As per Drudge Report features, I told you that Ohio was flipped in Karl Rove having a fit on FOX on election night, and Roger Ahles knowing Obama stole the election, told him to shut up and then fired Closet Karl.
This is Ohio of GOP John Kasich and there was more damn fraud there than Chicago. First Romney stole it from Santorum and then Obama stole it from Romney on election theft eve.
I told you all of this, and now the reports are coming out. Obama is illegitimate and worked the numbers he had to in vote flipping, surpressing votes and these voters stuffing ballot boxes.
REPORT: Ohio Poll Worker May Have Voted SIX TIMES...
Second point, I told you that assassinated Aaron Swartz was being tracked and set up for the "suicide" which took him out, as the boy like Andrew Breitbart could not keep his mouth shut and started to leverage people in the know who have overthrown America.
FBI tracked internet activist...
It all plays out and comes out eventually. The Sandy Hooker fraud, the ghost of Chris Stevens in ANALGATE and the coming exclusive tomorrow on Christopher Dorner.
Lame Cherry proven right again as the stories are dropped confirming the exclusives posted here time and again.
nuff said.
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