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The Obama Dolls


In 1969, a little over 10 years later a like operation would take place with a subject known as Barry Soetorro Obama in mind conditioning on the MKULTRA protocols, there was in the deserts of California known by the chief control as Helter Skelter.

The reason this blog is revisiting all of this, is one of Mockingbird's fledgling operations, Mike Gallagher who likes robing himself in Jesus, Reagan and Conservatism has been lying a great deal about the Christopher Dorner situation, and there are indications that the pre election 2012 "nigger wilding" staged by Obama and black gangs, but exposed here, is being fueled on the "right" now in the obscene statements Gallagher has been sowing as he appeals to the redneck and spreads absolute falsities from Dorner to now the Branch Davidians, in making that child incineration a "law enforcement" operation.

There is a danger in this now as forces are gearing to ramp up the gun people on the right into "actions", and for that reason this blog will weigh in and explain the behind scenes to expose all of this and in hope cut off the operation as it has been successful in stopping other operations.

This will all be exclusive of the Lame Cherry matter anti matter, never before revealed.

Too many times, the CIA is blamed for operations, when the CIA within a decade after it's inception was becoming a front for other operations, which included Paper Clip diaspora, from Nazi Germany, who needed recreation and had the connections to run operations off book for the company in live field experiments.

There were in the 1960's live field experiments in transforming the Christian society of America, yes the term "Judeo Christian" was one of the Mockingbird protocols by a specific Jewish interest to secure funding for the Israeli state and give them cover from anti Semitism, and this involved the rock culture introducing the narcotics trade of olde.
This was done to increase profits by mainstreaming the international drug trade monopoly, and was extremely successful in the lucrative American markets.

Into this, a fringe of fringe operative arose as a charismatic. He was connected to the Process Church, a satellite of the company studying certain mind control situations in cult like following.
His name was Charles Manson and was connected to CIA fringe intelligence and the narcotics trade.
Manson's vision was Helter Skelter in having the nigger rise up in murderous rampage, whereby a race war would take place, and Manson would then arise as a "messiah" and take control with others from the nigger who Manson knew was incapable of managing anything.

The problem is the Afriod has no semblance for anything but rioting and looting. Their mentality is one of response to sex, drugs and games. They are not fit as Obama found out to do anything of lengthy service.
This is what prompted Charles Manson and the family to act out in they were going to start Helter Skelter, but even Manson was motivated by reason.

Reason for Manson was really at base virtuous, and that is just how his mind triggered. Manson struck two distinct groups he judged as worthy of death.
The first was the LaBianca wealthy group which was part of the narcotics trade and gambling debts. The second was the wealthy group of Sharon Tate, who was involved in kiddy porn.

This was interesting as Manson was a sex pervert and drug contractor, and orders were given in this to appeal to Manson's race war rule, and the under ruling was Manson's family being sent out to butcher competitors.

Manson was driving a Mercedes two days after the Tate murders. The car belonged to the west coast LSD king pin, Ronald Stark a CIA connected Mosaad traced international narcotics trader.

You must comprehend in this the workings of the shadowlands and the operational control, of funding, programmes and management of the contraband fields for the cartel. It is nothing for a Bill Ayers whose father is a Chicago mogul to be a Jesse Jackson type mole riding herd over a specific group. If you can handle it, Rush Limbaugh due to his fathers Conservative circles, in a Mockingbird fledgling from the Bill Casey days of ABC Cap Cities, was tapped for managing the right wing media.

The things of MKULTRA did not disappear. Not everything in America is Christian virtue. Some dabble in the occult and they move through various genre. The Manson family had movies just like the Cielo Drive epics were filmed which included Sharon Tate.
Yes, the most gorgeous woman in the world, was doped, conditioned, gang sexed and filmed in sadism. No different than the Manson women drinking blood and dancing around a decapitated head.

When this blog tells you that Laura Logan's gang rape was recorded, after being intitiated, that exists like all of this exists as there is a group which amuses themselves in watching it all. It is part of the underground of the shadowlands.

Son of Sam might trigger a memory in some. That was the 44 magnum killer on the steps of Dirty Harry, blasting people in New York. That was the same satellite fringe group moving through society and protected with the same satanic and ULTRA operations carrying out the operations.
From 1976 to 1977, David Berkowitz took on Son of Sam. He would mention an Arliss Perry, mutilated at Stanford University, a recent Christian from North Dakota who had been trying to save satanists.
North Dakota would arise again in an associate on a military base of Berkowitz's, John Carr, who died of "suicide", but someone scratched 666 into the dried blood on his hand.

There was a Manson II in this, a William Mentzer who was a body guard of Larry Flynt, the pornster, and who was in the lead in this, including snuff films for the shadowlands.
This group were contractors in murder for hire as well as the entertainment wing of the shadowlands.

All of this bubbles under the surface and then erupts time and again, even if offshoots never make the news.

The 1990's saw the Clinton paradigm in which a form of Helter Skelter was unleashed directly from the government which Mike Gallagher is lying about. The Clinton's had a troubling nature as this blog had reported then of not having any degrees of seperation from the Murder Inc. and the murders. Their direct contacts time and again were being slaughtered in plain site and it was being covered up. That entire period from Chandray Levi knowing  too much about Timothy McVeigh to Vince Foster and Ron Brown, murdred over money trouble bitching.

As has been posted here, the BATF was the operational hub for this in the Branch Davidians of David Koresch who was smeared and is still being smeared by Mike Gallagher.
The big point was Koresch was sexing young girls. This is the formula in Mockingbird of "the evil of evil's, the reason being raping children in the shadowlands is their highest order perversion.

