to eat a missile now in this blog bringing up an Obama cuddle of a terrorist from 9 11. The world needs more physicians and can not be killing off the ones it has with Obamacare.
Perhaps Zawahiri could say he was now a Secular Muslim, repentent, having seen the Mahdi in the well and has now gained an Obama pardon, and will be running pain pill distribution in New York for Michael Bloomberg in Obamacrypt.

Everyone would win then, as who would not want Dr. Zawahiri treating you for Obama.

Bill Clinton breaks an ankle......the Doc just cuts it off Muslim style.

Hillary's brain explodes and the Doc just cuts it off Muslim style.........all pain ends and no need for expensive medications.

Where was I?

Yes this was a lament for Hugo Chavez, el presidente for shortened life due to Obama cancer virus in bacterial gestation pool.
Hugo should have bowed to Obama at the OAS......at least offered up some Spanish whores for the Obama Secret Service on reduced rates via the BATF. Then all would be well with Hugo and Caracas would still be that sunny vista on a mount coming up from the ocean......still with highwaymen, but is much nicer to be robbed in Venezuela than in most localities.
I have always judged in the Latin American scale of women that Venezuelan women were the most beautiful. Argentina follows closely with a mix of the guays and Chileans on the west coast. Is a shame that Hugo has all those beautiful women to cry for him when he goes tits up, but not really any tears for Venezuela or remorse for Obama infecting him.

I really would like to be rule of Venezuela. It would be better than a bey of New Mexico as Obama has not ponied up on that deal for me. I could ride those lean Spanish thoroughbreds in my Simon Bolivar chic coat......and I do mean equines and not women, even if I'm often mistaken by lipstick lesbians as one of their own.
I could make South America work......I mean really unite it to a nice one nation under me, with liberty and justice for all, by God.  I would make them speak English, import some more European blood to pretty them up like Venezuelans and gaucho my way into the 21st century of civilizing it all.

Perhaps the next Hugo Chavez will convince the feudal lords he is the historic one, and when a white haired Obama pisses on him, then one of John Robert's Nazi children's relatives will be the one from Berlin giving Barry Chin the same Hugo treatment in what comes around goes around.

Yes Hugo the smell of sulfur has the scent now of singed radioactive decay. There are rules in this though. Putin never had to have sex with Obama, but he got eastern Europe.Doc Zawahiri just had to keep mum on bin Laden's corpse and he got al Qaeda........al Jazeera likes Obama and got Al Gore's propaganda network. It all works out when one is top of the heap in the garbage pile they are in.
There was just too much garbage in the Latin states, so Hugo was expendable by germ.

He should have just said how nice Obama looked with that vulva hair on his upper lip while in Cairo. It is what all the Muslims said when Obama came home. Girls like Obama always like compliments in their sex organs being well trimmed, especially the whiskers off the upper lips as no sodomite likes having a whisker burn on his balls.......and Obama does get busy when he gets busy........perhaps is the reason he stopped wearing shoe polish on his head, as his whisker burns were cutting the skin and all that rubbing was leaving a tattoo embedded marks on all his sex partners.

Yes Barack Obama is like one big tattoo parlour, in his whiskers are the needle and his head mop is the dye.

Hugo though being nuclear bald does not have that problem........I do wonder though about all those Obama bite marks as those kind of Obama tattoos are a bitch to get the shoe polish out of.

One wonders in the first tenure of B. Hussein how many leaders went tits up........and how many will succumb in the following years who think they are indispensable like Hugo Chavez once thought.

Oh you don't know about cancer potions? Sorry, I forgot to explain that from my past brier patch manifestation. See cancer is engineered to test cell regeneration in the masses...pets now too, as apparently the feudal lords want long living pets.....immortal pooches and pussies in vaccine testing.

Where was I?

OK so you got cancer viral agents, and they grow in a bacterial acidic soup......for a home and they then feed on sugars while replicating quickly. Pretty simple stuff, and if you kill the acid soup bacteria with a base structure, then the cancer virus goes tits up, instead of Hugo.

Enough shop talk...What do you think I am a genetic scientist who worked for a bug lab? Aristocrats do not work.....they Fraulein have hobbies like baby and the plasmas.

I still feel bad for radioactive Hugo. He......well he never murdered anyone close I knew or stole their kitties. Everyone deserves better than Obama though.

Obamacide is never a pretty way for any despot to go.

agtG 255y

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