The reality is Koresch was singled out, because his home structure was vulnerable to be made an example of. The Clintons venturing out of the shadowlands decided to make a war on Reagan's Christian Moral Majority to fracture it, which with the Bush people they succeeded, as the Bush crowd detests these Chrsitians as much in telling them to shut up and go away.
The same attack on the Christians was carried out by Barack Hussein Obama in the ANALGATE smear in another shadowlands contracted film appeared on YouTube and was an operation trying to suck in Christians to blame them in Obama's election theft of 2012.

As will be repeated, just because these operations were run once, does not mean they are not operational and still in operation, and repeated. The patterns expose them as Obama is initiating the same patterns, because Eric Holder is the operational manager from the Clinton era working the Obama ledger files.

Clinton Reno and Eric Holder initiated the "Kill Christ" operations that centered around the Branch Davidians.
That farce was a show of force to intimidate and smear Koresch with child rape. The BATF could have simply served the warrant as Koresch was in the city often, but they chose a media event and a firefight ensused. That is how the state police got killed in a deliberate operation.

This became highly illegal when Gen. Wesley Clarke ordered tanks to attack the Davidians, and the deliberate incineration of the evidence that the BATF opened fire. That is why the compound was burned down and the survivors murdered as dead men tell no tales.

The same was the Ruby Ridge operation, aimed at white Idaho separatists. It was once again this DEA type BATF operation which had the government in a surprise attack shoot a family pet, and then in ensuing days trying to murder the witnesses, blow the head off a mother while she held her daughter, and the child was left to crawl around in her mother's brains and blood for days.
Randy Weaver in this case was exonerated, and the government forced to pay him a huge sum due to brilliant defense attorney, Gerry Spence.

In like case, Oklahoma City was another BATF operation, which provided explosives from a mole, under the operational oversight of Southern Poverty Law Center, a self funded shadowlands operation, in which bombs were stored in the Murrah Building, and that is what went off in the truck explosion.
There were Saddam Hussein Iraqi operatives involved from Bush41 importation, as much as the surviving McVeigh, along with Terry Nichols turning over explosives with fingerprints of the BATF mole who supplied the munitions to him.

The Obama machinations have been all the things the Bush43 group were accused of. Granted the Clinton Rove attack in Plamegate to impeach Dick Cheney, destroy Alberto Gonzales, as Bush43 suffered from the attacks, because he decided to take the Saddam golden goose from the cartel in the old world order, was part of continuing operations, that were more international including 9 11..........an event which snared Bush43 as they pulled those towers down to save lives, and forever were blackmailed by that bit of intelligence.

I digress...........

Obama from day one embarked on a "Kill Christian" operation as Hutratree was instigated in early 2009 and left until 2010 in order to derail the coming Tea Party revolt.
The "silent runnings" of Obama have included a host of dead in those who knew of his Passport irregularities and were murdered, to the international events of the purchase of bin Laden's corpse, an event structure which Andrew Breitbart discovered in hacking and was murdered.
That digital also is available from the bar cam to the event of turning puffy pnk.

All of this is shadowlands, and while Obama's forefront has been in the murder of Muslims, certain operations as Sandy Hook and the Batman Joker come to the forefront, in the Batman was connected by family to the 2008 Obama collapse in tracking that and Sandy Hook was once again dope, child sex and things managed out of control for a Treyvon Martin, Obama policy being ensued.

Sometimes a Christopher Dorner appears that the shadowlands in that California Manchurian drug control operation which has this group "leveraging" Obama over his thinking he is the grande master in the rites when he is but the breeder boy making the way crooked for the one who is to come.
Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin grabbed someone's wand, sat in someone's chair, and ate someone's porrage, and they were most displeased from the inside looking out, so the masters taught a lesson in power management as Obama shuffles along in that ledger, performing as the puppet on the string the agenda he is in place to complete.

For the most part this operational structure was enlisted to attack the outside in the American era. It has though in these castes been directed more often at the Americans in those contractors do not just stand around doing nothing, but are busy about their father's business.

This is a large operation. Some "things" of the arts must be "fed" in practice to maintain the rites, and keep the contractors entertained to entertain the masters. This melds often in those initiated into power as Congress people who are vocal Americans, and suddenly disappear and one can notice changes in them, in their being scared and something in them has changed.
The same type of conditioning that transforms Obama in tune ups from the dope head 3rd worlder to the illusion of Obama are the same psychological rapes key people in power are terror infused to gain control over them.

Imagine for a moment, your worst nightmare with all those emotions, and you awake and it was real, and you did those things, and there is a digital of it. That nightmare can be triggered daily in a cell phone code entered in from anywhere in the world to a sonic radiowave to a radar pulse. It grinds the soul down in uncovering new flesh to rip at, and by this control is maintained in this abuse.

All types of things are constantly being spiked in mass, in group and individual. They strike anyone in the protocols whether it is John Heinz to secure that Conservative fortune to Hillary Clinton to teach her husband a lesson over uranium sales. It is better than chess. It is their own private Idaho of drama. The grande show of the aphrodisiac of power.
It is criminal minds entertainment and why the masters put it onto television to teach you, for in teaching, they inspire a cast who surprises them, as they desire that too in going to the theater and finding the unsuspected.

The Vulcans watch. Some of my friends are Vulcans.

Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie
Two dozen blackbirds have you ever heard such a thing
Alive they went hacked away by and by
Now was not that a dainty dish to set before a king

Go ask Alice............

agtG 221

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